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The Oxford handbook of children and the law / edited by James G. Dwyer.
New York, NY : Oxford University Press, [2020]
xii, 941 pages ; 26 cm
Legal status, laws, etc
United States
Dwyer, James G., 1961-
Oxford handbooks
[More in this series]
Summary note
"The Oxford Handbook of Children and the Law presents cutting-edge scholarship on a broad range of topics covering the life course of humans from before birth to adulthood, by leading scholars in law, medicine, social work, sociology, education, and philosophy, and by practitioners in law and medicine. An international collection of authors presents and analyzes the law and science pertaining to reproduction; prenatal life (including fetal exposure to toxic substances and abortion); parentage (including biology-based rights, background checks on birth parents, adoption, the status of gamete donors, and surrogacy); infant development and vulnerability; child maltreatment (including corporal punishment and religious defences to abuse and neglect); child protection policy and systems; foster care; child custody disputes between parents or between parents and other caregivers; schooling (including financing, resegregation, religious expression in public schools, at-risk students, special education, regulation of private schools, and homeschooling); delinquency; minimum-age laws; and child advocacy. Most chapters follow a format wherein they first describe the most debated or dynamic issues in each topical area, then explain in depth the law and/or science pertaining to the author's particular focus, and finally offer arguments and recommendations as to law and policy in that area. The normative component aims to advance discussions and debates in vital areas of contemporary child welfare law and policy. It is an essential resource for scholars and professionals interested in the intersection of children and the law"-- Provided by publisher.
Series from book jacket.
Bibliographic references
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Children and the Law : An Introduction / James G. Dwyer
The Regulation of Reproduction and Best Interests Analysis / I. Glenn Cohen
When Does a Right to Life Arise? / Lynn D. Wardle
"Of Sound Mind and Body" : A Call for Universal Drug Screening for All Newborns / Frank E. Vandervort and Vincent J. Palusci
The Neurobiology of Childhood Psychosocial Adversity / Anne E. Berens, Sarah K. G. Jensen, and Charles A. Nelson
Legislation in Search of "Good-Enough" Care Arrangements for the Child : A Quest for Continuity of Care / Marinus H. van IJzendoorn, Marian J. Bakermans-Kranenburg, Robbie Duschinsky, and Guy C. M. Skinner
Screening Potential Parents / James G. Dwyer
Procreation and Parenting / Katharine K. Baker
The ART of Parentage / Naomi Cahn
Adoption Versus Alternative Forms of Care / Brian Sloan
Race and the Adoption of Children / Ralph Richard Banks
Children in Fragile Families / Sara McLanahan, Kate Jaeger, and Kristin Catena
Protection of the Health of Newborns : Whatever Happened to Baby Doe? / Robert Van Howe
Corporal Punishment and the Law in Global Perspective / Joan E. Durrant
Addressing Childhood Trauma : Phenomena as a Roadmap to Response / Steven Marans, Hilary Hahn, and Carrie Epstein
Disputes Over Medical Treatment for Children / Jonathan Herring
Children's Right to Privacy / Ayelet Blecher-Prigat
The Child Protection System / Richard J. Gelles
Contested Child Protection Policies / Elizabeth Bartholet
How Federal Laws Pertaining to Foster Care Financing Shape Child Welfare Services / Jill Duerr Berrick and Daniel Heimpel
Equal Parenting Time : The Case for a Legal Presumption / William V. Fabricius
Relational Parents : When Adults Receive Rights in Children Because of Their Relationship with a Parent / Robin Fretwell Wilson
The Changing Landscape of Funding Public Elementary and Secondary Education in the United States / R. Craig Wood
School Accountability / Morgan Polikoff and Shira Korn
Race and Education : School Desegregation and Resegregation since Brown and Promising Avenues toward Integration / Raquel Muñiz and Erica Frankenberg
Children's Religious Freedom in State Schools : Exemptions, Participation and Education / Myriam Hunter-Henin
The Supreme Court has Spoken : The Potential Impact of Decisions Interpreting U.S. Federal Statutes on the Education of Students with Disabilities / Thomas Hehir
Proposed Policies to Reduce Weapons in Schools : Based on Research from an Ecological Conceptual Model / Rami Benbenishty and Ron Avi Astor
Children at Risk of School Dropout / Lucinda Ferguson
The Intersection between Schools and the Criminal Justice System / Jason P. Nance
Private School Regulation : Individual Rights and Educational Responsibilities / Jeffrey Shulman
Legislators Should Eliminate Religious Exemptions from Laws Protecting Children / Marci A. Hamilton and Leslie C. Griffin
Considerations for Policymaking Affecting Adolescents in the Liberal Democracy / Vivian E. Hamilton
Children and Juvenile Justice Law : The Possibilities of a Relational-Rights Approach / Kathryn Hollingsworth
Gender, Justice, and Youth Development / Francine T. Sherman
Children's Participation in Decisions about Parenting Arrangements / Patrick Parkinson and Judy Cashmore
Reforming Child Welfare / Marcia Robinson Lowry
The Promises and Pitfalls of Constitutionalizing Children's Rights / Conor O'Mahony
Afterword / James G. Dwyer
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9780190694395 (hardcover)
0190694394 (hardcover)
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The Oxford handbook of children and the law / edited by James G. Dwyer.
The Oxford handbook of children and the law / edited by James G. Dwyer.