Liber Stacii Achilleidos ... [etc.]

Manuscript, Book
[Milan?, Italy], [between 1450 and 1475]
54 leaves : paper ; 200 x 145 (125-140 x 90-99) mm bound to 210 x 151 mm.


Attributed name
Library of Congress genre(s)
Rare books genre
Getty AAT genre
Summary note
Collection of three poetical works.
  • Incipit: [Liber Stacii Achilleidos] "Magnanimum Cacidem (!) formida tamque Tonanti, Progeniem et patrio uetitam succedere celo ..." -- [Ouidii De pulice] . "Parua pulex et amara lues inimica puellis, Crimine quo fungor in tua facta queror ..." -- [De raptu Proserpinae] ] "Inuenta secuit primus qui nave profundum, Et rudibus remis sollicitauit aquas ..."
  • Explicit: [Liber Stacii Achilleidos] "Hactenus annorum comites clementa meorum, Et memini et meminisse iuvat scit cetera mater. Explicit Liber Stacii Achilleidos." -- [Ouidii De pulice] "Dum bona uel precibus uel superata tenerem, Hec iam nil mallet quam sibi me socium. Ouidii de pulice explicit Liber." -- [De raptu Proserpinae] "Antra procul sillea petit canibusque reductis, Pars stupefacta silet pars nundum (!) exterita latrat."
  • Ms. composite codex
  • Title from explicit of first work (fol. 23v)
  • Collation: Paper ; fol. i (lifted parchment pastedown) + ii (contemporary paper) + 50 + iv (contemporary paper) + i (lifted parchment pastedown) ; quire and leaf signatures ; catchwords ; modern foliation in pencil.
  • Layout: 25 verse lines ; ruled.
  • Description: Watermarks (flowers).
  • Decoration: 6-line red initial (fol. 25r), 4-line red initial (fol. 40r), 2- to 3-line red initials.
  • Origin: Written in Italy, perhaps Milan, possibly in the third quarter of the 15th century.
Binding note
Contemporaneous? binding. Italy, 15th century. Light brown calfskin over paste-board; remains of three leather ties, top, bottom, and side, attached to inside covers. Pastedowns of re-used parchment.
Language note
  • 1.1r-23v: Liber Stacii Achilleidos.
  • 2.24r-v: Ouidii De pulice.
  • 3. 25r-49r: [De raptu Proserpinae]
Early provenance is unknown. Unknown ownership stamps and markings. The manuscript went through the hands of a German bookdealer. The manuscript was acquired by the Princeton University Library, where it was accessioned on 18 December 1922 as no. 493797 and catalogued as MS 2800.860.3 (fol. 1r).
Medieval & Renaissance manuscripts in the Princeton University Library, volume 2, pages 238-239.
Other format(s)
Also available in an electronic version.
Place name(s)
Italy Milan
Other title(s)
Title from printed catalog
  • Statius, Pseudo-Ovid, and Claudian
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