1. ספר ראשון לציון : ... שבע שיטות: ברכות, סוכה, ביצה, תענית, מגילה, מו"ק, חגיגה ... ביאור רחב על ... הרמב"ם ואחריו, ... חדושי דינים על יו"ד וכללי ספק ספקא ... / פעולת איש צדיק ... כמה'ר חיים ן' עטר ז"ל ... אבן עטר, חיים בן משה, 1696-1743 [Browse] קושטאנדינה : האחים ראובן ונסים בני יונה, י'ש'ר'ה' [תק"י]. Book Online Otzar HaHochma - אוצר החכמה הבסיסי
2. משלי ספר החכמה : עם פי' אסירי תקוה ... / שחיבר ... אליעזר ... הירש ... נייאוויט : דפוס יאהן בלטהאזר הויפט, תק"י. Book Online Otzar HaHochma - אוצר החכמה הבסיסי
3. מקור ברוך : ... חדושי הגמרא ופי' תוספות ומפרשיהם / ... יסד וגם חיבר ... מוה'רר ברוך אריה ליב מזאמושטש. ברוך בן אריה ליב [Browse] זאלקווא : דפוס גרשון בן חיים דוד וחיים דוד בן אהרן סג"ל, תק"י. Book Online Otzar HaHochma - אוצר החכמה הבסיסי
4. ספר תורת חיים ואהבת חסד : והוא כל הדיני' ותפלות ונהגות הנצרכים לחבורות הקדושות בקור חולים וגמילות חסדים. ליסר, מרדכי [Browse] בערלין : דפוס אהרן בן משה רופא, א'ה'ב'ת' עול'ם ח'ס'ד' [תק"י]. Book Online Otzar HaHochma - אוצר החכמה הבסיסי
5. שמעון ולוי : ... ביאר ... בהגדת פסח ובקדושת חודש ניסן וקרבנות הנשיאים ... ע"פ נגלה ונסתר ... שמעון בן קים קדיש [Browse] זאלקווא : דפוס גרשון [בן חיים דוד] וחיים דוד בן אהרן, תק"י. Book Online Otzar HaHochma - אוצר החכמה הבסיסי
6. ספר אגן הסהר : והוא פי' על משלי ... בנגלה ובנסתר ... / חברו ... כמה"ר דוד חזן ... חזן, דוד בן חיים [Browse] שאלוניקי : [מוציא לאור לא ידוע], ת'פ'ל'ה' לפ"ג [תק"י]. Book Online Otzar HaHochma - אוצר החכמה הבסיסי
7. ספר מסורת סייג לתורה / אשר חבר ... כמהר"ר מאיר בכמהר"ר טודרוס הלוי ... ללמד את בני יהודה קסת תקון סופרים ... בפתוחות וסתומות ... [כסדר א"ב ובסופו ליקוטי המסורת]. אבולעפיה, מאיר בן טודרוס, הלוי, 1170-1244 [Browse] פירינצי : יצחק די פאס, ד'ר'ש'ו' [תק"י] 1750. Book Online Otzar HaHochma - אוצר החכמה הבסיסי
8. ספר צינה דוד : על הלכות ניקור ... בפירוש מספיק על בעל העיטור [=יצחק בן אבא מארי] בפירוש מקום דוד ... והכל בל"א כל דין על הסדר / ע"י המנקר ... הר"ר דוד בן הר"ר גרשון דייטש. דיטש, דוד בן גרשון [Browse] פיורדא : דפוס חיים בן צבי הירש מדפיס, ב'כל א'ו'ת נפש'ך תא'כל בשר' [תק"י]. Book Online Otzar HaHochma - אוצר החכמה הבסיסי
9. כתר תורה : ... לכבוד החתן ... דוד פראנקו מינדיז על אודות האשה אשר לקח ... רחל דא פונסיקה / יצרתיו ... אני ... בנימין דיאש בראנדון ... דיאש ברנדון, בנימין רפאל [Browse] [אמשטרדם] : [מוציא לאור לא ידוע], וה'י'ה זר'עך כ'עפ'ר' הארץ לפ"ג [תק"י]. Book Online Otzar HaHochma - אוצר החכמה הבסיסי
10. ספר מקדש מלך : ... פי' על ספר הזוהר ... שחיבר החה"ש ... / כמוה"ר שלום בוזאגלו ממה שלמד מרבותיו חכמי המערב ... בוזגלו, שלום בן משה, 1700-1780 [Browse] אמשטרדם : הירץ לוי רופא וחתנו קאשמן, ויתן בפי ש'י'ר' חדש תהלה לאלקינו [תק"י]. Book Online Otzar HaHochma - אוצר החכמה הבסיסי
11. ספר מגלת ספר : חלק ראשון, והוא ביאור ... על ספר הסמ"ג ... ושקיל וטרי על ... הרמב"ם / ... בנימין קאזיש ... קזיס, בנימין [Browse] קושטאנדינה : דפוס האחים ראובן ונסים בני יונה אשכנזי, י'ש'ר'ה' [תק"י]. Book Online Otzar HaHochma - אוצר החכמה הבסיסי
12. ספר פחד יצחק : והוא אלפא ביתא רבתי ... של הלכות ... משנה, ברייתא, ש"ס, הרי"ף ופוסקי דווקני ... / כל אלה פעל ... כמוהר"ר יצחק בכמ"ר שמואל לאמפרונטי ... למפרונטי, יצחק בן שמואל, 1679-1756 [Browse] וינציאה ; ליוורנו ; ליק ; ברלין : מקיצי נרדמים, תק"י-תרמ"ח. Book Online Otzar HaHochma - אוצר החכמה הבסיסי
13. The 2d part of the Jenne-ren. Being a choice collection of the best songs now in vogue [electronic resource]. [Lon]don : Printed by R. Powell, in Stone-Cutter near the Fleet-Market. Where shopkeepers bills ... presented at reasonable rates. Likewise musick to be ... all entertainments, [between ca. 1750 and 1770?] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
14. Aabcd... Die lau=ten Buch=staben ... Die stum=men Buch=staben ... Stargard. Hendess [ca. 1750]. Book Loading...Special Collections - Cotsen Children's Library » 19535 Euro 18
15. Aabcd... Die lau=ten Buch=staben ... Die stum=men Buch=staben ... Stargard. Hendess [ca. 1750]. Book Loading...Special Collections - Cotsen Children's Library » 63169 Euro 18Q
16. Aaron Burr (1716-1757) Collection, 1750-1761 Princeton University. Library. Special Collections [Browse] Manuscript Loading...Special Collections - Manuscripts Archival. Special Collections Use Only » C0090 Online Search and Request: Princeton University Library Finding Aids
