[Mikdash yeyai, ʻesrim ve-ʼarbʻa sefare ha-mikhtav ha-ḳadosh ʻA] = En tibi lector Hebraica Biblia. Latina planéque noua Sebast. Munsteri tralatione, post omneis omnium hactenus ubiuis gentium aeditiones euulgata, & quoad fieri potuit, Hebraicae ueritati conformata: adiectis insuper è Rabinorum co[m]mentarijs annotationibus haud poenitendis, pulchre & uoces ambiguas, & obscuriora quaeq[ue] elucidantibus. Prior hic tomus habet Mosaicos libros quinque Iehosuam Iudicum Samuelis lib. duos Regem lib duos.

Uniform title
  • Hebrew
  • Latin
Basileae : Ex officina Bebeliana, impendiis Michaelis Isingrinii et Henrici Petri., 1534.
2 volumes ([12], 365, [1]; [4], 336 [i.e. 366]-795 leaves) ; 35 cm


Former owner
Rare books genre
  • First complete Hebrew Bible, with Latin translation, and Latin commentary drawn from Rabbinic sources, by one of the greatest Christian Hebraists of the sixteenth century, Sebastian Münster. This Bible was highly valued by 16th century Christian students of the Hebrew language and the Hebrew Scriptures, and would have been among the resources used by Luther in preparing his Genesis lectures (1535-1545), his last major work.
  • First part of title in Hebrew characters, transliterated.
  • Printers' names from colophon at end of vol. 1.
  • Hebrew text & Latin translation in parallel columns.
  • Numerous errors in foliation.
  • Vol. 2 has separate t.p. dated 1535 with Hebrew title at head of t.p. followed by Latin title "Veteris instrumenti tomus secundus, prophetarum oracula atq[ue] hagiographia continens, hoc est, Prophetas maiores & minores, Psalterium, Iiob, Prouerbia, Danielem, Annalium libros duos, Canticum canticorum, Ruth, Threnos, Ecclesiasten Esther. Hi sacri & canonici libri, amice lector, sic ad Hebraicam ueritatem genuina uersione in Latinum sunt traducti, ut ne quidem ad latum unguem ad ea dissidea[n]t. Quibus praeterea in locis & sententijs obscurioribus opera Sebastiani Munsteri non parum accessit lucis per annotationes, quas uel ex Hebraeorum commentarijs, uel ex probatioribus Latinis scriptoribus adiecit" and begins new register; pagination continuous.
  • Signatures: v. 1: [alpha]-[beta]⁶ a-z⁶ A-2P⁶; v. 2: [alpha]⁴ 2A-2Z⁶ 2a-3z⁶ 3A-3C⁶.
  • Printer's device with inscription "Palma Bebel" on verso of final leaf in each volume.
  • First Hebrew word of title of each vol. enclosed in a decorative cartouche.
  • Each book headed by engraved ornamental caption title in Hebrew.
  • Errata on leaf 2P6r of vol. 1 and at foot of leaf 2C6r of vol. 2.
  • Head- and tail-pieces, initials.
  • HSVR copy: Vol. 2 only.
Binding note
Ex copy: Full contemporary blindstamped calf.
  • HSVR copy: Guillaume Postel's copy, with annotations by others, including perhaps Pierre Moreau; inscribed on t.p.: "Petrus Morellus Turonensis" and in another hand: "Ex postellj Math.tu prof. regij libris.".
  • HSVR copy: Stamp of Bibliothèque du Grand-Séminaire, Tours.
  • Sebastian Münster, eine Bibliographie /Karl Heinz Burmeister, no. 119
  • Darlow & Moule, 5087
  • BM STC German, 1455-1600, p. 92
  • Adams, B1240
  • VD 16, B 2881
Place name(s)
Switzerland Basel.
Other title(s)
  • En tibi lector Hebraica Biblia. Latina planéque noua Sebast. Munsteri tralatione, post omneis omnium hactenus ubiuis gentium aeditiones euulgata, & quoad fieri potuit, Hebraicae ueritati conformata: adiectis insuper è Rabinorum co[m]mentarijs annotationibus haud poenitendis, pulchre & uoces ambiguas, & obscuriora quaeq[ue] elucidantibus. Prior hic tomus habet Mosaicos libros quinque Iehosuam Iudicum Samuelis lib. duos Regem lib duos
  • Veteris instrumenti tomus secundus, prophetarum oracula atque hagiographia continens.
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