A prospect of the city of London from the south east in the year 1945 : shewing its architecture, the destruction caused by the King's enemies during the previous five years, and some of the means whereby the safety of the citizens was maintained : 1939-1945 [cartographic material].
London : London Topographical Society, 1990.
Scale [ca. 1:1,200] (W 0°10ʹ--W 0°5ʹ/N 51°32ʹ--N 51°30ʹ)
London Topographical Society. Publication ; no.142
Alternate cover title: Devastated London : the bombed city as seen from a barrage balloon. Black-and white reduce facsimile of color view made originally in 1945 (9 ft. x 6 ft 6 in.) In lower left margin: "Reproduced by kind permission of the artist, Cecil Brown, esq." Includes dedication statement, index to points of interest, inset map with index reference numbers, ill. of angels, and coat-of-arms. In 1949 a reduced-size version of the original view was published by the London Topographical Society (Publication 82) .
Language note
In English.
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