17. The A B C with the catechism [electronic resource]; that is to say, an instruction to be learned of every person before he be brought to be confirmed by the Bishop. London : printed for the Company of Stationers, 1750. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
18. Abécédé dédie aux vertus admirables des soeurs de la charité pour les soins et le soulagement qu'elles portent aux pauvres orphelin et aux malades. Enfants honorez dieu aimez vos peres et meres soulagez les dans leur viellesse obeissez leur en toutes choses ou dieu n'est point offense. [France. ca. 1750]. Book Loading...Special Collections - Cotsen Children's Library » 6426 Euro 18Q
19. Abrégé de Geometrie [manuscript]. [France, ca 1750]. Manuscript, Book Loading...Special Collections - Cotsen Children's Library » 8031 Manuscripts
20. An abridgment of the history of the Bible [electronic resource]. By the Rev. Mr Ostervald. Ostervald, Jean Frédéric, 1663-1747 [Browse] London : printed for B. Dod, 1750. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
21. An abstract of the Holy Bible. With remarkable proofs from Genesis to Revelations [electronic resource] : Written by William Hanover. Hanover, William [Browse] [London] : Printed and sold in Bow-Church Yard, London, [1750?] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
22. The absurdity and blasphemy of substituting the personal righteousness of men in the room of the surety righteousness of Christ, in the important article of justification before God [electronic resource]. A sermon preached at the South Precinct in Braintree, December 25th 1749. By John Porter, A.M. Pastor of the Fourth Church of Christ in Bridgewater. Published at the earnest desire of the hearers. [Ten lines of quotations] Porter, John, 1716-1802 [Browse] Boston : Printed [by Samuel Kneeland and Timothy Green] and sold opposite the prison in Queen Street, MDCCL. [1750] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
23. The absurdity and blasphemy of substituting the personal righteousness of men in the room of the surety righteousness of Christ, in the important article of justification before God. [electronic resource] : A sermon preached at the South Precinct in Braintree, December 25th 1749. / By John Porter, A.M. Pastor of the Fourth Church of Christ in Bridgewater. ; Published at the earnest desire of the hearers. ; [Ten lines of quotations] Porter, John, 1716-1802 [Browse] Boston: : Printed [by Samuel Kneeland and Timothy Green] and sold opposite the prison in Queen Street., MDCCL. [1750] Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints
24. The abuse of standing Parliaments, and the great advantage of frequent elections [electronic resource] : In a letter to a noble lord. Lucas, Charles, 1713-1771 [Browse] London : Printed for II. Carpenter in Fleet-street, [1750?] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
25. The Abuse of standing parliaments, and the great advantage of frequent elections. In a letter to a Noble Lord. London, Printed for H. Carpenter [1750?] Book Loading...Special Collections - Remote Storage (ReCAP): Rare Books. Special Collections Use Only » 14462.999 v.7
26. The abuse of standing Parliaments, and the great advantage of frequent elections. In a letter to a noble lord Cengage Gale London Book Online Gale Making of the Modern World Part 1
27. The abuse of standing parliaments, and the great advantage of frequent elections. In a letter to a noble lord [electronic resource]. Lucas, Charles, 1713-1771 [Browse] London [i.e. Dublin?] : printed by the booksellers, [1750?] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
28. The abuses of conscience [electronic resource]: set forth in a sermon, preached in the Cathedral church of St. Peter's, York, ... on Sunday, July 29, 1750. By Laurence Sterne, A.M. ... Sterne, Laurence, 1713-1768 [Browse] York : printed by Cæsar Ward: for John Hildyard, 1750. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
