1. البيان و التذكار في صنعة عمل الغبار. al-Bayān wa al-tidhkār fī ṣanʻat ʻamal al-ghubār. Abū Bakr al-Ḥaṣṣār, active 12th century [Browse]ابو بكر الحصار، active 12th century [Browse] بغداد، 590 هجري (1194).Baghdād, A.H. 590 (1194) Manuscript, Book Online Online Content
2. الجزء الثاني من كتاب حلية الاوليا وطبقة الاصفيا / تصنيف الشيخ الحافظ ابي نعيم احمد بن عبد الله بن احمد الاصبهاني رحمه الله. al-Juzʼ al-thānī min Kitāb Ḥilyat al-awliyāʼ wa-ṭabaqat al-aṣfiyāʼ / taṣnīf al-Shaykh al-ḥāfiẓ Abī Nuʻaym Aḥmad ibn ʻAbd Allāh ibn Aḥmad al-Iṣbahānī raḥimahu Allāh. Abū Nuʻaym al-Iṣbahānī, Aḥmad ibn ʻAbd Allāh, 948-1038 [Browse]ابو نعيم الاصبهاني، احمد بن عبد الله, 948-1038 [Browse] 27 Shawwāl 595 [August 22, 1199] Manuscript, Book Loading...Special Collections - Manuscripts » Islamic Manuscripts, Garrett no. 205H(ii)
3. Juzʼ fīhi dhikr man ismuhu Shuʻbah min ruwāt al-āthār. Abū Nuʻaym al-Iṣbahānī, Aḥmad ibn ʻAbd Allāh, 948-1038 [Browse] Manuscript, Book Loading...Special Collections - Manuscripts » Islamic Manuscripts, Garrett no. 1856Y
4. كتاب حلية الاولياء وطبقات الاصفياء / الشيخ الامام الحافظ ابو نعيم احمد بن عبد الله بن احمد الاصبهاني Kitāb Ḥilyat al-awliyāʼ wa-ṭabaqāt al-aṣfiyāʼ / al-shaykh al-imām al-Ḥāfiẓ Abū Nuʻaym Aḥmad ibn ʻAbd Allāh ibn Aḥmad al-Iṣbahānī. Abū Nuʻaym al-Iṣbahānī, Aḥmad ibn ʻAbd Allāh, 948-1038 [Browse]ابو نعيم الاصبهاني، احمد بن عبد الله [Browse] Mecca, [1171] Manuscript, Book Loading...Special Collections - Manuscripts » Islamic Manuscripts, Garrett no. 1788Y
5. كتاب الحماسة / تأليف ابي تمام حبيب بن اوس الطايي. Kitāb al-Ḥamāsah / taʼlīf Abī Tamām Ḥabīb ibn Aws al-Ṭāyī. Abū Tammām Ḥabīb ibn Aws al-Ṭāʼī, active 808-842 [Browse]ابو تمام حبيب بن اوس الطائي، active 808-842 [Browse] al-Qāhirah, Jumādá al-Akhir 588 [June/July 1192] Manuscript, Book Loading...Special Collections - Manuscripts » Islamic Manuscripts, Garrett no. 10H Online View online: arks.princeton.edu
6. الملحقات الصحفية. al-Mulḥaqāt al-ṣuḥufīyah. ʻAlawī, Muḥammad ibn al-Ḥasan [Browse]علوي، محمد بن الحسن [Browse] Manuscript, Book Loading...Special Collections - Manuscripts » Islamic Manuscripts, Third Series no. 147
7. Kitāb Inqādh al-bashar min al-jabr wa-al-qadar. ʻĀmirī, Abū al-Ḥasan Muḥammad ibn Yūsuf [Browse] Manuscript, Book Loading...Special Collections - Manuscripts » Islamic Manuscripts, Garrett no. 393B
8. Kitāb al-Arbaʻīn al-buldānīyah. Andarastānī, ʻAbd al-Salām ibn Muḥammad, 12th cent [Browse] Manuscript, Book Loading...Special Collections - Manuscripts » Islamic Manuscripts, Garrett no. 3526Y
9. [Contra Iulianum]. Augustine, of Hippo, Saint, 354-430 [Browse] [10--] Manuscript, Book Loading...Special Collections - William H. Scheide Library » 84.11
10. Sermones Sancti Augustini Episcopi. Augustine, of Hippo, Saint, 354-430 [Browse] [France], [between 1100-1150] Manuscript, Book Loading...Special Collections - Manuscripts » Garrett MS. 64 Online View online: arks.princeton.edu
11. Sermones super evangelium Iohannis / St. Augustine. Augustine, of Hippo, Saint, 354-430 [Browse] [Tournai, Netherlands] : [producer not identified], [between 1100-1200] Manuscript, Book Loading...Special Collections - Manuscripts » Princeton MS. 127
12. كتاب القانون [في] علم الطب. Kitāb al-qānūn [fī] ʻilm al-ṭibb. Avicenna, 980-1037 [Browse]ابن سينا، 980-1037 [Browse] Manuscript, Book Loading...Special Collections - Manuscripts » Islamic Manuscripts, Garrett no. 554H Online View online: arks.princeton.edu
13. [القانون في الطب]. [al-Qānūn fī al-ṭibb]. Avicenna, 980-1037 [Browse]ابن سينا، 1037-980 [Browse] [Spain, between 1100 and 1150] Manuscript, Book Online Online Content
14. Maʻālim al-tanzīl. Baghawī, al-Ḥusayn ibn Masʻūd, -1117? [Browse] Manuscript, Book Loading...Special Collections - Manuscripts » Islamic Manuscripts, Garrett no. 656Y
