Handbook of the economics of marketing / edited by Jean-Pierre Dubé, Peter E. Rossi.

  • Amsterdam : North-Holland, an imprint of Elsevier, [2019]
  • ©2019
volumes : illustrations (some color) ; 25 cm.


Handbooks in economics [More in this series]
Summary note
Vol. 1. This is the first volume of the Handbook on the Economics of Marketing series. The emerging field of quantitative marketing has impacted both substantively and methodologically several mainstream areas in economics ranging from Industrial Organization to Macroeconomics. The access to granular, consumer-level data has enabled the field of marketing to develop insights into consumer behavior and the corresponding implications for firms' marketing strategies. This consumer-focused study of firm behavior has wide-ranging implications for the formation of industrial market structure, prices and consumer-oriented public policies. The chapters survey several of the key themes in quantitative marketing and their implicatins for economic research. This volume will serve as an excellent reference and teaching supplement for marketing, industrial organization and other consumer-focused disciplines in economics--back cover.
Bibliographic references
Includes bibliographical references and index.
  • Vol. 1. Chapter 1. Microeconometric models of consumer demand / Jean-Pierre Dubé
  • Chapter 2. Inference for marketing decisions / Greg M. Allenby, Peter E. Rossi
  • Chapter 3. Economic foundations of conjoint analysis / Greg M. Allenby, Nino Hardt, Peter E. Rossi
  • Chapter 4. Empirical search and consideration sets / Elisabeth Honka, Ali Hortac̦scu, Matthijs Wildenbeest
  • Chapter 5. Digital marketing
  • Chapter 6. The economics of brands and branding
  • Chapter 7. Diffusion and pricing over the product life cycle / Harikesh S. Nair
  • Chapter 8. Selling and sales management / Sanjog Misra
  • Chapter 9. How price promotions work: A review of practice and theory / Eric T. Anderson, Edward J. Fox
  • Chapter 10. Marketing and public policy / Rachel Griffith, Aviv Nevo
Other format(s)
Also published electronically.
Other title(s)
Economics of marketing. Volume 1
  • 9780444637598 ((v. 1 : hardback))
  • 0444637591 ((v. 1 : hardback))
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