1. الجزء الثاني من كتاب حلية الاوليا وطبقة الاصفيا / تصنيف الشيخ الحافظ ابي نعيم احمد بن عبد الله بن احمد الاصبهاني رحمه الله. al-Juzʼ al-thānī min Kitāb Ḥilyat al-awliyāʼ wa-ṭabaqat al-aṣfiyāʼ / taṣnīf al-Shaykh al-ḥāfiẓ Abī Nuʻaym Aḥmad ibn ʻAbd Allāh ibn Aḥmad al-Iṣbahānī raḥimahu Allāh. Abū Nuʻaym al-Iṣbahānī, Aḥmad ibn ʻAbd Allāh, 948-1038 [Browse]ابو نعيم الاصبهاني، احمد بن عبد الله, 948-1038 [Browse] 27 Shawwāl 595 [August 22, 1199] Manuscript, Book Loading...Special Collections - Manuscripts » Islamic Manuscripts, Garrett no. 205H(ii)
2. Chalfant Robinson Collection, 1198-1935 Princeton University. Library. Special Collections [Browse] Manuscript Loading...Special Collections - Remote Storage (ReCAP): Manuscripts. Special Collections Use Only » C0339 Online Search and Request: Princeton University Library Finding Aids
3. 1197, November 13, dated parchment manuscript, about a sale of land in the city of Vic, near Barcelona in Catalonia, Kingdom of Aragon. Berenger of Sentfores [Browse] Book Loading...Special Collections - Manuscripts » Princeton MS. 138.78e South wall 18,
4. 晦庵先生文集 : 存54卷. [Microform] / 宋朱熹撰. Hui'an xian sheng wen ji [microform] : cun 54 juan./ Song Zhu Xi zhuan. Zhejiang : [s.n.], Song Ningzong shi [between 1195 and 1224]浙江 : [s.n.], 宋寧宗時 [between 1195 and 1224] Book Loading...East Asian Library - Microfilms: Forrestal Annex » Microfilm 9101/1165.1 r.576(4)-579(1)
5. 晦庵先生文集 : 存65卷. [Microform] / 宋朱熹撰. Hui'an xian sheng wen ji [microform] : cun 65 juan./ Song Zhu Xi zhuan. Zhejiang : [s.n.], Song Ningzong shi [between 1195 and 1224]浙江 : [s.n.], 宋寧宗時 [between 1195 and 1224] Book Loading...East Asian Library - Microfilms: Forrestal Annex » Microfilm 9101/1165.1 r.115(2)-117
6. Nevada [cartographic material]. San Jose, Calif. : H.M. Gousha Company, 1195. Map Loading...Lewis Library - Map Collection. Reference Maps » 4350.00
7. 周官講義 : 存8卷. [Microform] / 宋史浩撰. Zhou guan jiang yi [microform] : cun 8 juan./ Song Shi Hao zhuan. [China : s.n.], Song Ningzong shi [between 1195 and 1224][China : s.n.], 宋寧宗時 [between 1195 and 1224] Book Loading...East Asian Library - Microfilms: Forrestal Annex » Microfilm 9101/1165.1 r.204(3)
8. 周易玩辭 : 16卷. [Microform] / 宋項安世撰. Zhou yi wan ci [microform] : 16 juan./ Song Xiang Anshi zhuan. [China] : Jiangyin Xiang shi Jian an shu yuan, Song Ningzong shi [between 1195 and 1224][China] : 江陰項氏建安書院, 宋寧宗時 [between 1195 and 1224] Book Loading...East Asian Library - Microfilms: Forrestal Annex » Microfilm 9101/1165.1 r.39(2)
9. البيان و التذكار في صنعة عمل الغبار. al-Bayān wa al-tidhkār fī ṣanʻat ʻamal al-ghubār. Abū Bakr al-Ḥaṣṣār, active 12th century [Browse]ابو بكر الحصار، active 12th century [Browse] بغداد، 590 هجري (1194).Baghdād, A.H. 590 (1194) Manuscript, Book No holdings available for this record
10. كتاب الطيب. كتاب يوحنا ابن ماسويه في جواهر الطيب المفردة باسمائها وصفاتها ومعادنها. [Kitāb al-Ṭīb]. Kitāb Yūḥannā Ibn Māsawayh fī jawāhir al-ṭīb al-mufradah bi-asmāʼihā wa-ṣifātihā wa-maʻādinihā. [1194] Manuscript, Book Loading...Special Collections - Manuscripts » Islamic Manuscripts, Garrett no. 174B
11. A national public labor relations policy for tomorrow / by James A. Emery. Emery, James A. (James Augustan), 1876-1955 [Browse] Chicago, IL : National Founders Association, 1943. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » IR-2134
