[Property deed issued from Sayyid Dilāvar Shāh to Sayyid Kirmān Shāh].

Qāḍī Muḥammad ʿAlī [Browse]
Manuscript, Book
1 online resource ; 23 x 15 cm


Summary note
This document states that Sayyid Dilāvar Shāh b. Sayyid Ḥukūmat Shāh is turning over his property to Sayyid Kirmān Shāh b. Sayyid ʿIshrat Shāh.
  • The document is a photocopy of the original on modern paper. The original document appears to be in fair condition with some moderate tearing, although the text appears to be largely intact. The text is written in a clear hand and the ink is smudged in a few places, affecting particularly the date.
  • Badakhshan Manuscript Project.
  • Two seals: Sayyid Dilāvar Shāh b. Sayyid Ḥukūmat Shāh; Qāḍī Muḥammad ʿAlī.
  • Date: The date on the document is illegible; however, it is known that Sayyid Dilāvar Shāh lived in the second half of the 19th century, so the document most likely dates from this period.
  • Incipit: شهود رای خاطر همۀ امرا و حکام و قضات و علما و فضلا و خاص و عام جمهور اهل اسلام...
  • Explicit: ...و بگواهی الکریم قلماق بگواهی خردو بزرگ شغنان فقط مورخۀ یوم پنجشنبه ماه رجب سنۀ […]
  • Location: Khorogh
Source of description
Photocopy of original document; title supplied by cataloger.
Other standard number
  • BMP056
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Princeton University Library aims to describe library materials in a manner that is respectful to the individuals and communities who create, use, and are represented in the collections we manage. Read more...
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