Canticles and Apocalypse with Glossa ordinaria.

Manuscript, Book
[Morimondo, Italy] : [producer not identified], [between 1200 and 1300]
1 volume (i, 78, i leaves) : parchment, illustrations


Former owner
  • Script: Protogothic. Script is of two sizes, by more than one scribe of differing levels of proficiency. Both round and Carolingian s used in the final position. Strokes above i frequent.
  • Decoration: Canticles (fol. 1r) opens with a 3-line initial O of uncolored vine-scroll on red ground, by an unaccomplished artist. At the opening of Apocalypse (fol. 21r) space left for an unexecuted 4-line initial A; a rough hardpoint Lombard A was inscribed later.
Binding note
Italy, 17th century (?). Brown calf over pasteboard. Sewn on four raised bands. Spine title (in black ink): “Cantica. et Apocal. cum Glos.”
  • 1.1r: “Synagoga congregatio quod et lapidum. Ecclesia conuocatio quod et rationabilium ... ista suscip[iendo presentem consors effecta est].”
  • 2.1r-20v: “Oscvletvr me oscvlo oris sui quia meliora sunt ubera tua uino fragrancia unguentis optimis.” Explicit: “... capree hinnuloque ceruorum super montes aromatium.”
  • 3. 21r: “Littera sic ac si ita commemoret. Attendite hanc ... Intentio patienter ferre omnia.”
  • 4. 21r-78v: “[A]pocalipsis ihesv christi quam dedit ...” Explicit: “Et uidi bestiam et reges terrae.”
Princeton Ms. 4 is from the Cistercian monastery of Santa Maria di Morimondo, near Milan. The manuscript was offered by the bookseller Ulrico Hoepli (1847-1935), Milan, in his Manoscritti, incunaboli et edizioni rare ... Catalogue 83 (Milan: Ulrico Hoepli, 1893), p. 5, no. 24. The manuscript was purchased in the same year by the Princeton University Library. On fol. 1r is the Library accession number 88328, from 12 April 1893. Two former Princeton call numbers (fol. 1r): “Ms./5142/.217” and “Ms./5142/.1250.” Other Morimondo manuscripts are Princeton Mss. 2, 3, 6, 16; Kane Ms. 1.
Medieval & Renaissance manuscripts in the Princeton University Library, volume 2, pages160-161.
Cite as
Princeton MS. 4, Manuscripts Division, Department of Rare Books and Special Collections, Princeton University Library.
Other title(s)
  • Bible. Song of Solomon
  • Bible. Revelation
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