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The abridged academy song-book : for use in schools and colleges / by Charles H. Levermore.
Levermore, Charles H. (Charles Herbert), 1856-1927
Musical score
Rev. ed.
Boston : Ginn, 1918.
1 online resource (xiv, 298 pages)
Available Online
UNC Chapel Hill Music Scores
School songbooks
Library of Congress genre(s)
Digitized from the collection of the Music Library, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Source of description
Print version record.
FAMILIAR SONGS. Home sweet home
Three kings of orient
The dearest spot on earth to me
Auld lang syne
I would that my love
The wild rosebud
The old familiar place
Robin Adair
To-day and to-morrow
Hymn of the fisherman's children
Bear a lily in thy hand
The sun is bright
Golden slumbers kiss your eyes
Nobody knows the trouble I've seen
Thou'rt like unto a flower
Sleep, baby, sleep
Up the hills
The wild rose
Home they brought her warrior
Cradle song
The storm
The king's highway
Soft, soft music is stealing
The first violets
Hymn to music
Zephyr of nightfall
Isle of beauty
Farewell, O joyous, sunny grove
The miller of the dee
The low-backed car
When all the world is young
A lullaby
May song
The boat song
Annie Laurie
Faintly flow, thou falling river
Guide me, O thou great Jehovah
Canadian boat song
Hunter's farewell
Beside the mill
The little tin soldier
The sun smiles in beauty
Farewell to the forest
On to the field
I know a bank
Good-night, farewell
Song of parting
The chapel
A man's a man for a' that
The stars are fading
Hark, hark, the lark
Old rosin the bow
London bridge
Sweet roses that wither
The night
Soldier's chorus
God of the nations
Wait for the wagon
O gladly now we hail ye
Corn song
Whichever way the wind doth blow
Three cheers for the olden time
Joy, joy, Freedom to-day
Massa's in the cold, cold ground
The fire of home
Slumber song
How can I leave thee
Hymn of the toilers
The battle prayer
Clover so white
Vesper hymn
Over the mountain wave
Evening song
John Anderson, my Jo
Fisherman's chorus
Soldier's farewell
Speed away
Huntsman's chorus
Swing, cradle, swing
Praise of song
The cuckoo
What need have I
Skaters' song
Spinning song
Where would I be
Native land
Lutzow's wild hunt
At twilight
Rocked in the cradle of the deep
Behold the sabre
The mellow horn
One grand sweet song
Sweet and low
Flower song
Silent night.
God bless our native land
Star-spangled banner
Song of the free
Hail Columbia
The new hail Columbia
The red, white, and blue
Our native song
Tenting tonight
Flag of the free
God speed the right
Tippecanoe and Tyler too
The British national anthem
Two empires
Draw the sword, Scotland
Campbells are coming
Bonnie Dundee
Men of Harlech
Swedish national air
March o' the Cameron men
Hymn of the Marseillaise
La Marseillaise (French version)
Partant pour la Syrie
Partant pour la Syrie (French version)
Scots wha hae wi' Wallace bled
Warren's address
My heart's in the highlands
Sword song
Prayer for peace
God save America
Freedom's flag
The ship of state
Our native land
The blue bells of Scotland
Thy land
Let Erin remember the days of old
The home land
America the beautiful
The maple leaf forever
The Dannebrog (Danish national song)
Army hymn
Hymn for airmen
Ranz des vaches
Processional march song
Old glory
Our own dear land
The people's prayer
The glorious fourth
National song of Holland
My native land
O God of earth and altar
Battle hymn of the republic
The stars and stripes
Angel of peace (Keller's American hymn)
Hail to our flag.
