The Oxford handbook of cognitive sociology / edited by Wayne H. Brekhus and Gabe Ignatow.

New York, NY : Oxford University Press, [2019]
xvii, 685 pages : illustrations ; 26 cm.


Oxford handbooks [More in this series]
Bibliographic references
Includes bibliographical references and index.
  • Cognitive sociology and the cultural mind : debates, directions, and challenges / Wayne H. Brekhus and Gabe Ignatow. Theoretical foundations. Cognitive sociology : between the personal and the universal mind / Eviatar Zerubavel ; Critical theory and cognitive sociology / Piet Strydom ; Pierre Bourdieu as cognitive sociologist / Omar Lizardo ; Embodied cognition : sociology's role in bridging mind, brain, and body / Karen A. Cerulo ; The old one-two : preserving analytical dualism in cognitive sociology / Stephen Vaisey and Margaret Frye ; Can carnal sociology bring together body and soul? or, Who's afraid of Christian Wolff? ; Cognitive sociology and French psychological sociology / Gabe Ignatow ; Cognitive science and social theory / David Eck and Stephen Turner ; Dual-process models in sociology / Vanina Leschziner ; Bridging the vocabularies of dual-process models of culture and cognition / Jacob Strandell ; Metaphorical creativity : the role of context / Zoltán Kövecses ; Priming and framing : dimensions of communication and cognition / John Sonnett
  • Perspectives from other fields. Cognitive linguistics / Paul Chilton ; Class, cognition, and cultural change in social class / Henri C. Santos, Igor Grossmann, and Michael E.W. Varnum ; Cognitive dichotomies, learning directions, and the cognitive architecture / Ron Sun ; What is cultural fit? From cognition to behavior (and back) / Sanaz Mobasseri, Amir Goldberg, and Sameer B. Srivastava
  • Methods of cognitive sociology. Productive methods in the study of culture and cognition / Terence E. McDonnell and Kelcie L. Vercel ; An assessment of methods for measuring automatic cognition / Andrew Miles ; Methods for studying the contextual nature of implicit cognition / Hana R. Shepherd ; Social mindscapes and the self : the case for social pattern analysis / Jamie L. Mullaney ; Charting the emergence of the cultural fro the cognitive with agent-based modeling / Lynette Shaw
  • The sociology of perception and attention. Sociology of attention : fundamental reflections on a theoretical program / Markus Schroer ; Risk, culture, and cognition / Daina Cheyenne Harvey ; Cultural blind spots and blind fields : collective forms of unawareness / Asia Friedman
  • Sociocultural frames of meaning, metaphor, and analogy. The sacred, profane, pure, impure, and social energization of culture / Dmitry Kurakin ; Cognition and social meaning in economic sociology / Nina Bandelj and Christoffer J.P. Zoeller ; Scientific analogies and hierarchical thinking : lessons from the hive? / Diane M. Rodgers ; Getting a foot in the door : symbolism, door metaphors, and the cognitive sociology of access / Stephanie Peña-Alves
  • Categories, boundaries, and identities. Foregrounding and backgrounding : the logic and mechanics of semiotic subversion / Eviatar Zerubavel ; War widows and welfare queens : the semiotics of deservingness in the US welfare system / Brittany Pearl Battle ; Perceiving and enacting authentic identities / J. Patrick Williams ; Cognitive migrations : a cultural and cognitive sociology of personal transformation / Thomas DeGloma and Erin F. Johnston
  • Time and memory. The experience of time in organizations / Benjamin H. Snyder ; Silence and collective memory / Vered Vinitzky-Seroussi and Chana Teeger.
  • 9780190273385 (hardcover)
  • 0190273380 (hardcover)
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