1. ספר תפארת הגרשוני / שחיבר ... כמוהר"ר גרשון אשכנזי ... אב"ד ור"מ ... בק"ק מיץ ... דרש דרש הטוב התורה ... אשכנזי, גרשון בן יצחק, נפטר 1693 [Browse] פרנקפורט דמיין : דפוס יהאן וואושט, ו'ב'ן' ד'ו'ד' ב'מ'ה'ר'ה' י'ב'ו'א' ו'י'ג'א'ל'י'נ'ו' [תנ"ט]. Book Online Otzar HaHochma - אוצר החכמה הבסיסי Bookmark
2. נפתלי אילה שלוחה : והוא חיבור ... על חכמות המספר / מלוקט מספר ראשונים ואחרונים ... שחיבר ואסף ... כה"ר נפתלי הירש ב"ר ישעיה ... נפתלי הירש בן ישעיה [Browse] [פיורדא] : דפוס צבי הירש בן יוסף סג"ל, עשה עמנו א'ו'ת' ל'ט'ו'ב'ה' [תנ"ט]. Book Online Otzar HaHochma - אוצר החכמה הבסיסי Bookmark
3. ספר שם שמואל : שהוציא לאורה תעלומה ונימוקי וטעמי תורה / ... מוהר"ר שמואל בן הרב ... משה ... שמואל בן משה (אב"ד סוויסלאוויטש) [Browse] פרנקפורט דאדרה : מיכל גאטשלק, תנ"ט. Book Online Otzar HaHochma - אוצר החכמה הבסיסי Bookmark
4. ספר עמק יהושע : ... ללמד בני יהודה קשיות ותירוצי' חדשים וגם ישנים ... לפי סדר הפרשיות. יהושע פלק בן יהודה ליב, נפטר 1700 [Browse] פרנקפורט דאדר : דפוס מיכל גאטשאלק, ת'זל כ'ט'ל' אמרתי [תנ"ט]. Book Online Otzar HaHochma - אוצר החכמה הבסיסי Bookmark
5. וזאת ליהודא : שחיטות ובדיקות ... וחיבור ע"פ הלכות פסוקה חידושי דינים מפוסקים קמאי ובתראי ... אליבא דהלכתא. ליפשיץ, יהודה ליב בן יצחק [Browse] פירדא : דפוס יוסף בן שלמה זלמן שניאור, ק'ד'ש' ה'ן' [תנ"ט]. Book Online Otzar HaHochma - אוצר החכמה הבסיסי Bookmark
6. ספר חסד שמו אל : ... על ספר בראשית ובו פשטים, רמזים דרשות, סודות ... וגם יש בו קצת תוכחה / חברו ... מה"ר שמואל ... משפחת אויערבך ... אויערבך, שמואל בן דוד, נפטר 1701 [Browse] אמשטרדם : דפוס משה מינדיס קויטיניו, ו'יאמר ש'מ'ו'א'ל' א'ל ה'ע'ם [תנ"ט]. Book Online Otzar HaHochma - אוצר החכמה הבסיסי Bookmark
7. ספר דברי שמואל : ... מחידושי' [על מסכתות ועל אגדות הש"ס] ... / אשר חבר ... כמוהר"ר שמואל הצרפתי. צרפתי, שמואל בן אברהם, 1660-1713 [Browse] אמשטרדם : דפוס משה בן אברהם מינדיס קויטניו, ויתן ש'ל'מ'ה' א'ת הכ'ס'ף כא'ב'נים [תנ"ט]. Book Online Otzar HaHochma - אוצר החכמה הבסיסי Bookmark
8. חות יאיר : תשובות ... מעשה ... כמהר'ר יאיר חיים בר' משה שמשון ... וימצא בהם גם שאר חכמות ... בכרך, יאיר חיים בן משה שמשון, 1638-1702 [Browse] ורנקפורט דמיין : דפוס יהניס וואוסט, ל'מ'ש'פ'ט' [תנ"ט]. Book Online Otzar HaHochma - אוצר החכמה הבסיסי Bookmark
11. En Aandelig Jule-Stue, hvor udi Høye og Nedrige, Rige og Fattige, Gamle og Unge kand uden Guds fortørnelse og uden sin egen og andris Forargelse holde Juul for Herren, og til den Ende med Sex Jule-Betenkninger beprydet [af E. E. Naur] [electronic resource]. Naur, Elias Eskildsen, 1650-1728 [Browse] Copenhagen : Johan Philip Bockenhoffer, 1699. Book Online Early European Books - Collection 4 Bookmark
12. Aanmerkinge over de woorden van den evangelist Lucas, beschreven in sijn H. evangelium cap. 4: vs. 1-14. (By Herman Bouman) [electronic resource]. Bouman, Herman [Browse] Amsterdam : Robert Blokland, 1699. Book Online Early European Books - Collection 11 Bookmark
13. Abdas in aula, seu Subitariæ quædam cogitationes circa persecutionem Persicam ... conamine Jacobi Rasch & defendentis Broderi Hørup ... [electronic resource]. Rasch, Jacob, 1669-1737 [Browse] Copenhagen : Johan Philip Bockenhoffer, 1699. Book Online Early European Books - Collection 5 Bookmark
14. Abdruck eines Protests, so Johann Vossbein thun lassen, wider ein so genannten Vergleich, welchen sein Schwieger Vater, Gerdt Ritter … Germany Book Online Early European Books - Collection 23 Bookmark
15. Abregé de l'histoire de la monarchie des Assiriens, des Perses, des Macedoniens et des Romains [electronic resource]. Couture, Jean-Baptiste [Browse] Paris : Jean-Baptiste Musier, 1699. Book Online Early European Books - Collection 10 Bookmark
16. Abregé de la vie des peintres, avec des reflexions sur leurs ouvrages, et un traité du peintre parfait, la connoissance des dessins, de l'utilité des estampes. Piles, Roger de, 1635-1709 [Browse] Paris, chez François Muguet, premier imprimeur du roy, du clergé de France, & de M. l'archevêque, ruë de la Harpe, 1699... Book Loading...Marquand Library - Rare Books » ND34 .P63 Bookmark
17. Abregé de l'histoire de Portugal : Dedié à Monseigneur le Marquisd de Cascae's, comte de Montsanto, Ambaffadeur Extraordinaire de Portugal à la Cour de France. J. M. d. R. (Jean Maugin de Richebourg) [Browse] Paris : Chez Martin & George Jouvenel, 1699. Book Online Brazilian and Portuguese History and Culture: Oliveira Lima Library Bookmark
