[Theological miscellany].

Manuscript, Book
[Austria], [between 1075 and 1200]
246 leaves : parchment, illustration ; 170 x 118 (122-140 x 85-100) mm bound to 182 x 130 mm.


Former owner
Rare books genre
Summary note
Collection of theological works in five discrete parts that were joined into a composite volume by 1376 at the latest, when the codex was described by Peter of Arbon in the earliest surviving Admont catalogue.
  • Incipit: [Sermo de blasphemia] "Sermo sancti Augustini de verbis domini secundum matheum. Qui plasphemaverit (!) spiritum sanctum non remittetur ..." -- [De fide catholica] "De Catholica Fide. Dei filivs Qvem Pro pria Substantia deus pater ante secula genuit uerum naturę hominem induit ..." -- [Confessiones] "Tantum senciebam de domino christo meo quantum de excellentis sapientię uiro ..." -- [De anima] "De sede anime. Quidam sedem animae quamuis sit corpora tota diffusa ..." -- [Expositio] "Incipit prologus sequentis operis. Sanctissimo patri et svmmo pontifici Arnoni episcopo humilis levita alchuinus salutem ..."
  • Incipit (continued): [De confessione] "Ad pueros sancti martini de confessione pecetorum. Dilectissimis in christo filiis bonaeque spei adolescentulis ..." -- [Interpretationes notarum] "Diversas notas more maiorum certis locis estimaverimus affigendas ..." -- [Sententiae (Abelard)] "[T]ria sunt ut arbitror in quibus hu manae salutis summa consistit ..." -- [Marian hymn] “Imperatrix gloriosa potens et imperiosa ... Radix jesse” -- [Sententiae doctorum] "In nomine domini sentencie uel ammoniciones plurium doctorum primum sancti bene dicti abbatis ammonicio quasi prologus Incipit Inicivm ..." -- [Sententiae (Anselm)] "Incipit Liber Sentenciarum. Principium et causa omnium deus ante omnia eternaliter in omnibus inuariabiliter et post omnia est interminabiliter ..."
  • Explicit: [Sermo de blasphemia] : "...ut haberemus unde nos meditando aleremur, et uobis loquendo mini straremus." -- [De fide catholica] "Cuiusque uero relinquantur industrie, si quis catholicorum docto rum super hoc elimatius scripserit inuenire" -- [Confessiones] "Hęc mihi inuiscerabantur miris modis cum minimum apostolorum tuorum legerem et consideraueram opera tua et expaueram." -- [De anima] "vt corpus subderet animę, animam sibi, totumque sibi salutariter seruiret creatori."
  • Explicit (continued): [Expositio] "Quoniam ipsorum est regnum caelorum." -- [De confessione] "... mercedem habeatis perpetuam in caelis." -- [Interpretationes notarum] "... id est spiritus contribulatus." -- [Sententiae (Abelard)] "... erga proximum quisque exiuit, inde grauiter est puniendus." -- [Sententiae doctorum] "... quod eis sanctis pauperibus in necessitate parcuntur. Finiunt cleri delicie." -- [Sententiae (Anselm)] "Si autem duxerit dimittet ipsam et priori vxori adherebit. Sentencię"
  • Ms. composite codex.
  • Title from printed catalog.
  • Partial contents list attached to the outside of the upper cover. Stamp of Bibliotheca Admontensis (fol. 1a and 247a). Badly-worn illegible title on spine.
  • Collation: Parchment ; fol. 246 ; fol. 247 attached to lower cover ; quires 1-4 and booklet 3 are quaternions ; modern foliation in pencil using Western numerals.
  • Layout: 20-28 lines per page ; ruled.
  • Description: Written in late Carolingian minuscule (fols. 1r-40v) and Protogothic (fols. 41r-247r) written by many scribes working at different times ; partially rubricated ; 1-2 line red initials ; comprised of 4 volumes bound together by 1376 at the latest.
  • Decoration: Early modern hand-drawn arms of the Admont Abbey (“ADMUNDO”) on the front pastedown.
  • Origin: Produced in the late 11th and in the12th century, in whole or part at the Benedictine Abbey of Admont (founded in 1074), diocese of Salzburg, Austria.
Binding note
Later binding. Austria, 15th century. Alum-tawed pigskin over beech boards (10 mm thick), top and bottom edges beveled, fore-edges square. Remnants of strap-and-pin fastening visible. Boss on edge of lower cover.
Language note
  • Carolingian minuscule;
  • Protogothic
  • 1. fol. 1r-22r: Sermo de blasphemia in spiritum sanctum / St. Augustine.
  • 2. fol. 22r-32v: De fide catholica ad Ambrosianum / Peter Damian. Letter written to a monk named Ambrose, probably after 1060, concerning Christian theology, particularly on the nature of the Trinity.
  • 3. fol. 32v-35r: Confessiones / St. Augustine. Book 7, chapter xix-xxi.
  • 4. fol. 35r-40r: De anima / Cassiodorus. Chapters viii-ix.
  • 5. fol. 41r-69r: Expositio in VII psalmos penitentiales / Alcuin. Commentary on the title and text of each psalm.
  • 6. fol. 69r-75r: De confessione peccatorum / Alcuin.
  • 7. 75r-81v: Interpretationes notarum. An elaboration of Cassiodorus' list of the marginal symbols used in his Expositio psalmorum.
  • 8. fol. 81v-82r: De septem gradibus christi and De officiis vii gradum. A two-part text on the 7 orders of the priesthood.
  • 9. 82r-82v: Sententiae / Isidore of Seville. On the nature and orders of angels.
  • 10. 83r-151v: Sententiae / Peter Abelard.
  • 11. fol. 152r: [Marian hymn] With musical notations.
  • 12. fol. 153r-197v: Sententiae doctorum. Preceded by a list of chapters.
  • 13. fol. 198r-246v: Sententiae / Anselm of Laon.
  • 14. fol. 247r: De forma praedicandi. Brief text or extract on preaching.
Number 729 in the library of the Admont Abbey who sold it in the 1930s. Acquired in 1936 by the bookseller E.P. Goldschmidt, who sold it to Robert Garrett on 7 September 1936. His gift to the Princeton University Library, 1942.
Source acquisition
Gift Robert Garrett, Princeton Class of 1897; 1942.
Medieval & Renaissance manuscripts in the Princeton University Library, volume 1, pages 385-389.
Other format(s)
Also available in an electronic version.
Place name(s)
Austria Admont
Other title(s)
  • Interpretationes notarum.
  • De septem gradibus christi.
  • De officiis vii gradum.
  • Marian hymn.
  • Sententiae doctorum.
  • De forma praedicandi.
Label on box
  • Abaelard, Alcuin, Interpretationes notarum, etc.
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