Ouidius de remediis amoris ... [etc.]

Manuscript, Book
[Swabia?, Germany], [1436?]
247 leaves : paper ; 304 x 212 (190 x 115) mm bound to 315 x 220 mm.


Former owner
Library of Congress genre(s)
Rare books genre
Getty AAT genre
Summary note
Miscellany containing classical and medieval school texts, many of which circulated as school texts in German-speaking areas, with glosses and commentaries.
  • Ms. composite codex.
  • Title from explicit of first work (fol. 34v)
  • Table of contents on upper pastedown. Marginal notes.
  • Incipit: [Ouidius de remediis amoris] "Legerat huius amor tytulum no[men] que libelli, Bella michi video bella parantur ait ..." -- [Fagifacetus] "Res rerum natura parens ita concipiet omnes, Et parit ut nate potuque ciboque ..." -- [De Christi passione] "Vide homo que pro te patior, Ad te clamo qui pro te morior ..." -- [Vita Pylati] "Si ueluti quondam scriptor uel scripta placerent, In noua dicendo multi uelut ante studerent ..." -- [Epistola pylati] ""Epistola pylati missa tyberio super morte Christi. Pontius pilatus Tyberio salutem. Nuper accidit quod et ipse probaui Iudeos per inuidiam se suosque pos teros crudeli condemnatione" -- [Vita Iude] "Auctorum veterum placuere poe mata multum, Nunc noua scribentem plebs irridet quasi ..." -- [Liber quinque clauium] "Utilis est rudibus presentis cura libelli, Et facilem pueris prebet in arte viam ..." -- [Geta] "Grecorum studia nimiumque diuque secutus, Amphytrion aberat et sibi geta comes ..." -- [Pamphylus] [Preface] "Vulneror. In isto libro scilicet pamphylo requirentur prologa scilicet quis tytulus libri ..." -- [Paraclitus] "Vir celebris quondam quod me sub rupe recondam, Ut mea feda tegam que latebrosa petam ..." -- [Verse 1] "O tu qui transis qui nescis crastinus an sis, Id quod delectat non te cum sit breue flectat ..." -- [Bescheidenheit] "Fridangi versus milleni consociati, Istic pro pueris debent ipsis fore grati ..." -- [Verse 1] "Ampla corona satis nigra vestis bota rotunda, Non faciunt monachum sed mens cri mine munda ..."
  • Collation: Paper ; fol. i (re-used parchment) + 247 + i (re-used parchment) ; catchwords at the end of most quires ; occasional running titles ; foliation in ink.
  • Layout: 12-20 lines of verse per page ; ruled.
  • Description: Watermarks (tête-de-boeuf surmounted by a flower).
  • Decoration: Major texts begin with a 2- to 3-line blue initial with red penwork, sometimes including a human face. Smaller initials of the same type, alternating in red and blue, begin sections of major texts.
  • Origin: [Fridangus] According to explicit copied in 1436 by Iohannem Neuburgensis (fol. 244v).
Binding note
Contemporaneous binding. Germany, 15th century. Deerskin over beveled wooden boards (9-10 mm thick). Missing on the upper and lower boards are four bosses at corners and one boss in the center, and two fore-edge clasps or straps connecting to the front board.
Language note
Cursiva libraria.
  • 1. fol. 1r-34v: Ouidius de remediis amoris. Ovid's poem offering remedies to avoid being hurt by feelings of love.
  • 2. fol. 35v-54r: Fagifacetus. On table manners.
  • 3. fol. 54v: [De Christi passione] / [St. Anselm of Canterbury]
  • 4. fol. 55r-70r: Vita Pylati. The life of Pontius Pilate.
  • 5. fol. 70r: Epistola pylati missa tyberio super morte Christi. Apocryphal letter of Pontius Pilate to the Emperor Tiberius.
  • 6. fol. 71r-81v: Vita Iude. Poetic adaptation of the legend of Judas Iscariot.
  • 7. fol. 82r-97v: Liber quinque clauium / [Bonvicinus de Ripa]
  • 8. fol. 98r-120r: Geta / [Vitalis Blesensis]. Elegiac comedy on the tale of Jupiter and Amphitryon.
  • 9. fol. 121v-153v: Pamphylus. Elegiac comedy.
  • 10. fol. 157r-190v: Paraclitus / [Warnerius Basilensis]
  • 11. fol. 191r-191v: [Verse] Poem beginning "O tu qui transis qui nescis crastinus ansis, Id quod delectat non te cum sit breue flectat"
  • 12. fol. 193r-244r: [Bescheidenheit] / Fridangus. German collection of proverbs and sayings.
  • 13. fol. 244v-245r: [Verse]. Poem beginning: "Ampla corona satis nigra vestis bota rotunda, Non faciunt monachum sed mens crimine munda"
Owned by Friedrich Wilhelm Roloff in 1736. By 1888 it was in the library of the Königliche Marienstifts-Gymnasium in Stettin, Pomerania (now Szeczecin, Poland). Since 1945 it has been in private collections. The Princeton University Library purchased it from Les Enluminures in part with support of the Theodore F. Sanxay Fund and the Presidential Fund of Harold T. Shapiro and Vivian B. Shapiro, and purchased in honor of Prof. Theodore J. Ziolkowski.
Medieval & Renaissance manuscripts in the Princeton University Library, volume 2, pages 451-454.
Other format(s)
Also available in an electronic version.
Place name(s)
Germany Swabia
Other title(s)
  • Vita Pilati.
  • Vita Iudae traditoris Christi.
  • Pamphilus de amore.
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