18. The absolute necessity of spiritual husbandry [electronic resource] : in breaking up our fallow ground. Together with a discourse of the terrible coming of Christ, to execute vengeance on all that remain fallow ground, and obey not the gospel. By Samuel Tomlyns, M.A. and minister of the gospel in Marlborough. Tomlyns, Samuel, 1632 or 3-1700 [Browse] London : printed for Tho. Parkhurst, at the Bible and Three Crowns in Cheap-side, near Mercers-Chapel, 1699. Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
19. The absolute truth, and utmost certainty of the word of God [electronic resource] : and that all things which are contained in the scriptures, yea to every tittle and iota thereof, will be fulfiled : demonstrated in a discourse on Rom IX. 6 / by Richard Stafford ... Stafford, Richard, 1663-1703 [Browse] London : Printed, and are to be sold by Ralph Simpson ..., MDCXCIX [1699] Book Bookmark
20. An abstract by way of index of some very unsound and some other very antichristian passages collected out of G. Whitehead's and W. Penns books, plainly contradicting their late creeds [electronic resource] : one signed by W. Penn at Dublin in Ireland on which the B. of Cork hath made some seasonable remarks, another signed by G.W., called A few positions of the sincere belief and Christian London : Printed for the author and are to be sold by B. Aylmer ... and C. Brome ..., 1699. Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
21. An abstract by way of index of some very unsound and some other very antichristian passages collected out of G. Whitehead's and W. Penns books, plainly contradicting their late creeds microform : one signed by W. Penn at Dublin in Ireland on which the B. of Cork hath made some seasonable remarks, another signed by G.W., called A few positions of the sincere belief and Christian doctrine of the people called Quakers, both printed in this present year 1698. London : Printed for the author and are to be sold by B. Aylmer ... and C. Brome ..., 1699. Book, Microform Loading...Firestone Library - Microforms Services (Film) » 0419.922 1452:15. Bookmark
22. An abstract, of a letter from a person of eminency and worth in Caledonia, [electronic resource] : to a friend at Boston in New-England. Paterson, William, 1658-1719 [Browse] Edinburgh, : Printed by John Reid, 1699. Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
23. An abstract of a letter from a person of eminency and worth in Caledonia to a friend at Boston in New England. [electronic resource] Paterson, William, 1658-1719 [Browse] Boston, : [s.n.], printed May 15th. 1699. Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
24. An abstract of a letter from a person of eminency and worth in Caledonia to a friend at Boston in New-England [electronic resource]. Paterson, William, 1658-1719 [Browse] Boston, : Printed [by Bartholomew Green and John Allen], May, 15th. 1699. Book Bookmark
25. An abstract of such parts of several statutes relating to silks called alamodes and lustrings, [electronic resource] : as may guide officers, and others, in the execution thereof; and direct all dealers in such silks, to avoid the penalties therein contained. [London : s.n., 1699] Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
26. An abstract of such parts of several statutes relating to silks called alamodes and lustrings, [electronic resource] : as may guide officers, and others, in the execution thereof ; and direct all dealers in such silks, to avoid the penalties therein contained. [London : s.n., 1699] Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
27. An abstract of the acts of Parliament [electronic resource] : for officers and soldiers to set up and follow trades : and for the payment of their arrears, &c. : as also that for the branding felons in the left cheek : and for making Billingsgate a free market for fish : and that for raising the militia of this kingdom : as also, the act to prohibit the exportation of wooll into foreign parts and encouragement of the wollen-manufacturers : the said acts being made by the honourable Parliaments of England, in the eleventh year of the reign of our soveraign lord King William the Third, of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland ... England and Wales [Browse] London : Printed for Samuel Hill, in Fleet-street, 1699. Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
28. An abstract of the case of the city of Londonderry. [electronic resource]. [London : s.n., 1699?] Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
29. An abstract of the case of the city of Londonderry [electronic resource]. [London : s.n., 1699?] Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
30. Abstracts of laws for the colony of Rhode Island including table of laws sent as correspondence by Samuel Cranston : Correspondence 1699. Book Online Colonial America Module V: Growth, Trade and Development Bookmark
