1. The Catholic epistles and Apocalypse from the codex Laudianus numbered Laud. Lat. 43 in the Bodleian library, together with the Apocalypse text of Beatus from the tenth century ms. in the Morgan library, New York; now first edited with introductions descriptive of the mss. and their correctors, by E. S. Buchanan... with six collotype facsimiles. London, Heath, Cranton & Ouseley, ltd., 1916. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » 5162.1916 Online Online Content Bookmark
2. Épistres catholiques traduites en franc̜ois, avec une explication tirée des SS. Pères & des auteurs ecclésiastiques. Paris, G. Desprez, 1703. Book Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books » BS2777.A4 xF7 1703 Bookmark
3. Epistolae quatuor, Petri secunda, Johannis secunda & tertia, & Judae, fratris Jacobi, una. : ex celeberrimae bibliothecae Bodleianae Oxoniensis ms. exemplari nunc primum depromptae, et charactere Hebraeo, versione Latina, notisque quibusdam insignitae / operâ & studio Edwardi Pococke, Angli-Oxoniensis. Lugduni Batavorum : ex officinâ Bonaventurae & Abrahami Elzevir., 1630. Book Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books » 2243.4.386 Bookmark