Ames's almanack revived and improved: or, An astronomical diary, for the year of our Lord Christ 1766. ... Calculated for the meridian of Boston in New-England, lat. 42 deg. 25 min. north. ... / by a late student at Harvard-College.
Boston : Printed and sold by R. & S. Draper, in Newbury-Street, south-end; Edes & Gill, in Queen-Street; Green & Russell, Queen-Street; T. & J. Fleet, at the Heart and Crown in Cornhill. S. Hall in Rhode Island. Printed for and sold also by the following Booksellers, T. Leverett, in Cornhill. Wharton & Bowes near the Town-House; J. Perkins, in Union-Street; B. Emerson, at Newbury Port. Price before the Stamp Act takes place, half-a dollar per dozen, and 6 coppers single. After the act takes place, more than double that price., [1765]
The author's preface, signed Philodemos, states that he undertook the preparation of this almanac "as Mr. Ames, (son of the lately deceased Dr. Ames) declined furnishing the public with an almanack for the year 1766, and application was made by the printers to the author." This assertion is denied by Ames in his own preface to his 1766 almanac, issued by McAlpine and Fleeming.
This part of Philodemos' preface is quoted in identical pre-publication advertisements in the Massachusetts gazette and Boston news-letter (R. & S. Draper) for Sept. 5, 1765, the Boston gazette (Edes & Gill) for Sept. 9, and the Boston evening post (T. & J. Fleet) for Sept. 2. The advertisements go on to state that the early publication date is for the purpose of avoiding the Stamp Act, which was to go into effect on Nov. 1.
The actual publication of the almanac is advertised in a shorter notice, containing the same extract from the preface, in the Massachusetts gazette for Sept. 26 and the Evening post for Sept. 23, and in a briefer announcement in the Gazette for Sept. 23.
Attributed to Joseph Willard (1738-1804), later president of Harvard, by Evans and in Sibley's Harvard graduates. See also Sidney Willard, Memoirs of youth and manhood, 1855, v. 1, p. 25.
C.L. Nichols, in "Notes on the almanacs of Massachusetts" (Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society, n.s. v. 22 (1912): 64) calls this "a pirated edition because of failure of Ames to agree with the printers." It is not in fact a pirated edition, however, because the calculations and calendar page notes differ from those of Ames, and there is no pretence that he is the author.
Signatures: [A]⁴ B-C⁴.
Binding note
Princeton copy 1 Stab stitched.
Source acquisition
Ex copy: Gift: Sidney Lapidus, Princeton Class of 1959, 2010.
ESTC W5560
Evans 10212
Bristol B2545
Shipton & Mooney 41513
Drake, M. Almanacs, 3146
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