31. Ab[st]racts of the customs [electronic resource]. [1699] Manuscript, Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
32. Account for one year ending the 24th June 1699 : Financial Document 1699. [Place of publication not identified] : [publisher not identified], 1699. Book Online Colonial America Module I: Early Settlement, Expansion and Rivalries Bookmark
33. An account of a great & famous scoldling-match between four remarkable scolding fish-women of Rosemary-lane, [electronic resource] : and the like number of basket-women of Golden-lane, near Cripplegate, on Monday last, upon a wager for five guinea's. With an account of the whole dispute by way of dialogue ... Licensed acording to order. London, : Printed for T. Allcock, on Tower-Hill, 1699. Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
34. Account of Albert Ryckman [in Dutch], 3 March 1699. Livingston, Robert, 1654-1728 [Browse] [Place of production not identified : producer not identified, 1699] Book Online American History Module I: Settlement, Commerce, Revolution and Reform: 1493-1859 Bookmark
35. An Account of a most barbarous and bloody murthre, committed yesterday in Covent-Garden, by Mr. Parry who belong to the play-house [electronic resource] : on the body of Mr. Henry Arthur, who was lately try'd for robbing the Western Maile. London : Printed for Thomas White, near Fleet Street, 1699. Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
36. Account of a pirates attacking the Man of War in Virginia in July 1699 : Report Jul 1699. [Place of publication not identified] : [publisher not identified], 1699. Book Online Colonial America Module I: Early Settlement, Expansion and Rivalries Bookmark
37. An account of a portable barometer, with reasons and rules for the use of it [electronic resource] : how to weigh the air, measure its height, and foretell all the alteration of weather, the constitution of the atmosphere, and how the effluvia keep off the airs gravitation : with a new account and experiments, how rain, snow, winds, frost, thunder, lightning, hurricans and tornados are produced, and an inquiry, whether the planetary beams or influence can cause an alteration of weather, to be foretold by them : with a sensible demonstration of their influences and the insufficiency of all hygroscopes, thermometers, and other inventions, to discover the alterations of weather by : and lastly, rules and experiments for the certain knowledge of all the alterations of weather, both in quantity and quality / by Gust. Parker, Med. Parker, Gustavus [Browse] London : Printed for William Haws ..., 1699. Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
38. An account of a portable barometer, with reasons and rules for the use of it microform : how to weigh the air, measure its height, and foretell all the alteration of weather, the constitution of the atmosphere, and how the effluvia keep off the airs gravitation : with a new account and experiments, how rain, snow, winds, frost, thunder, lightning, hurricans and tornados are produced, and an inquiry, whether the planetary beams or influence can cause an alteration of weather, to be foretold by them : with a sensible demonstration of their influences and the insufficiency of all hygroscopes, thermometers, and other inventions, to discover the alterations of weather by : and lastly, rules and experiments for the certain knowledge of all the alterations of weather, both in quantity and quality / by Gust. Parker, Med. Parker, Gustavus [Browse] London : Printed for William Haws ..., 1699. Book, Microform Loading...Firestone Library - Microforms Services (Film) » 0419.922 504:2. Bookmark
39. An account of a voyage from Archangel in Russia, in the year 1697 [electronic resource] : of the ship and company wintering near the North Cape in the latitude of 71, their manner of living, and what they suffered by the extream cold : also, remarkable observations of the climate, country and inhabitants : together with a chart, describing the place where they lay, land in view, soundings, &c. / by Tho. Allison, commander of the ship ; published at the request of the Russia Company, chiefly for the benefit of those who sail that way ... Allison, Thomas, fl. 1697 [Browse] London : Printed for D. Brown ... and R. Parker ..., 1699. Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
