Musice utriusq[ue] cantus practica excellentis Fra[n]chini Gafori Laudensis libris quatuor modu latissima.

Gaffurius, Franchinus, 1451-1522 [Browse]
Uniform title
Brescia : Angelus Britannicus, 23 September 1497.
[112] leaves : music, diagrams (woodcuts) ; 282 mm (fol.)


Copies in the Library

Location Call Number Status Location Service Notes
Special Collections - Incunabula Collection 2017-0001Q Oversize Browse related items Reading Room Request


    Former owner
    • Title from title page on leaf [pi1] recto.
    • Imprints from colophon on leaf ll5 verso, which reads in full: Impressa Brixiæ opera & impensa Angeli Britannici: anno salutis Millesimo quatrin-/gentesimononagesimoseptimo : nono Kalen[das] : Octobris [23 September, 1497].
    • Reprinted, with the same quiring and mostly with the same page-contents, from the edition of Le Signerre, Milan, 1496 (ISTC ig00003000), with diagrams and examples possibly printed from Le Signerre's original blocks, but not the title-cut and borders: see BM 15th cent., VII, 979.
    • Full-page woodcut diagrams on leaves a2 verso and d6 recto, the first entitled "Diatonicum Guidonis Introductorium Pythagorea dimensione dispositum"; musical notation on 5-line staves throughout.
    • Space left blank for initial, with printed guide letter, on leaf a1 recto.
    • Signatures: [pi]⁴ a-b⁸ c⁶ aa-kk⁸ ll⁶. Last leaf ll6 blank.
    • Eight/nine-line capital spaces on a1r, 2a1r and 2c6r with guide letters. Smaller woodcut capitals.
    • ExI copy: Contains contemporary marginalia and lengthy musical example in white mensural notation, without text, penned in ink in lower margin of last two leaves.
    Binding note
    ExI copy: Late 19th-century brown calf, tooled in gilt, inner dentelles, gilt edges.
    [Title page], [pi1]r; [printer's register], [pi1]v; [Table of contents], [pi2]v-[pi3]r; Franchinus Gafurius. [Dedication letter addressed to] Ludovicus Maria Sfortia, Duke of Milan, [pi3]v-[pi4]v; Lucinus Conagus. Carmen, incipit "Et iuuat : & uellem meritas tibi reddere laudes:", panegyric poem in 11 elegiac distichs, [pi4]v; Franchinus Gafurius. Practica musicae, Books 1-4, a1r-ll5v; colophon, ll5v.
    ExI copy: Provenance: Emil Offenbacher (purchased March 1946); Cornelius J. Hauck (bookplate on front pastedown).
    • BM 15th cent., VII, 979, and XII, 70
    • Goff, G4
    • GW, 10435 (with digital facsimile)
    • Hain-Copinger-Reichling, 7408
    • ISTC, ig00004000
    • Klebs, 431.2
    • Oates, 2626
    • Wild, M.F. Incunabula in the libraries of the University of London, 123; Proctor 6995.
    Place name(s)
    Italy Brescia.
    Other title(s)
    Musicae utriusque cantus practica excellentis Franchini Gafori Laudensis libris quattuor modu latissima
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