12. سر الاسرار. Sirr al-asrār. [Mosul?, Iraq, between 1193 and 1211] Manuscript, Book No holdings available for this record
13. كتاب الحماسة / تأليف ابي تمام حبيب بن اوس الطايي. Kitāb al-Ḥamāsah / taʼlīf Abī Tamām Ḥabīb ibn Aws al-Ṭāyī. Abū Tammām Ḥabīb ibn Aws al-Ṭāʼī, active 808-842 [Browse]ابو تمام حبيب بن اوس الطائي، active 808-842 [Browse] al-Qāhirah, Jumādá al-Akhir 588 [June/July 1192] Manuscript, Book Loading...Special Collections - Manuscripts » Islamic Manuscripts, Garrett no. 10H Online View online: arks.princeton.edu
14. Democracy, Catholicism and education : with data from the Claxton school survey / a lecture by Walter Holloway delivered in Golden Gate commandery hall, San Francisco, California. Holloway, Walter [Browse] S.l. : s.n., [1917] Book Loading...Special Collections - Remote Storage (ReCAP): Rare Books. Special Collections Use Only » RCPXR-7058527
15. 漢隸字源 : 5卷, 附 碑目1卷. [Microform] / 宋婁機撰. Han li zi yuan [microform] : 5 juan, fu bai mu 1 juan./ Song Lou Ji zhuan. [China : s.n.], Song Shaoxi jian [between 1190 and 1194][China : s.n.], 宋紹熙間 [between 1190 and 1194] Book Loading...East Asian Library - Microfilms: Forrestal Annex » Microfilm 9101/1165.1 r.970(3)
16. كتاب كامل الصناعة الطبية المعروف بالملكي / تأليف علي بن العباس تلميذ ابي ماهر موسى ابن سيار Kitāb Kāmil al-ṣināʻah al-ṭibbīyah al-maʻrūf bi-al-Malakī / taʼlīf ʻAlī ibn al-ʻAbbās tilmīdh Abī Māhir Mūsá Ibn Sayār. Majūsī, ʻAlī ibn al-ʻAbbās, active 10th century-11th century [Browse]مجوسي، علي بن العباس [Browse] Ḥarrān, [1190]. Manuscript, Book Loading...Special Collections - Manuscripts » Islamic Manuscripts, Garrett no. 1S
17. سنن؛ كتاب المراسل ... [الخ.]. Sunan; Kitāb al-Marāsil ... [etc.]. [119-?] Manuscript, Book Loading...Special Collections - Manuscripts » Islamic Manuscripts, Garrett no. 4999Yq Oversize
18. [Baʻḍ masāʼil]. Ibn ʻImrān, ʻAbd al-Raḥmān ibn Muḥammad [Browse] [1188] Manuscript, Book Loading...Special Collections - Manuscripts » Islamic Manuscripts, Garrett no. 1889Y
20. مشيخة ... [الخ.] Mashyakhah ... [etc.]. [1186-13--] Manuscript, Book Loading...Special Collections - Manuscripts » Islamic Manuscripts, Garrett no. 5099aY
21. 緣起聖道経 / 玄奘譯. Engi shōdōkyō / Genjō yaku. [S.l. : s.n., between 1185-1333]. Book Loading...Special Collections - East Asian Library Rare Books » BQ4240 .P72q Oversize
22. Statistical gazetteer of the state of Virginia, embracing important topographical and historical information from recent and original sources, together with the results of the last census population, in most cases, to 1854 For the proprietor Book Online Making of America Books
23. [Roger de Huntingfield psalter] [Mendham Priory, Suffolk, Eng.? : s.n., 12th-13th cent.] Book Loading...Marquand Library - Microforms Remote Storage: Marquand Use Only » MICROFILM 94
24. مجموعة كيس. Majmūʻah kayyis. Zabīdī, Muḥammad ibn Yaḥyá, 1067 or 1068-1160 or 1161 [Browse]زبيدي، محمد بن يحيى، 1067 or 1068-1160 or 1161 [Browse] Dimashq ; al-Mawṣil ; Rabāṭ al-Muqtadīyah[?], 577-587 [1181-1191] Manuscript, Book Loading...Special Collections - Manuscripts » Islamic Manuscripts, Garrett no. 1141H
25. Lectionary of Acts and Epistles. Orthodox Eastern Church [Browse] Late 12th century. Manuscript, Book Loading...Special Collections - Manuscripts » Princeton MS. 95
26. M. De Bievrre [sic], ou, L'Abus de l'esprit : calembourg, en un acte et en Vaudeville / par les C. ens C. ... À Paris : chez Charon Huet, [1799]. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » 3239.875.1803 vol.1