15. El ánfora de Lesbos / Teresa Barea Cantarero. Barea Cantarero, Teresa [Browse] Madrid : Torremozas, 1988. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » PQ6652.A668 A65 1988g
16. 1197, November 13, dated parchment manuscript, about a sale of land in the city of Vic, near Barcelona in Catalonia, Kingdom of Aragon. Berenger of Sentfores [Browse] Book Loading...Special Collections - Manuscripts » Princeton MS. 138.78e South wall 18,
17. [Breviary and missal from St. Sauveur]. Biblioteca casanatense. Manuscript. 1907 [Browse] [between 1100 and 1199] Manuscript, Book, Microform ReCAP - Remote Storage » MF1002
18. Troper and proser from Syracuse, Sicily : mid-12th century. Biblioteca Nacional (Spain). Manuscript. 289 [Browse] [between 1100 and 1199] Musical score, Manuscript, Microform ReCAP - Remote Storage » MF1023
19. Troparium-Processionale [microform]. Biblioteca nazionale (Naples, Italy). Manuscript. VI. G. 34. [Browse] [between 1131 and 1199] Musical score, Manuscript, Microform Loading...Mendel Music Library - Remote Storage (ReCAP) » MICROFILM 2322
20. [Antiphonal from Lyon] [microform]. Bibliothèque municipale de Lyon. Manuscript. 537 [Browse] [11--] Manuscript, Book, Microform Loading...Mendel Music Library - Remote Storage (ReCAP) » MICROFILM 1959
21. [Gradual of Saint-Ouen of Rouen with kyriale and sequences] [microform]. Bibliothèque municipale de Rouen. Manuscript. 249 (A.280) [Browse] [11--] Musical score, Manuscript, Microform Loading...Mendel Music Library - Remote Storage (ReCAP) » MICROFILM 2307
22. [Gradual from North France(?) (Cistercian), 12th century (Gregorian chant)] [microform]. Bibliothèque nationale de France. Manuscript. Latin 17328 [Browse] [11--] Musical score, Manuscript, Microform Loading...Mendel Music Library - Remote Storage (ReCAP) » MICROFILM 2228
23. [Miscellany with prosae and troped ordinaries from Cluny, 2nd half 12th century (Gregorian chant)]. Bibliothèque nationale de France. Manuscript. Latin 17716 [Browse] Musical score, Manuscript, Microform ReCAP - Remote Storage » MF993
24. [Monastic antiphonary from Saint Denis]. Bibliothèque nationale de France. Manuscript. Latin 17296 [Browse] [between 1100 and 1199?] Musical score, Microform ReCAP - Remote Storage » MF1018
25. Troper and proser from Narbonne, 12th century [microform]. Bibliothèque nationale de France. Manuscript. Latin 778 [Browse] [11--] Musical score, Manuscript, Microform Loading...Mendel Music Library - Remote Storage (ReCAP) » MICROFILM 2195
26. [Gradual from Saint-Cyr, Nevers, 12th century (Gregorian chant)]. Bibliothèque nationale de France. Manuscript. Nouv. acq. lat. 1235 [Browse] [between 1100 and 1199] Musical score, Microform ReCAP - Remote Storage » MF1020
27. [Lectionnaire ou recueil d'homélies, précédé de la vie de Saint Marcel et du traité de Pierre le Vénérable contre les Juifs]. Bibliothèque nationale de France. Manuscript. Nouv. acq. lat. 1436 [Browse] [between 1100 and 1199] Manuscript, Book, Microform ReCAP - Remote Storage » MF996
28. [Vies et opuscules de divers abbés de Cluni]. Bibliothèque nationale de France. Manuscript. Nouv. acq. lat. 1496 [Browse] [12th century] Manuscript, Book, Microform ReCAP - Remote Storage » MF998
29. [Literary writings, responsories, and proses composed by Peter the Venerable. Bibliothèque nationale (France). Manuscript. Lat. 17716 [Browse] 11--] Book, Microform Loading...Mendel Music Library - Stacks
30. [Processional, troper, and proser, use of St. Leonardi Lemovicensis] [microform] Bibliothèque nationale (France). Manuscript. Latin 1086 [Browse] [11--] Manuscript, Book, Microform Loading...Mendel Music Library - Remote Storage (ReCAP) » MICROFILM 1939
