ننصب‌نامۀ عرب خراسانى

Naṣabʹnāmah-i ʻArab Khurāsānī.

Manuscript, Book
1 online resource


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Summary note
Digital image of a document presenting the biography of ʻArab Khurāsānī, a local saint of the village of Basid in the Bartang valley
  • Date not listed (20th century).
  • Incipit: حضرت‌ هى و تعالى آدمرا از برکت برکت آن‌ نام آفريد که بر ساق نوشته‌اند که لا اله الا الله محمد رسول الله و امتان... ياران و محققان نامدار چنين تحرير نموده‌اند که حضرت خواجه عرب خرسانى...
  • Explicit: فی‌ التاریخ سنه ماءته ستون خمسیه يوم الخمس فی‌ شهر المبارک رمضان اربع العشر الوالافضلی هم
  • Badakhshan Manuscript Project.
  • Original document is written on modern paper affixed to a plaque inside an open-air shrine; some water and weather damage but text is generally legible.
  • Location: Basid, Bartang.
Source of description
Original document; title from heading on document.
Other standard number
  • BMP002
Statement on language in description
Princeton University Library aims to describe library materials in a manner that is respectful to the individuals and communities who create, use, and are represented in the collections we manage. Read more...
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