27. [Short treatise on grammar]. [1779] Manuscript, Book Loading...Special Collections - Manuscripts » Islamic Manuscripts, Garrett no. 5097Y Loading...Special Collections - Manuscripts » Islamic Manuscripts, Garrett no. 5097Y
28. كتاب موسوم بمتوسط شرح الكافية Kitāb mawsūm bi-Mutawassiṭ sharḥ al-Kāfiyah. Ibn Sharaf Shāh, Ḥasan ibn Muḥammad, 1247 or 1248-1315 or 1316 [Browse]ابن شرف شاه، حسن بن محمد 1247 or 1248-1315 or 1316 [Browse] [Dagestan, 1178 or 1179] Manuscript, Book Loading...Special Collections - Manuscripts » Islamic Manuscripts, Garrett no. 5097Y Loading...Special Collections - Manuscripts » Islamic Manuscripts, Garrett no. 5097Y
29. مجموعة في الطب / لجالينوس الحكيم. Majmūʻah fī al-ṭibb / li-Jālīnūs al-ḥakīm. [1176 and 1726] Manuscript, Book Loading...Special Collections - Manuscripts » Islamic Manuscripts, Garrett no. 1G
30. [Antiphonarium Basilicae Sancti Petri] [microform]. Catholic Church [Browse] [Italy, ca. 1175-1225] Musical score, Manuscript Loading...Mendel Music Library - Remote Storage (ReCAP) » MICROFILM 2326
31. [Antiphoner from France (Cistercian), 1175-1202 (Gregorian chant)] [microform]. Walters Art Gallery (Baltimore, Md.) Manuscript. 63. [Browse] 1175-1202. Musical score, Manuscript Loading...Mendel Music Library - Remote Storage (ReCAP) » MICROFILM 2098
32. Bede the Venerable, St. Augustine, and St. Bernard of Clairvaux. [Waverley, England] : [producer not identified], [between 1175 and 1225] Manuscript, Book Loading...Special Collections - Manuscripts » Garrett MS. 71
33. Homiliary. [France] : [producer not identified], [between 1175 and 1200] Manuscript, Book Loading...Special Collections - Manuscripts » Kane MS. 17
34. Lectionary. Catholic Church [Browse] [Morimondo, Italy] : [producer not identified], [between 1175 and 1200] Manuscript, Book Loading...Special Collections - Manuscripts » Princeton MS. 6e South wall 18,
35. 通鑑紀事本末 : 存35卷. [Microform] / 宋袁樞撰. Tong jian ji shi ben mo [microform] : cun 35 juan./ Song Yuan Shu zhuan. [China] : Yanzhou jun xiang, Song Chunxi yi wei [2 nian, 1175][China] : 嚴州郡庠, 宋淳熙乙未 [2年, 1175] Book Loading...East Asian Library - Microfilms: Forrestal Annex » Microfilm 9101/1165.1 r.12(5)-14
36. الملحقات الصحفية. al-Mulḥaqāt al-ṣuḥufīyah. ʻAlawī, Muḥammad ibn al-Ḥasan [Browse]علوي، محمد بن الحسن [Browse] Manuscript, Book Loading...Special Collections - Manuscripts » Islamic Manuscripts, Third Series no. 147
37. الجزء الثاني من كتاب التبيان في تفسير القرآن / تصنيف ابي جعفر محمد بن الحسن بن علي التوسي. al-Juzʼ al-thānī min Kitāb al-Tibyān fī tafsīr al-Qurʼān / taṣnīf Abī Jaʻfar Muḥammad ibn al-Ḥasan ibn ʻAlī al-Tūsī. Ṭūsī, Muḥammad ibn al-Ḥasan, 995-1067? [Browse]طوسي، محمد بن الحسن، 995-1067؟ [Browse] 567 [1171 or 1172] Manuscript, Book Loading...Special Collections - Manuscripts » Islamic Manuscripts, Garrett no. 642H Online View online: arks.princeton.edu
38. كتاب حلية الاولياء وطبقات الاصفياء / الشيخ الامام الحافظ ابو نعيم احمد بن عبد الله بن احمد الاصبهاني Kitāb Ḥilyat al-awliyāʼ wa-ṭabaqāt al-aṣfiyāʼ / al-shaykh al-imām al-Ḥāfiẓ Abū Nuʻaym Aḥmad ibn ʻAbd Allāh ibn Aḥmad al-Iṣbahānī. Abū Nuʻaym al-Iṣbahānī, Aḥmad ibn ʻAbd Allāh, 948-1038 [Browse]ابو نعيم الاصبهاني، احمد بن عبد الله [Browse] Mecca, [1171] Manuscript, Book Loading...Special Collections - Manuscripts » Islamic Manuscripts, Garrett no. 1788Y
