1. ܐܘܢܓܠܝܘܢ. ʼEwangelíwān. [Ajaltoun, Lebanon], 1638. Manuscript, Book Online Online Content Bookmark
2. ܐܘܢܓܠܝܘܢ ܩܕܝܫܐ ܕܡܫܝܚܐ ܦܪܘܩܢ ʼEwangelíwān qadíšā da-mšíḥā pārúqan. [Karpasha, Cyprus], 1526. Manuscript, Book Online Online Content Bookmark
3. Syriaque d= : syntaxe et typologie / Rola Skaff. Skaff, Rola [Browse] Paris : Geuthner, [2019]2019 Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » ReCAP 20-61972 Bookmark
4. La Torah de la Nouvelle Alliance selon la récitation orale des apôtres : texte des Évangiles et des Actes selon la version stricte d'Orient / analyse rythmique et midrashique par Frédéric Guigain ; préface de Pierre Perrier. Paris : Editions Cariscript, [2010], ©2010. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » BS2550 .A2 2010 Bookmark
5. Kommentar zum Diatessaron / Ephraem der Syrer ; übersetzt und eingeleitet von Christian Lange. Ephraem, Syrus, Saint, 303-373 [Browse] Turnhout : Brepols, 2008. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » JFK 10-57 Bookmark
6. Diatessaron de Tatien. Tatian, approximately 120-173 [Browse] Beyrouth : Imprimerie catholique, 1935. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 281.1 T1844 Bookmark
7. A Greek fragment of Tatian's Diatessaron : from Dura / edited with facsimile, transcription and introduction by Carl H. Kraeling. Tatian, approximately 120-173 [Browse] London : Christophers, [1935], [©1935] Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 208 St94 v.3-6 Bookmark
8. Syrus sinaiticus / hrsg. von Arthur Hjelt. Helsingfors, 1930. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 893.1BK F30 Bookmark
9. Syrus sinaiticus, hrsg. von Arthur Hjelt. Helsingfors, 1930. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » *ODM+ (Bible. N.T. Gospels. Syriac. Syrus sinaiticus) Bookmark
10. The old Syriac gospels, or, Evangelion da-Mepharreshê, being the text of the Sinai or Syro-Antiochene palimpsest, including the latest additions and emendations, with the variants of the Curetonian text, ... / ed. by Agnes Smith Lewis. London : Williams and Norgate, 1910. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 893.1BK F10 Bookmark
11. The fourfold holy Gospel ; tetraeuangelium sanctum, in the Peshitta Syriac version. London : British and Foreign Bible Society, 1905. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » BS11 .S62 1905 Bookmark
12. Some pages of the four Gospels re-transcribed from the Sinaitic palimpsest with a translation of the whole text / by Agnes Smith Lewis. London : C. J. Clay, 1896. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 893.1BK E962 Bookmark
13. [The Gospels in Syriac, printed in Nestorian character / edited for the British and Foreign Bible Society by T.P. Platt]. London : B.F.B.S., 1829. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 893.1BK E29 Bookmark
14. Novi Testamenti Biblia triglotta : sive, Graeci textus archetypi, versionis Syriacae et versionis Latinae Vulgatae, synopsis cui accedunt subsidia critica varia : Evangelia. Londini : S. Bagster : impensis et typis R. Watts, [1828] Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » *YAE (Bible. N.T. Gospels. Polyglot. 1828. Novi Testamenti Biblia triglotta)View Record for Full Availability Bookmark