A meditation on Christ's nativity.

  • English
  • Latin
  • London, England : Decca, [2017]
  • ℗1968
1 online resource (1 sound file)


Available Online


Naxos Music Library. [More in this series]
Time and place of event
Recorded June 15-16, 1967 Chapel of St. John's College, Cambridge.
Source of description
Hard copy version record.
The Choir of St. John's College, Cambridge ; directed by George Guest ; readings by William Squire.
Language note
Chiefly in English; last work in Latin.
  • The annunciation of Christ. Torches / John Joubert ; Bidding ; Sentence and collect ; Adam lay y-bounden / Peter Warlock ; The linden tree carol : an old German tune / arranged by Reginald Jacques ; Annunciation / John Donne ; There is no rose / Joubert ; Dialogue / George Herbert ; My dancing day / melody from Christmas carols ancient and modern (Sandys, 1833) ; arranged by Martin Shaw
  • The birth of Christ. Sentence and collect ; Up! good Christen folk / melody from Piae cantiones (1582) ; harmonised by G.R. Woodward ; On the morning of Christ's Nativity / John Milton ; Rocking : Czech carol / arranged by David Willcocks ; Hamlet, I, i, 156-164 / Shakespeare ; Chanticleer / William Austin ; Balulalow / Warlock
  • The destiny of the Infant Christ. Sentence and collect ; The seven joys of Mary / traditional ; arranged by Martin Shaw ; The burning babe / Robert Southwell ; The cherry tree carol / traditional ; arranged by Martin Shaw ; The guest / anon.
  • The manifestation of Christ. Sentence and collect ; Ding dong! merrily on high / Malcolm Williamson ; Eastern monarchs / Peter Naylor ; The journey of the Magi / T.S. Eliot ; King Jesus hath a garden : Dutch tune / harmonised by Charles Wood ; The First Letter of John, I, 1-10 (New English Bible) ; Adeste fideles / anon. ; descant by J. Roland Middleton.
Publisher no.
International Standard Recording Code
  • GBF076741701
  • GBF076741702
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