National fencibles march

Sousa, John Philip, 1854-1932 [Browse]
Musical score
No linguistic content
  • 228 N. 9th St. Phila. Pa. : Harry Coleman, [1888]
  • ©1888


Copies in the Library

There are no holdings available for this record. Please consult a library staff member at the nearest circulation desk.
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Library of Congress genre(s)
  • Fred D. Valva collection of silent film and vaudeville theater orchestra music. [More in this series]
  • Fred D. Valva collection of silent film and vaudeville theatre orchestra music
  • Instrumentation: bass, cello, clarinet, cornet, flute, percussion, piano, trombone, tuba, viola, violin.
  • "C. E. Steere, Pianos, Sheet and Orchestral Music, 518 Main St., Worcester, - Mass." stamped on all pages.
  • Instrumental parts are assembled from 3 different publications of the same work and publisher.
  • Box and folder number: 008 / 007
  • If this score is not currently digitized and you would like to view it in person or have it digitized, please contact Mendel Music Library by emailing for further assistance.
Staff notation
Publisher no.
77, 2066, 15624 - 17
Statement on language in description
Princeton University Library aims to describe library materials in a manner that is respectful to the individuals and communities who create, use, and are represented in the collections we manage. Read more...
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