Le Soleil qui se couche dans la mer, le globe de la Terre, divise en six parties // [The sun sets in the sea, the globe of the Earth is divided in six parts].

Le Pautre, Jean, 1618-1682 [Browse]
Visual material
No linguistic content
[s.l.] : [s.n.], 1673.
1 item ; sheet 58.7 x 45.5 cm.


[after] sculptor
Library of Congress genre(s)
  • Medium: Etchings, Engravings
  • Depiction: Architectural detail of upper register, Apollo bas relief; below, globes separating continents.
  • Signed in plate, lower right: "le Potre sculps. 1673".
  • Signed in plate, lower left: "bas reliefs au dessus des portes de la grotte de Versailles, par Girard Vanopstal de Bruxelles".
  • Signed in plate, lower right: "sculpt ad parietem exteriorem cryptae Versalianae, opus Girardi Vanopstal Bruxellensis".
Source acquisition
Acquired by Princeton in 1886 in an exchange with the Bibliotheque nationale (France). John S. Pierson, Class of 1840, effected the exchange, recorded by the BN as "Double e'change" No. 907.
Other title(s)
Description de la Grotte de Versailles, no. 3
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