The Guatemala collection.

  • English
  • Spanish
Leiden : Brill, 2017-
1 online resource


Available Online


Issuing body
Summary note
"Concentrates primarily on the national era, particularly 1824 to 1948. The documents of the collection are organized into fifty-seven distinct folder classifications that include such themes as economy, agriculture, forced labor, complaints, crime, natural disasters, municipal affairs, education, elections, military, public works, religion, public health, lands and estates, development, resignations and solicitations, regulations, festivities, and maps. Often converging at the nexus of modernization and tradition, the documents convey the complicated hybrid history of a nation striving to present itself as progressive and civilized in an Atlantic world that seldom associated those qualities with indigeneity. Penned primarily by non-indigenous elites, authorities, and scribes, the documents in this collection explore how complex ethnic, racial, class, and gender relations changed over time. ... The vast majority of the documents--correspondence, annual reports, statistics, letters, litigation--found within The Guatemala Collection are from the Archivo General de Centro América in Guatemala City (General Archive of Central America, AGCA) and the Archivo Histórico Arquidiocesano Francisco de Paula García Pelaez (formerly known as Archivo Eclesiástico de Guatemala) or Catholic Church archive. ... Colonial documents come from the AGCA and the Archivo General de Indias (General Archive of the Indies) in Seville, Spain. A few of the documents and transcripts come from the Centro de Investigaciones Regionales de Mesoamérica (The Center of Regional Investigations of Mesoamerica or CIRMA) in Antigua. In general, the documents are organized by place, theme, and chronology."--Background page.
Project advisor: David Carey Jr.
Source of description
Contents viewed on June 6, 2018; title from home page.
Language note
Website interface in English; documents chiefly in Spanish with some in English.
Other title(s)
  • The Guatemala collection
  • BrillOnline primary sources. Guatemala collection
  • Guatemala collection : government and church documents for Sacatepéquez (1587-1991)
Statement on language in description
Princeton University Library aims to describe library materials in a manner that is respectful to the individuals and communities who create, use, and are represented in the collections we manage. Read more...
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