31. [Cistercian antiphoner] [microform]. Bibliothèque nationale (France). Manuscript. Nouv. acq. lat. 1412 [Browse] [11--]. Musical score, Manuscript, Microform Loading...Mendel Music Library - Remote Storage (ReCAP) » MICROFILM 2325
32. [Cistercian antiphoner] [microform]. Bibliothèque nationale (France). Manuscript. Nouv. acq. lat. 1411 [Browse] [11--] Musical score, Microform Loading...Mendel Music Library - Remote Storage (ReCAP) » MICROFILM 2325
33. Cluniac gradual, processional, kyriale and proser from the Auvergne. Bibliothèque royale Albert Ier. Manuscript. II 3823 [Browse] [between 1100 and 1125] Musical score, Manuscript, Microform ReCAP - Remote Storage » MF1061
34. [Miscellaneous offices of a church in Ravenna] [microform]. Bodleian Library. Manuscript. Canon. liturg. 321 [Browse] [11--] Book, Microform Loading...Mendel Music Library - Remote Storage (ReCAP) » MICROFILM 2303
35. De Consolatione Philosophie / Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius. Boethius, -524 [Browse] [Aquitaine?, France], [between 1100 and 1200] Manuscript, Book Loading...Special Collections - Manuscripts » Garrett MS. 116
36. [Tractatus varii theologici] [Microform] British Museum. Mss (Additional 15722). [Browse] Musical score, Manuscript Loading...Mendel Music Library - Remote Storage (ReCAP) » MICROFILM 1224
37. Letters from Vera Scantlebury Brown, 41 - 48 : Correspondence 19171100-19180129. Brown, Vera Scantlebury [Browse] 1100 Book Online Gender: Identity and Social Change
38. [Letters from Vera Scantlebury Brown to her parents, 1929, Part 2] : Correspondence 19291125-19300113. Brown, Vera Scantlebury [Browse] 1125 Book Online Gender: Identity and Social Change
39. Journal of Thomas Greaves Cary : Diaries & Journals 18651126-18660510. Cary, Thomas Greaves [Browse] 1126 Book Online Age of Exploration
40. [Antiphonaire de S. Maur]. Catholic Church [Browse] [11--] Musical score, Manuscript, Microform ReCAP - Remote Storage » MF990
41. [Antiphonarium Basilicae Sancti Petri] [microform]. Catholic Church [Browse] [Italy, ca. 1175-1225] Musical score, Manuscript, Microform Loading...Mendel Music Library - Remote Storage (ReCAP) » MICROFILM 2326
42. [Benedictine processionale, 12th-13th century] [Microform] Catholic Church [Browse] Musical score, Manuscript Loading...Mendel Music Library - Remote Storage (ReCAP) » MICROFILM 587
43. Breviarium Cluniacense. Catholic Church [Browse] [between 1100 and 1199] Manuscript, Book, Microform ReCAP - Remote Storage » MF1014
44. Breviarium Cluniacense [microform]. Catholic Church [Browse] [11--] Manuscript, Book, Microform Loading...Mendel Music Library - Remote Storage (ReCAP) » MICROFILM 1956
45. [Breviary from Montiéramy] [microform] Catholic Church [Browse] [11--] Book, Microform Loading...Mendel Music Library - Remote Storage (ReCAP) » MICROFILM 1957
46. [Evangelia IV]. Catholic Church [Browse] [ca. 1100] Manuscript, Book Loading...Special Collections - William H. Scheide Library » 13.3
47. Lectionary. Catholic Church [Browse] [Morimondo, Italy] : [producer not identified], [between 1175 and 1200] Manuscript, Book Loading...Special Collections - Manuscripts » Princeton MS. 6e South wall 18,
48. Missale plenum. Catholic Church [Browse] [Aquitaine, France] : [producer not identified], [between 1100 and 1200] Manuscript, Book Loading...Special Collections - Manuscripts » Princeton MS. 64
49. [Missal W. 11 of the Walters Art Gallery in Baltimore] Catholic Church [Browse] [11--?] Musical score Loading...Mendel Music Library - Facsimiles » M2149 .C28
50. [Notated breviary : fragment]. Catholic Church [Browse] [between 1100 and 1150] Manuscript Loading...Special Collections - Manuscripts » Princeton MS. 138.72 South wall 18, box 2,