1. תפילת האדם : סידור רפורמי ישראלי / עורכת ראשית: הרבה דליה מרקס ; עורכת: הרבה אלונה ליסיצה ; עריכת לשון: זאב קינן. Tefilat ha-adam : sidur reformi Yiśreʼeli / ʻorekhet rashit: ha-rabah Daliyah Marḳs ; ʻorekhet: ha-rabah Alonah Lisitsah ; ʻarikhat lashon: Zeʼev Ḳenan. [Jerusalem] : ha-Tenuʻah ha-reformit be-Yiśraʼel : Mr"m - Moʻetset ha-rabanim ha-mitḳadmim be-Yiśraʼel - ha-tenuʻah ha-reformit, 2020.[ירושלים] : התנועה הרפורמית בישראל ; מר"ם - מועצת הרבנים המתקדמים בישראל - התנועה הרפורמית, תשפ"א, 2020. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BM675.D3 Z6654 2020
2. Mishkan t'filah for youth : a siddur for families and schools / Rabbi Paula Feldstein, editor ; art by Mark Podwal. New York : Central Conference of American Rabbis, 2014. Book Loading...Special Collections - Remote Storage (ReCAP): Graphic Arts. Special Collections Use Only » RCPXG-8780688
3. [Seder ha-tefilot] = Das jüdische Gebetbuch / herausgegeben von Jonathan Magonet in Zusammenarbeit mit Walter Homolka ; Übersetzung aus dem Hebräischen, Annette Böckler. Gütersloh : Gütersloher Verlagshaus, 1997. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BM674.34 .M34 1997
4. Gates of prayer : for weekdays and at a house of mourning = [Tefilot le-ḥol uve-vet ha-evel] : a gender sensitive prayerbook / Chaim Stern, editor. [New York] : Central Conference of American Rabbis, 1992. Book Loading...Forrestal Annex - A » BM675.D3 Z6627 1992
5. Gates of understanding = [Shaʻare binah] / edited by Lawrence A. Hoffman ; notes by Chaim Stern and A. Stanley Dreyfus. New York : Published for the Central Conference of American Rabbis by the Union of American Hebrew Congregations, 1977-1984. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BM660 .G37 1977
6. Shaʻare ha-bayit = Gates of the house : the new union home prayerbook : prayers and readings for home and synagogue / [Chaim Stern, editor]. New York : Central Conference of American Rabbis, 1977. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BM674.34 .C467 1977
7. Shaʻare tefilah = Gates of prayer : the new Union prayerbook : for weekdays and at a hous of mourning. New York : Central Conference of American Rabbis, 1975. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BM675 .D3 Z6627 1975a
8. The union prayer-book for Jewish worship / edited and published by the Central Conference of American Rabbis. Jews. Liturgy and ritual [Browse] Cincinnati : Central Conference of American Rabbis, 1939. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BM665.A2 xU5
9. ʻAvodat Yiśraʾel = A prayer book for the services of the year at the synagogue / arranged by Benjamin Szold and Maurice Jastrow ; English translation by Maurice Jastrow. Philadelphia : [s.n.], 1934. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BM675 .D3 Z667513 1934
10. Dr. David Einhorn's ʻOlat tamid : Book of prayers for Jewish congregations. [Chicago? : s.n.] ; 1913. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BM665 .E563 1913
11. עבודת ישראל = A prayer book for the services of the year at the synagogue / arranged by Benjamin Szold and Marcus Jastrow ; English translation by Marcus Jastrow. ʻAvodat Yiśraʼel = A prayer book for the services of the year at the synagogue / arranged by Benjamin Szold and Marcus Jastrow ; English translation by Marcus Jastrow. Philadelphia : [publisher not identified], 1910. Book Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books » N-002312
12. Dr. David Einhorn's ʻOlat tamid : Book of prayers for Jewish congregations. [Chicago?] :[s.n.] ; 1896. Book Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books » BM665 .E563 1896 Milberg JAmW
13. Evening and morning service for the week days / reprint from the Union prayer book edited and published by the Central Conference of American Rabbis. Cincinnati, Ohio : [publisher not identified], 1895. Book Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books » N-002933
14. תפלת בית אהבה. Tefilat bet ahavah : a book of prayer for Jewish worship / compiled by Edward N. Calisch. Richmond, Va. : Ezekiel & Bass, 1893. Book Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books » N-004069
15. עבודת ישראל = Israelitish prayer book for all the Public services of the year / originally arranged by Benjamin Szold. ʻAvodat Yiśraʼel = Israelitish prayer book for all the Public services of the year / originally arranged by Benjamin Szold. Philadelphia : M. Jastrow, 1885. Book Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books » N-002311
16. Songs and prayers and meditations for divine services of Israelites / compiled by B. Szold ; translated from the German by M. Jastrow. Philadelphia : M. Jastrow, 1873. Book Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books » N-002313
17. Book of prayers for Israelitish congregations. New York : [s.n.] : For Sale by the Sexton of the Congregation Adath Jeshurun, c1872. Book Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books » 2009-1696N
18. ʻAvodat Yiśraʼel = Israelitisches Gebetbuch : für den oeffentlichen Gottesdienst im ganzen Jahre / geordnet und übersetzt von Benjamin Szold. Baltimore : Mühsam und Siemers, [1871]©1871 Book Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books » N-002706
19. Israelitisches Gebetbuch für die häusliche Andacht / geordnet von Benjamin Szold. Baltimore : Wm. Volmner, 1867. Book Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books » N-001389
20. ʻOlat tamid : Gebetbuch für israelitische Reform-Gemeinden. Baltimore : C.W. Schneidereith, 1862. Book Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books » N-001058