Terms of trade : glossary of international economics / Alan V. Deardorff.

Deardorff, Alan V. [Browse]
Second edition.
Singapore : World Scientific, [2014]
1 online resource (xv, 599 pages)


Library of Congress genre(s)
Summary note
Have you ever wondered what a term in international economics means? This useful reference book offers a glossary of terms in both international trade and international finance, with emphasis on economic issues. It is intended for students getting their first exposure to international economics, although advanced students will also find it useful for some of the more obscure terms that they have forgotten or never encountered. Besides an extensive glossary of terms that has been expanded about 50% from the first edition, there is a picture gallery of diagrams used to explain key concepts such as the Edgeworth Production Box and the Offer Curve Diagram in international economics. This section is followed by over 30 lists of terms that occur a lot in international economics, grouped by subject to help users find terms that they cannot recall. Prior to an enlarged bibliography is an expanded section on the origins of terms in international economics, which records what the author has been able to learn about the origins of some of the terms used in international economics. This is a must-have portable glossary in international trade and international economics!
Bibliographic references
Includes bibliographical references.
Source of description
Print version record.
  • pt. I. Glossary of terms in international economics. 1. A-Z
  • 2. 0-9
  • pt. II. Picture gallery. 1. Edgeworth production box
  • 2. Integrated world economy diagram
  • 3. IS-LM-BP diagram
  • 4. Lerner diagram
  • 5. Offer curve diagram
  • 6. Specific-factors model
  • 7. Tariff in partial equilibrium
  • 8. Trade and transformation curve diagram
  • pt. III. Lists of terms in international economics by subject. 1. Arguments for protection
  • 2. Central banks
  • 3. Countertrade
  • 4. Country groups
  • 5. Crises
  • 6. Development banks
  • 7. Effects
  • 8. Empirical findings
  • 9. Exchange regimes
  • 10. Fragmentation: Terms and types
  • 11. GATT and WTO ministerials
  • 12. GATT articles
  • 13. Indexes
  • 14. International classification systems
  • 15. International commodity agreements and organizations
  • 16. Memberships
  • 17. Models
  • 18. Nontariff barriers
  • 19. Other nontariff measures
  • 20. Paradoxes and puzzles
  • 21. Preferential trading arrangements
  • 22. Product-specific agreements, institutions, and conflicts
  • 23. Regional commissions for economic and social development
  • 24. Spanish acronyms in international economics
  • 25. Techniques of analysis
  • 26. Terms of trade definitions
  • 27. Theoretical propositions
  • 28. Trade disputes
  • 29. Trade ministries
  • 30. Trade rounds
  • 31. UNCTAD meetings
  • 32. United nations organizations
  • 33. United States government units (Dealing with international economic matters)
  • pt. IV. Origins of terms in international economics.
  • 9789814518604 (electronic bk.)
  • 9814518603 ((electronic bk.))
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