Biblia Latina.

Uniform title
Impressa Venetijs : P[er] fra[n]ciscu[m] de hailbrun [et] Nicolau[m] de frankfordia socios, 1475.
[454] leaves ; 30 cm. (fol.)


Former owner
  • Title from Goff, F.R. Incunabula in American libraries.
  • Opening words of text, leaf [1]: Incipit ep[isto]la sancti Hieronymi ad Paulinu[m] p[re]sbyte[rum] d[e] o[mn]ib[us] di[ui]ne histo[r]ie libr[is].
  • Imprint from colophon which reads: "Explicit Biblia impressa Venetijs p[er] fra[n]ciscu[m] de hailbrun [et] Nicolau[m] de frankfordia socios. M. CCCC. LXXV".
  • "Incipiu[n]t interp[re]tatio[n]es hebraicoru[m] nominu[m] s[ecundu]m ordinem alphabeti' -- leaves 421-453.
  • Signatures: a-h¹⁰ i-l¹² m-s¹⁰ t-v¹² x-z¹⁰ A-E¹⁰ F-I¹² K-M¹ ⁰N¹² O-Q¹⁰ R¹² S¹⁰ T¹² V¹⁰.
  • Printed in 2 columns, 51 lines and headline, 191 (210) x 127 mm; Interpretationes hebraicorum nominum printed in 3 columns.
  • Initial spaces for guide letters.
  • Princeton copy 1: Decoration: first large initial ("F") illuminated with gold, blue and green, with floriate extensions in the left margin; colored ornament with the arms of the Buondelmonti family surrounded by a laurel wreath at foot of first leaf.
  • Princeton copy 1: Wants first and last blank leaves.
Binding note
Princeton copy 1: 20th century vellum binding, all edges painted yellow.
Princeton copy 1: From the library of the Buondelmonti family in Florence, with their illuminated coat-of arms (six mountains with a red cross on top) coloured at foot of first printed leaf; ex-libris label of Biblioteca Novacco in Venice and bookseller's label of Libreria antiquaria Mediolanum.
  • Incunabula short title catalogue, ib00541000
  • Goff, F.R. Incunabula in American libraries, B-541
  • Catalogue of books printed in the XVth century now in the British Museum, V, 193
  • Hain, L. Repertorium bibliographicum, 3054
  • Gesamtkatalog der Wiegendrucke, 4216
Place name(s)
Italy Venice.
Other title(s)
Incipit epistola sancti Hieronymi ad Paulinum presbyterum de omnibus diuine historie libris
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