广西文革机密档案资料 : (续编) = Supplement to the secret archives about the cultural revolution in Guangxi, classified documents / 宋永毅编.
Guangxi wen ge ji mi dang an zi liao : (xu bian) = Supplement to the secret archives about the cultural revolution in Guangxi, classified documents / Song Yongyi zhu bian.
Zhonghua Renmin Gongheguo dang an = Historical archives of the People's Republic of China [More in this series]
中华人民共和国档案 = Historical archives of the People's Republic of China [More in this series]
Di 1 juan. Zhong yang fu Guangxi gong zuo zu, diao cha zu diao cha bao gao he wen xian
Di 2 juan. Chu li "wen ge" yi liu wen ti, qing li "san zhong ren" wen jian hui bian (di 1 ce)
Di 3 juan. Chu li "wen ge" yi liu wen ti, qing li "san zhong ren" wen jian hui bian (di 2 ce)
Di 4 juan. Chu li "wen ge" yi liu wen ti, qing li "san zhong ren" wen jian hui bian (di 3 ce)
Di 5 juan. Chu li "wen ge" yi liu wen ti, qing li "san zhong ren" wen jian hui bian (di 4 ce)
Di 6 juan. Chu li "wen ge" yi liu wen ti, qing li "san zhong ren" wen jian hui bian (di 5 ce shang juan)
Di 7 juan. Chu li "wen ge" yi liu wen ti, qing li "san zhong ren" wen jian hui bian (di 5 ce xia juan)
Di 8 juan. Guangxi Zhuangzu Zizhiqu wu jie zheng xie di 1 ci hui yi you guan wen ge yi liu wen ti de ji mi jian bao
Di 9 juan. Guangxi shang si xian chu li "wen ge" yi liu wen ti gong zuo hui yi jian bao (yi)
Di 10 juan. Guangxi shang si xian chu li "wen ge" yi liu wen ti gong zuo hui yi jian bao (er).
第1卷. 中央赴广西工作组, 调查组调查报告和文献
第2卷. 处理"文革"遗留问题, 清理"三种人"文件汇编(第一册)
第3卷. 处理"文革"遗留问题, 清理"三种人"文件汇编(第二册)
第4卷. 处理"文革"遗留问题, 清理"三种人"文件汇编(第三册)
第5卷. 处理"文革"遗留问题, 清理"三种人"文件汇编(第四册)
第6卷. 处理"文革"遗留问题, 清理"三种人"文件汇编(第五册上卷)
第7卷. 处理"文革"遗留问题, 清理"三种人"文件汇编(第五册下卷)
第8卷. 广西壮族自治区五届政协第一次会议有关文革遗留问题的机密简报
第9卷. 广西上思县处理"文革"遗留问题工作会议简报(一)
第10卷. 广西上思县处理"文革"遗留问题工作会议简报(二).
Other title(s)
Supplement to the secret archives about the cultural revolution in Guangxi, classified documents
9781630327781 ((volume 1))
1630327786 ((volume 1))
9781630327798 ((volume 2))
1630327794 ((volume 2))
9781630327804 ((volume 3))
1630327808 ((volume 3))
9781630327811 ((volume 4))
1630327816 ((volume 4))
9781630327828 ((volume 5))
1630327824 ((volume 5))
9781630327835 ((volume 6))
1630327832 ((volume 6))
9781630327842 ((volume 7))
1630327840 ((volume 7))
9781630327859 ((volume 8))
1630327859 ((volume 8))
9781630327866 ((volume 9))
1630327867 ((volume 9))
9781630327873 ((volume 10))
1630327875 ((volume 10))
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