1. Approaching the Qur'án : the early revelations / introduced and translated by Michael Sells. Sells, Michael Anthony [Browse] London, England : Oneworld Academic, 2023. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » BP130.4 .S43 2023 Bookmark
2. Love in the Holy Qur'an / HRH Prince Ghazi bin Muḥammad. Ghazi bin Muhammad, Prince of Jordan [Browse] Cambridge, U.K. : The Islamic Texts Society, 2019. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » BP134.L67 I2713 2019 Bookmark
3. A thinking person's guide to Islam : the essence of Islam in 12 verses from the Qurʼan / H.R.H. Prince Ghazi bin Muhammad ; foreword by H.M. King Abdullah II ibn al-Hussein. Ghazi bin Muhammad, Prince of Jordan [Browse] London : White Thread Press : Turath Publishing, 2017.London : Distributed in the UK by Azhar Academy Ltd.©2016 Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BP163 .G4933 2017 Bookmark
4. موضوعات قرآن انسائيکلوپيڈيا : 1800 سے زائد موضوعات سے متعلق آيات قرآنى کا ايک جامع انتخاب = Maozuaat-e-Quran encyclopdia : a collection of Ayat-e-Qurani on more than 1800 different topics / اردو ترجمه، مولانا فتح محمّد جالندھرى ؛ انگريزى ترجمه، ڈاکٹر مارما ڈيوک پييکتھال ؛ تحقيق و تالف، سعيدالظفر صدّيقى. Mauẓūʻāt-i Qurʼān insāʼīklopīḍiyā : 1800 se zāʼid mauẓūʻāt se mutaʻalliq āyāt-i Qurʼānī kā ek jāmiʻ intik̲h̲āb = Maozuaat-e-Quran encyclopdia : a collection of Ayat-e-Qurani on more than 1800 different topics / Urdū tarjumah, Maulānā Fatiḥ Muḥammad Jālandharī ; Angrīzī tarjumah, Ḍākṭar Mārmā Ḍevk Pīkthāl ; taḥqīq va tālif, Saʻīduz̤z̤afar Ṣiddīqī. Ṣiddīqī, Saʻīduẓẓafar, 1944- [Browse]صدّيقى، سعيدالظّفر ، 1944- [Browse] Lāhaur : Māvarā Buks, 2016.لاهور : ماورا بکس، 2016. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BP133 .S56 2016 Bookmark
5. Islamic critique of Sufism : a study of Rabi'ā, Hujwiri and Sirhindi / Obaidullah Fahad. Falāhī, ʻUbaidullāh Fahd [Browse] New Delhi : Jnanada Prakashan : Assisted by Text Book Promotion Society of India, 2014. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BP189 .F26 2014 Bookmark
6. An anthology of the highlights of the Qur'ān : with parallel Arabic text / compilation and annotation by Badr Hashemi. Hashemi, Badr, 1944- [Browse] Islamabad : Ismaeel Hashemi, 2013 + 1 CD-ROM (col. : 4 3/4 in.) Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BP110 .H37 2013 Bookmark
7. Love in the Holy Qur'an / HRH Prince Ghāzī bin Muḥammad ; foreword by Seyyed Hossein Nasr. Ghazi bin Muhammad, Prince of Jordan [Browse] Cambridge : Islamic Texts Society, 2013. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » BP134.L67 I2713 2013 Bookmark
8. Love in the holy Qurʼan / Ghazi bin Muhammad bin Talal ; foreword by Seyyed Hossein Nasr. Ghazi bin Muhammad, Prince of Jordan [Browse] Chicago, Ill. : Kazi Publications, [2011], c2010. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BP134.L67 I2713 2011 Bookmark
9. Your choice ! : a humble presentation of selected Qur'anic verses for guidance to the straight path / by Nusrat A. Zuberi. Johar Town, Lahore : Zuberi Publishers, 2005. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BP135.A3 Z83 2005 Bookmark
10. Islamic Judaism : an account of references to Jews and Judaism in the Quran / [compiled and translated by] M.J. Gohari. Oxford : Oxford Logos Society, c2002. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » BP110 2002 Bookmark
11. Selections from the Kur-an / [by] Edward William Lane ; [a new edition, revised and enlarged, with an introduction, by Stanley Lane Poole]. Abingdon : Routledge, 2002. Book Online Project Gutenberg Online Catalog Bookmark
12. The wisdom of the Qur'an. Oxford, England : Oneworld, c2000. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BP110 2000 Bookmark
13. The light of dawn : a daybook of verses from the Holy Qur'ān / selected and rendered by Camille Adams Helminski. Brattleboro, Vt : Threshold Books, c1998. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BP110 .H45 1998 Bookmark
14. Qabasāt min maʻārif al-Qurʼān al-karīm : maʻa al-tarjamah al-Injlīzīyah = Anvārī az maʻārif-i Qurʼānī bā tarjumah-ʼi Ingilīsī / iʻdād Ḥusayn Ḥāʼirī Kirmānī. Ḥāʾirī Kirmānī, Ḥusayn [Browse] Mashhad : Bunyād-i Pizhūhishhā-yi Islāmī, Āstān-i Quds-i Raz̤avī, 1996. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BP132 .H347 1996 Bookmark
15. Islam opposes violence against women : a resource booklet / [edited by the] Islamic Women's Welfare Council of Victoria (Inc.)]. [Brunswick, Victoria : The Council, 1995] Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BP134.W6 I75 1995q Oversize Bookmark
16. The essential Koran : the heart of islam : an introductory selection of readings from the Qurʾan / by Thomas Cleary. San Francisco : Harper San Francisco, c1993. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » BP110 1993 Bookmark
17. Readings in the Qurʻān / selected and translated with an introductory essay by Kenneth Cragg. San Francisco : Collins, 1988. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Near East Collections » BP110 1988 Bookmark
18. Dawat-ul-Quran = The Quranic message : some verses from the Holy Quran, with interpretation / by Fazluddin (Ajmeri) ; translation by S. Mohammed Iqbal. Ajmeri, Fazluddin [Browse] New Delhi : Taj Company, 1982. Book Loading...Forrestal Annex - A » BP130.4 .F39 Bookmark
19. Introduction to the Qurʻan / A. Rahman I. Doi. Doi, A. Rahman I. [Browse] Dunton Green, Sevenoaks, Kent : Arewa Books, 1981. Book Loading...Forrestal Annex - A » BP130 .D64 Bookmark
20. The Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Iran [Browse] Tehran : Islamic Propagation Organization, [1980?]. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » KPF .I73 Bookmark