Is school funding fair? : a national report card.

Baker, Bruce D. [Browse]
Second edition
Newark, NJ : Education Law Center, 2012.
1 online resource (36 pages)


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Summary note
In recent years, the debate on public school improvement has taken on a new, national economic imperative. The United States is increasingly characterized as losing its competitive edge against nations in Europe and Asia. Our public education systems are considered to be lagging behind those of other nations. Better education is viewed as the key to creating jobs and restoring economic prosperity. Often left out of this debate is the fact that having a predictable, stable and equitable system of education finance is of critical importance to the success of any improvement effort. Sufficient school funding, fairly distributed to districts to address concentrated poverty, is an essential precondition for the delivery of a high-quality education through the states. Without this foundation, education reforms, no matter how promising or effective, cannot be achieved and sustained.The inaugural edition of the National Report Card, issued in late 2010, served to focus attention on these important issues. This second edition, which analyzes data through 2009, seeks to continue and sharpen that focus. Amidst the ongoing effort to improve our nation’s public schools, fair school funding is critical to being successful and sustaining progress. Creating and maintaining state systems of fair school funding is essential to improving our nation’s public schools.
  • Authors: Bruce D. Baker, David G. Sciarra and Danielle Farrie.
  • Educational level discussed: Elementary Secondary Education.
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