40. An account of a voyage from Archangel in Russia, in the year 1697 microform : of the ship and company wintering near the North Cape in the latitude of 71, their manner of living, and what they suffered by the extream cold : also, remarkable observations of the climate, country and inhabitants : together with a chart, describing the place where they lay, land in view, soundings, &c. / by Tho. Allison, commander of the ship ; published at the request of the Russia Company, chiefly for the benefit of those who sail that way ... Allison, Thomas, active 1697 [Browse] London : Printed for D. Brown ... and R. Parker ..., 1699. Book, Microform Loading...Firestone Library - Microforms Services (Film) » 0419.922 47:31. Bookmark
41. Account of beer and rum sold to the Earl of Bellomont, 21 April 1699. [Place of production not identified : producer not identified, 1699] Book Online American History Module I: Settlement, Commerce, Revolution and Reform: 1493-1859 Bookmark
42. An account of Dr Assheton's proposal (as improved and managed by the worshipful Company of Mercers, London) for the benefit of widows of clergymen and others, by settling joyntures and annuities at the rate of thirty per cent [electronic resource] Assheton, William, 1641-1711 [Browse] London : Printed for B. Aylmer ..., 1699. Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
43. An account of Dr Assheton's proposal (as improved and managed by the worshipful Company of Mercers, London) for the benefit of widows of clergymen and others, by settling joyntures and annuities at the rate of thirty per cent microform Assheton, William, 1641-1711 [Browse] London : Printed for B. Aylmer ..., 1699. Book, Microform Loading...Firestone Library - Microforms Services (Film) » 0419.922 46:32. Bookmark
44. An account of Dr Assheton's proposal [electronic resource] : (as improved and managed by the Worshipful Company of Mercers, London) for the benefit of widows of clergymen and others; by settling joyntures and annuities at the rate of thirty per cent. Assheton, William, 1641-1711 [Browse] London: : printed for B. Aylmer, against the Royal Exchange in Cornhil., 1699. Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
45. Account of Duncan Campbell, 15 March 1699. Arnold, John, active 1699 [Browse] [Place of production not identified : producer not identified, 1699] Book Online American History Module I: Settlement, Commerce, Revolution and Reform: 1493-1859 Bookmark
46. An account of Mr. John Pilkington's publick recantation of the errors of the Romish Church; [electronic resource] : containing also the means and manner of his convication, &c. which he pronounc'd before a congregation of Protestant Dissenters, meeting in Hart-street, Covent-Garden, on the 28th of May, 1699. / By John Piggott. Piggott, John, d. 1713 [Browse] London : printed for Daniel Brown at the Black Swan without Temple-Bar; Andrew Fell at the Cross-keys and Bible in Cornhil; and Eben Tracy at the Three Bibles on London-Bridg, 1699. Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
47. An account of Muscovy, as it was in the year 1689 [electronic resource] : In which the troubles that happen'd in that empire from the present czar Peter's election to the throne, to his being firmly settled in it, are particularly related. With a character of him, and his people. By Monsieur de La Neuville, then residing at Moscow. Foy de la Neuville [Browse] London : printed for Edward Castle, next Scotland-Yard-Gate, by Whitehall, 1699. Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
48. An account of Muscovy, as it was in the year 1689 : in which the troubles that happen'd in that empire from the present czar Peter's election to the throne, to his being firmly settled in it, are particularly related : with a character of him, and his people / by monsieur de La Neuville, then residing at Moscow. Foy de la Neuville [Browse] London : Printed for Edward Castle, 1699. Book Online Brill Online E-Books Russian-Ottoman Relations Part 1 Bookmark
49. An account of Muscovy, as it was in the year 1689 : in which the troubles that happen'd in that empire from the present czar Peter's election to the throne, to his being firmly settled in it, are particularly related : with a character of him, and his people / by monsieur de La Neuville, then residing at Moscow. Foy de la Neuville [Browse] London : Printed for Edward Castle, 1699. Book Online Online Content Bookmark
50. Account of Robert Frettey, 16 June 1699 - 3 September 1700. Livingston, Robert, 1654-1728 [Browse] [Place of production not identified : producer not identified, 1699-1700] Book Online American History Module I: Settlement, Commerce, Revolution and Reform: 1493-1859 Bookmark