De civitate Dei.

Augustine, of Hippo, Saint, 354-430 [Browse]
[Strasbourg] : [Johann Mentelin], [not after 1468]
[336] leaves (the last blank) ; 41 cm. (folio)


Writer of added commentary
Former owner
Rare books genre
  • Title and imprint from the Incunabula short title catalogue.
  • Printed in two columns, 47 lines (text) and 57 lines (commentary), in gothic type.
  • Commentary by Thomas Wallensis and Nicholas Trivet: leaves [253a-326a].
  • Signatures: [a-e¹⁰ f⁸ g-r¹⁰ s⁸ t-z¹⁰ A¹⁰ B-C⁸ D⁸⁺² E-K¹⁰ L⁸ M⁶] (M6 blank, wanting).
  • Princeton copy 1: Rubricated with red initials, paragraph marks and capital strokes; chapter headings and outlining of certain sections of text also supplied in red.
  • Princeton copy 1: Early manuscript notes with corrections or additions to the text, possibly carried out in Mentelin's workshop.
Binding note
Princeton copy 1: 16th century blind-stamped pigskin over bevelled wooden boards (possibly executed in Buxheim); concentric rectangles decorated with rolls in a floral design; two metal clasps; manuscript fragments from a 12th century Missal with heightened neumes (Germany) used as pastedowns.
[Augustinus]. [De civitate dei,] Books I-XXII, [a1]r-[C8]v; [Thomas Valois et Nicolaus Triveth]. [Prologue to commentary on De civitate dei], [D1]r-v; [Thomas Valois]. [Commentarium super libros Augustini De ciuitate Dei I.1-X,28], [D1]v-[K6]v; [Nicolaus Triveth]. [Commentarium super libros Augustini De ciuitate Dei X,29-XXII.30], [K6]v-[L4]r; [Nicolaus Triveth]. Tabula, [L4]r-[M5]v.
Princeton copy 1: Formerly owned by Hilprand Brandenburg (1442-1514) of Biberach, a learned cleric who after 1505 donated his books to the Carthusian Monastery at Buxheim (manuscript inscription in the hand of the Buxheim librarian recording the donation of this volume on front flyleaf); inscription "Carthusiae Buxheim" and stamp of the Buxheim Library on leaf [1]r; later in the library of William O'Brien (1832-1899), Irish judge and book collector who bequathed his library to the Jesuit community at Milltown Park, Dublin (book label from the Library in Milltown Park on verso of front flyleaf).
  • Incunabula short title catalogue, ia01239000
  • Goff, F.R. Incunabula in American libraries, A1239
  • Hain, L. Repertorium bibliographicum, 2056
  • Catalogue of books printed in the XVth century now in the British Museum, I, page 52 (IC.513-514)
  • Gesamtkatalog der Wiegendrucke, 2883
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France Strasbourg.
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