The orange and the black
The mountains
Graduation song
Fair Harvard
Those endearing young charms
Upidee (a parody)
Adelphi school song
Uni bene, Ini patri
Eli Yale
The Loreley
Lauriger Horatius
Evening song (Gaelic)
There's music in the air
Stars of the summer night
Alma mater
Integer vitae
The land of memory
Underneath the briny sea
Sing tangent, co-tangent
Evening bells
The huntsman
Leaving the nest
Maid of Athens
Above the mountains
The wanderer
Down the hill
The mermaid
Farewell song
Wake, freshmen, wake
Source of song
Football song
Dulce domum
Wander song
Harrow marches onward
The voice of the bell
The schoolhouse and the flag
The school of jolly boys
Eton boating song
Sow not in sorrow
Questions and answers
Lone fishball
Saint Joles
Students' way
Help it on
Willow the king
Byron lay dreaming
Five hundred faces
Vive le Capitaine John
In the days of old
Old Nassau.
SONGS OF DEVOTION. Lord, in this thy mercy's day
Rock of ages
Merry, merry Christmas bells
He giveth his beloved sleep
Rejoice to-day (Christmas)
Nazareth (Christmas)
Christmas fanfare and carol
The palms (Easter)
Sing, O children, sing with gladness
Wake and tune your youthful voices
The Christmas tree
The trees and the master
Glorious things of thee are spoken
Peace on earth
Come, ye disconsolate
The bird song (Easter)
The blushing maple tree
A little while (O for the peace that floweth)
Wentworth (Dear Lord I thank thee)
Willis (It came upon the midnight clear)
Watchman, tell us of the night (Advent)
Rathbun (Hail, thou long-expected Jesus)
O come, Emmanuel (Advent)
Weston (Love divine)
Parting hymn (Saviour again)
Lord, with glowing heart
Jerusalem the golden
Seymour (Softly now the light of day)
Alford (Ten thousand times ten thousand)
Regent Square
Baxter (Thy way, not mine, O Lord)
O Jesu, thou are standing
St. George's chapel (Praise to God)
For thee, O dear, dear country
Aurelia (The church's one foundation)
We plough the fields
Jewett (My Jesus, as thou wilt)
Ellacombe (To thee, my God and saviour)
Adeste fideles
Nicaea (Holy, holy, holy)
Flemming (Praise ye the father)
Hark, hark, my soul
Silent night (Haydn)
Glad light (Easter)
Nearer to thee
Nearer my God to thee
Mendelssohn (Hark, the herald angels sing)
The divine pilot
Christmas time
Coronation (All hail the power of Jesus' name)
Devotion (O could our thoughts)
The bird let loose
Abide with me
Consolation (As pants the wearied heart)
Crusader's hymn
Aspiration (Saviour, blessed saviour)
Brief life is here our portion
St. Oswald (God, my king)
A last prayer
The world is very evil
Angel voices
Lead us, heavenly father
Italian hymn
Come, thou almighty king
Dennis (How gentle God's commands)
Hursley (Sun of my soul)
Lux benigna (Lead, kindly light)
Coronae (Crown the saviour)
Melita (Let glory be to God on high)
The shadows of the evening hours
Olivet (My faith looks up to thee)
Marlborough (Still, still with thee)
Addison (The spacious firmament on high)
In heavenly love abiding
Rousseau's hymn
Avon (There's nothing bright above, below)
When I survey the wondrous cross
Christus victor (Onward, Christian soldiers)
Send down thy truth, O Lord
Breathe on me, breth of God
Holy, holy Lord
Litany (Saviour, when in dust to thee)
While shepherds watched
Sweet will of God
All saints (As shadows cast by cloud and sun)
Passion chorale (O sacred head)
Art thou weary
Dundee (O God, our help)
Thou grace divine, encircling all
Nearer my God to thee (Sullivan)
God's will and love
Gloria patri
We march, we march
When the weary seeking rest
I heard the voice of Jesus say
Lead, kindly light (Peace)
In meadow and in garden
In the secret of his presence
Christian, dost thou see them?
In the hour of trial
Rise, crowned with light
Chorus of pilgrims
The Christian flag
Weary of earth and laden with my sin
Round the Lord in glory seated.
SUPPLEMENTARY. Arbor day song
Rounds. Let us sing
Winter and spring
May comes singing
The huntsmen
Good night.
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Academy song-book
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