29. The academic [electronic resource] : Or A disputation on the state of the University of Cambridge, and the propriety of the regulations made in it, on the 11th day of May, and the 26th day of June 1750. Green, John, 1705 or 1706-1779 [Browse] London : Printed for C. Say, in Newgate-Street, near the Gate, M,DCC,L. [1750] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
30. The academy of compliments [electronic resource]. Being the rarest and most exact way of wooing a maid or a widow ... With passionate love letters, ... Together with a choice collection of songs. [London] : Printed and sold in Aldermary Church Y[ard] Bow Lane, London, [1750?] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
31. The academy of compliments [electronic resource]. Being the rarest and most exact way of wooing a maid or widow, ... With passionate love-letters, ... Together with a choice collection of songs. [London] : Printed and sold in London, [1750?] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
32. The accomplish'd conveyancer. Containing the nature and kinds of deeds and instruments used in conveyancing; and an abridgment of the law relating to all sorts of conveyances of estates ... and also all manner of precedents made use of in conveyancing ... Jacob, Giles, 1686-1744 [Browse] [London] Printed by H. Lintot for D. Browne, 1750. Book On-site accessReCAP - Remote Storage » XH (Jacob, G. Accomplished Conveyancer)View Record for Full Availability
33. The accomplish'd conveyancer [electronic resource]. Containing the nature and kinds of deeds and instruments used in conveyancing: and an abridgment of the law relating to all sorts of conveyances of estates, ... The second edition, corrected; with additions. By Giles Jacob, ... In three volumes. Jacob, Giles, 1686-1744 [Browse] [London] : In the Savoy: printed by Henry Lintot, for Dan. Browne; and John Shuckburgh, 1750. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
34. The accomplish'd merchant [electronic resource]. By a merchant of London. Merchant of London [Browse] [London, 1750?] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
35. The accomplish'd practiser in the High Court of Chancery, [electronic resource] : shewing the whole method of proceedings, according to the present practice, from the bill to the appeal inclusive: containing the original, power and jurisdiction of the Chancery, both as a court of law and equity; the office of the Lord Chancellor, Master of the Rolls, and the rest of the officers. Also the best forms and precedents of bills, answers, pleas, demurrers, writs, commissions, interrogatories, affidavits, petitions and orders; together with a list of the officers and their fees: likewise other matters useful for practisers. The third edition, assisted by the help of a manuscript by a late learned hand, with all the practice enlarged under every head, and an addition of precedents of all kinds; also the proceedings upon a commission of lunacy. By Joseph Harrison of Lincoln's Inn, Esq; in two volumes. Harrison, Joseph, active 1734-1779 [Browse] In the Savoy : printed by Henry Lintot, law-printer to the King's Most Excellent Majesty; for T. Waller, at the Crown and Mitre opposite Fetter-lane in Fleet-street, MDCCL. [1750] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
36. The accountant [electronic resource], or, the method of book-keeping, deduced from clear principles, and illustrated by a variety of examples. By James Dodson, ... Dodson, James, -1757 [Browse] London : printed for J. Nourse, 1750. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
37. The accountant, or, The method of book-keeping deduced from clear principles and illustrated by a variety of examples Dodson, James, -1757 [Browse] London Printed for J. Nourse Book Online Gale Making of the Modern World Part 1
38. An account of all the ceremonies which are observed by the Church of Rome [electronic resource], at the opening, during the progress, and at the conclusion of the next approaching Jubilee. Translated into English from the Latin original, printed at Rome, by order from the Pope. London : printed for J.Freeman, 1750. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
