[Chronica de rebus Glastoniensis]

Joannes, Glastoniensis [Browse]
Uniform title
Manuscript, Book
[Glastonbury, England], [1497]
155 leaves : parchment ; 325 x 215 (205-210 x 125) mm bound to 340 x 232 mm.


Former owner
Associated name
Rare books genre
Getty AAT genre
Summary note
One of seven largely complete copies of John of Glastonbury's Chronicle. Followed by a continuation of the Chronicle by the monk William Wyche, an alphabetical subject index, and a table of equivalents for five English land measurements.
  • Incipit: [Chronica] ... ligentes quanta beneficia propter antiquos duodenos et pro perpetua eiusdem numeri continuacione huic ecclesie erant collata… -- [Continuation] Iohanni Breynton successit honorabilis in christo memorie Walterus de monyngton abbas glastonie qui assignauit refectorio pro reparacione vasorum annuum redditum viginti vnius solidorum ...
  • Explicit: [Chronica] Cui successit walterus de Monyton Anno domini millesimo trecentesimo quadragesimo secundo et Regis Edwardi tercii anno Sextodecimo. Liber monasterii beate Marie Glastonie quem Willielmus Wych monachus scribi fecit de uoluntate Richardi Bere abbatis anno iiiito -- [Continuation] In quorum omnium testimonium atque fidem tam abbatis quam conuentus sigilla presentibus sunt appensa. Datum in domo capitulari glastoniensis decimo die mensis Junii anno domini millesimo quadringentesimo nonagesimo iiicio. Hic abbas anno prelacionis sue tricesimo septimo migrauit ad dominum.
  • Ms. codex.
  • Title supplied by cataloger.
  • Collation: Parchment ; fol. 18–1 (lacks leaf ), 2–88, 98–1 (lacks leaf 6, between fols. 69|70), 108, 118–1 (lacks leaf 8, after fol. 86), 128–1 (lacks leaf 3, between fols. 88|89), 13–198, 208–1 (leaf 8 cancelled; leaf 7 pasted down) ; catchwords in decorative banderoles, often knotted, at the end of quires ; modern foliation in pencil.
  • Layout: 30 lines per page in 2 columns ; ruled.
  • Decoration: The prologue (fol. 2v) begins with a 3-line floriated initial U in burnished gold, on a burgundy, orange, rose, blue, and green square field, and black penwork sprays decorated with gold extending into the margins. Two-line blue initials with red penwork decoration for the beginnings of chapters, with occasional sections within chapters with alternating red and blue capitals.
  • Origin: Copied at the Benedictine Abbey of the Blessed Virgin Mary at Glastonbury, Somerset. The monk William Wyche had it copied for Richard Bere (d. 1524), Abbot of Glastonbury, 1493-1524, as indicated in the colophon on fol. 139v.
Binding note
Later binding. England, 15th century. Quarter-sawn oak boards (9 mm thick) covered in brown-stained leather (probably sheepskin); rebacked. Remains of two alum-tawed straps, which connected to two brass pins (partially preserved), nailed to the lower board
Language note
  • Textualis semi-quadrata;
  • Anglicana.
  • 1. fol. 2r-139v: [Chronica de rebus Glastoniensis]. Incomplete at beginning.
  • 2. fol. 139v-145v: [Continuation of the Glastonbury Chronicle]
  • 3. fol. 146r-154v: Tabula super antiquitates monasterii glastonie.
  • 4. fol. 156r: Table of equivalents for five English land measurements
The manuscript was owned by: Hugh Daubeney; Lord Charles Bruce, 3rd earl of Ailesbury (1682–1747); later viewed in the library of Henry Augustus Brudenell-Bruce Ailesbury (1842–1911), 5th marquis of Ailesbury. Robert Garrett (1875-1961), Class of 1897, purchased the manuscript from the London antiquarian bookseller Bernard Quaritch on 10 August 1928. Garrett's gift to the Princeton University Library, 1942.
Source acquisition
Gift Robert Garrett, Class of 1897; 1942.
Medieval & Renaissance manuscripts in the Princeton University Library, volume 1, pages 356-359.
Other format(s)
Also available in an electronic version.
Place name(s)
England Glastonbury
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