Routledge handbook of qualitative research in sport and exercise / edited by Brett Smith and Andrew C. Sparkes.

Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge, 2019.
xxi, 495 pages ; 25 cm.


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    Routledge international handbooks [More in this series]
    Originally published in hardback in 2017.
    Bibliographic references
    Includes bibliographical references and index.
    • Introduction: An invitation to qualitative research Brett Smith and Andrew C. Sparkes
    • Part I Traditions of qualitative research. Breathing in life: phenomenological perspectives on sport and exercise / Jacquelyn Allen-Collinson ; Doing grounded theory in sport and exercise / Nicholas L. Holt ; Narrative o-inquiry: from cardinal to marginal...and back? / Anthony Papathomas ; Ethnography / Michael Atkinson ; Case studies / Ken Hodge and Lee-Ann Sharp ; Lee-Ann Sharp ;Feminisms / Cheryl Cooky ; Embarking on community based participatory action research: a methodology that emerges from (and in) communities / Robert J. Schinke and Amy T. Blodge Part II Collecting qualitative data. Interviews: Qualitative interviewing in the sport and exercise sciences / Brett Smith and Andrew C. Sparkes ; Conducting observations in sport and exercise settings / Holly Thorpe and Rebecca Olive ; Visual research methods / Cassandra Phoenix and Emma Rich ; Media research: from text to context / Brad Millington and Brian Wilson ; Using material objects and artifacts in research / Kerry Chamberlain and Antonia C Lyons ; Documents of life
    • from diaries to autobiographies to biographical objects / Melissa Day
    • Part III: Analyzing qualitative data. Using thematic analysis in sport and exercise research / Virginia Braun, Victoria Clarke, and Paul Weate ; Phenomenological analysis in sport and exercise / Susanne Ravn ; Interpretative phenomenological analysis in sport and exercise: getting at experience / Jonathan A. Smith ; Critical discourse analysis in sport and exercise: what, why and how / Kerry R. McGannon ; Conversational analysis is sport and exercise / Amanda LeCouteur and Suzanne Cosh ; Narrative analysis in sport and exercise: How can it be done? / Brett Smith ; Synthesizing qualitative research: meta-synthesis in sport and exercise / Toni L. Williams and Rachel L. Shaw
    • Part IV: Representation, evaluation and ethics. In defense of realist tales / Samantha King ; Creative analytical practices / Jenny McMahon ; Ethics in sport and exercise research: from research ethics committees to ethics in the field / Catherine Palmer ; Re-thinking 'validity' and 'trustworthiness' in qualitative inquiry: How might we judge the quality of qualitative research in Sport and Exercise Sciences? / Shaunna Burke
    • Part V: Opening up qualitative research practices in sport and exercise. Researching the senses in sport and exercise / Andrew C. Sparkes ; The web and digital qualitative methods: researching online and researching the online in sport and exercise studies / Andrea Bundon ; Pluralistic data analysis: theory and practice / Nicola J. Clarke, Nick Caddick and Nollaig Frost ; Mixed methods research in sport and exercise: integrating qualitative research / Kass Gibson ; The role of theory, interpretation and critical thought within qualitative sport and exercise research / Tania Cassidy ; Teaching qualitative research / Camilla J. Knight ; Knowledge, not numbers: qualitative research and impact in sport, exercise and health / Tess Kay ; Moving between worldviews: Indigenous physical cultures through Indigenous eyes / Moss E. Norman and Michael A. Hart
    • Part VI: Future visions. Thinking about the future: challenges and opportunities / Tara-Leigh McHugh ; A look at the future of qualitative methodology through the prism of athlete career research / Natalia B. Stambulova ; Qualitative research in search of 'truth' and agency: challenges and opportunities for qualitative research / Cora Burnett ; Challenges and opportunities for qualitative research: future directions / Michael D. Giardina ; Embracing the messiness of qualitative research: challenges and opportunities for qualitative researchers in sport and exercise / Vikki Krane.
    • 9781138353480
    • 1138353485 (paperback)
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