39. قطعة من تفسير القشيري من سورة بني اسرائيل الى اخر سورة قد افلح المؤمنون. Qiṭʻah min Tafsīr al-Qushayrī min Sūrat Banī Isrāʼīl ilá akhir Sūrat Qad Afllaḥa al-Muʼminūn. Qushayrī, ʻAbd al-Raḥīm ibn ʻAbd al-Karīm, -1120 [Browse]قشيري، عبد الرحيم بن عبد الكريم، -1120 [Browse] 3 Shaʻbān 5[?]64 [May 9, 1169?] Manuscript, Book Loading...Special Collections - Manuscripts » Islamic Manuscripts, Garrett no. 643H
40. 范文正公集 : 存10卷. [Microform] / 宋范仲淹撰. Fan Wenzheng gong ji [microform] : cun 10 juan./ Song Fan Zhongyan zhuan. [China] : Poyang jun zhai, Song Qiandao 3 [1167][China] : 鄱陽郡齋, 宋乾道3 [1167] Book Loading...East Asian Library - Microfilms: Forrestal Annex » Microfilm 9101/1165.1 r.114(2)
41. 東坡先生奏議 : 15卷. [Microform] / 蘇軾撰. Dongpo xian sheng zou yi [microform] : 15 juan / Su Shi zhuan. Su, Shi, 1037-1101 [Browse]蘇軾, 1037-1101 [Browse] [China : s.n.], Song Qiandao Chunxi jian [between 1165 and 1189][China : s.n.], 宋乾道淳熙間 [between 1165 and 1189] Book Loading...East Asian Library - Microfilms: Forrestal Annex » Microfilm C00257
42. 禮記 [microform] : 存8卷 / 鄭玄注. Li ji [microform] : cun 8 juan / Zheng Xuan zhu. [China : s.n.], Song Qiandao Chunxi jian [between 1165 and 1189][China : s.n.], 宋乾道淳熙間 [between 1165 and 1189] Book Loading...East Asian Library - Microfilms: Forrestal Annex » Microfilm C00168
43. الجزء الثاني من الصحيح لمسلم ابن الحجاج رضي الله عنه. رواية الشيخ الامام ابي اسحاق ابراهيم بن محمد بن سفين عنه؛ رواية ابي احمد محمد بن ... al-Juzʼ al-thānī min al-Ṣaḥīḥ li-Muslim Ibn al-Ḥajjāj raḍiya Allāhu ʻanhu. Riwāyat al-shaykh al-imām Abī Isḥāq Ibrāhīm ibn Muḥammad ibn Sufyan ʻanhu; riwāyat Abī Aḥmad Muḥammad ibn ... Muslim ibn al-Ḥajjāj al-Qushayrī, approximately 821-875 [Browse]مسلم بن الحجاج القشيري [Browse] Damascus, [1164] Manuscript, Book Loading...Special Collections - Manuscripts » Islamic Manuscripts, Garrett no. 104Y
44. [القرآن] [electronic resource]. [al-Qurʼān] همذان، A.H. 559 (1164)Hamadhān, A.H. 559 (1164) Book No holdings available for this record
45. 阿毗達磨俱舍論「分別随民品第五之二」 / [尊者世親造・三蔵法師玄奘奉詔譯]. Abidatsuma kusharon "Funbetsuzuimenbon dai go no ni" / [Sonja Seshin zō, Sanzō Hōshi Genjō bujōyaku]. Vasubandhu [Browse] [S.l. : s.n.], Ōho 3 [1163][S.l. : s.n.], 應保3 [1163] Book Loading...Special Collections - East Asian Library Rare Books » BQ1100 .T67
46. 蘇文定公文集 : 存18卷, 後集11卷, 三集5卷, 應詔集12卷. [Microform] / 宋蘇轍撰. Su Wending gong wen ji [microform] : cun 18 juan, hou ji 11 juan, san ji 5 juan, ying zhao ji 12 juan./ Song Su Che zhuan. Meishan : [s.n.], Song Xiaozong shi [between 1163 and 1189]眉山 : [s.n.], 宋孝宗時 [between 1163 and 1189] Book Loading...East Asian Library - Microfilms: Forrestal Annex » Microfilm 9101/1165.1 r.654(2)
47. 魯國之圖 Lu guo zhi tu [art original] Visual material Loading...Marquand Library - Remote Storage (ReCAP): Marquand Library Use Only Rare Books » TANG077 Oversize
48. [Antiphonary fragment]. [France, between 1150 and 1199] Manuscript, Book Loading...Special Collections - William H. Scheide Library » 82.2
49. Apocalipsis. [Canticles]. [Swabia, Germany?], [between 1150 and 1200] Manuscript, Book Loading...Special Collections - Manuscripts » Princeton MS. 52 Online View online: arks.princeton.edu
50. Apocalypse with glossa ordinaria. [Italy] : [producer not identified], [between 1150 and 1199] Manuscript, Book Loading...Special Collections - Manuscripts » Kane MS. 3