39. An account of a most efficacious medicine for soreness, weakness, and several other distempers of the eyes [electronic resource]. By Sir Hans Sloane, ... Sloane, Hans, Sir, 1660-1753 [Browse] London : printed for Dan. Browne, [1750?] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
40. An account of a most efficacious medicine for soreness, weakness, and several other distempers of the eyes [electronic resource]. By Sir Hans Sloane, Bart. ... Sloane, Hans, Sir, 1660-1773 [Browse] London : printed for Dan. Browne, [1750?] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
41. An account of explosions in the atmosphere, or airquakes : Their distinction from true earthquakes : With some observations on the late shocks, near this city, &c. to shew that they were most probably of the former kind... Stukeley, William, 1687-1765 [Browse] London : printed for A. Dodd, 1750. Book Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books » 1465.889
42. An account of explosions in the atmosphere, or airquakes. Their distinction from true earthquakes. With some observations on the late shocks, near this city, &c. to shew that they were most probably of the former kind [electronic resource]... London : printed for A. Dodd, 1750. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
43. An account of Sir Isaac Newton's philosophical discoveries [electronic resource], in four books. By Colin Maclaurin, ... MacLaurin, Colin, 1698-1746 [Browse] London : printed for A. Millar, 1750. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
44. An account of Sir Isaac Newton's philosophical discoveries, in four books. By Colin Maclaurin ... Published from the author's manuscript papers, by Patrick Murdoch ... MacLaurin, Colin, 1698-1746 [Browse] London, Printed for A. Millar ... 1750. Book Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books » QA803 .xM18 1750 Loading...Special Collections - Remote Storage (ReCAP): Rare Books. Special Collections Use Only » 8204.674.61
45. An account of the Academy at Heath [electronic resource], near Wakefield, Yorkshire. Its situation, rise, present state, discipline, terms for boarding and teaching; ... By Joseph Randall, ... Randall, Joseph [Browse] London : printed in the year, 1750. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
46. An account of the academy at Heath, near Wakefield, Yorkshire, its situation, rise, present state, discipline, terms for boarding and teaching, and the particulars of the arts and sciences, &c. taught there : together with the usefulness of each branch of education, and the manner of cultivating the minds of youth there ... / by Joseph Randall ... Randall, Joseph [Browse] London : [s.n.], 1750. Book Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books » QB45 .R36
47. An Account of the apparition of the late Lord Kilmarnock, to the Revd. Mr. Fuster [electronic resource] : With what passed between them in the interview the next morning after his execution. London : Printed by T. Truman near Cornhill, [1750?] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
48. An account of the behaviour of Mr. James Maclaine [electronic resource], from the time of his condemnation to the day of his execution, October 3. 1750. By the Reverend Dr. Allen, ... Allen, Fifield, 1699 or 1700-1764 [Browse] London : printed for J. Noon; and A. Millar, 1750. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
49. An account of the behaviour of Mr. James Maclaine [electronic resource], from the time of his condemnation to the day of his execution, October 3. 1750. By the Reverend Dr. Allen, ... Allen, Fifield, 1699 or 1700-1764 [Browse] London : printed for J. Noon; and A. Millar, 1750. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
50. An account of the behaviour of Mr. James Maclaine [electronic resource], from the time of his condemnation to the day of his execution, October 3. 1750. By the Reverend Dr. Allen, ... The second edition, with the addition of a letter written by Mr. Maclaine ... Allen, Fifield, 1699 or 1700-1764 [Browse] London : printed for J. Noon, 1750. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections