1. The Strike Files of the U.S. Department of Justice, Part 1, 1894-1920. Bethesda, Md. : University Publications of America, 2016. Book Online History Vault: Workers, Labor Unions, and the American Left in the 20th Century: Federal Records Bookmark
2. Through the Prism of Gender and Work : Women's Labour Struggles in Central and Eastern Europe and Beyond, 19th and 20th Centuries. Çağatay, Selin [Browse] Boston : BRILL, 2023.©2024. Book Online Brillonline Open Access Books Bookmark
3. Historical Audiovisual Collection, 1912-2012 1945-1996 Princeton University. Library. Special Collections [Browse] Manuscript Loading...Mudd Manuscript Library - StacksLoading...Mudd Manuscript Library - Mudd Archival. Special Collections Use Only » AC047 Search and Request: Princeton University Library Finding Aids Bookmark
4. MATRICES: PREGNANCY, PIETY, AND THE SOCIAL CONSTITUTION OF HUMAN AGENCY. Nickel, Mary [Browse] [Princeton, NJ] : Princeton University, 2023. Book Online arks.princeton.edu Bookmark
5. Medieval Disability Sourcebook Western Europe McNabb, Cameron Hunt [Browse] Brooklyn, NY punctum books 2020[Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] punctum books 2020©2020 Book Bookmark
6. Report of the Attorney General to the Congress of the United States on the Administration of the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938, as Amended, for the Six Months Ended December 31, 2006. United States. Department of Justice [Browse] [Washington] : [publisher not identified], 2007. Book Online Proquest Congressional Bookmark
7. U.S. Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General Semiannual Report to Congress April 1, 2010 - September 30, 2010. United States. Department of Justice [Browse] [Washington] : [publisher not identified], 2010. Book Online Proquest Congressional Bookmark
8. Report to Congress on the Activities and Operations of the Public Integrity Section for 1978. United States. Department of Justice [Browse] [Washington] : [publisher not identified], 1979. Book Online Proquest Congressional Bookmark
9. Report of the Attorney General to the Congress of the United States on the Administration of the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938, as Amended, for the Calendar Year 1977. United States. Department of Justice [Browse] [Washington] : [publisher not identified], 1978. Book Online Proquest Congressional Bookmark
10. Report to Congress on the Activities and Operations of the Public Integrity Section for 1988. United States. Department of Justice [Browse] [Washington] : [publisher not identified], 1989. Book Online Proquest Congressional Bookmark
11. Report to Congress on the Activities and Operations of the Public Integrity Section for 2005. United States. Department of Justice [Browse] [Washington] : [publisher not identified], 2006. Book Online Proquest Congressional Bookmark
12. Report of the Attorney General to the Congress of the United States on the Administration of the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938, as Amended, for the Calendar Year 1985. United States. Department of Justice [Browse] [Washington] : [publisher not identified], 1986. Book Online Proquest Congressional Bookmark
13. Report of the Attorney General to the Congress of the United States on the Administration of the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938, as Amended, for the Six Months Ended June 30, 2005. United States. Department of Justice [Browse] [Washington] : [publisher not identified], 2005. Book Online Proquest Congressional Bookmark
14. U.S. Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General Semiannual Report to Congress, October 1, 2002 - March 31, 2003. United States. Department of Justice [Browse] [Washington] : [publisher not identified], 2003. Book Online Proquest Congressional Bookmark
15. Report of the Attorney General to the Congress of the United States on the Administration of the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938, as Amended, for the Calendar Year 1987. United States. Department of Justice [Browse] [Washington] : [publisher not identified], 1988. Book Online Proquest Congressional Bookmark
16. Report of the Attorney General to the Congress of the United States on the Administration of the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938, as Amended, for the Calendar Year 1979. United States. Department of Justice [Browse] [Washington] : [publisher not identified], 1980. Book Online Proquest Congressional Bookmark
17. Report to Congress on the Activities and Operations of the Public Integrity Section for 1984. United States. Department of Justice [Browse] [Washington] : [publisher not identified], 1985. Book Online Proquest Congressional Bookmark
18. Report to Congress on the Activities and Operations of the Public Integrity Section for 1987. United States. Department of Justice [Browse] [Washington] : [publisher not identified], 1988. Book Online Proquest Congressional Bookmark
19. Report to Congress on the Activities and Operations of the Public Integrity Section for 1996. United States. Department of Justice [Browse] [Washington] : [publisher not identified], 1997. Book Online Proquest Congressional Bookmark
20. Report of the Attorney General to the Congress of the United States on the Administration of the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938, as Amended, for the Six Months Ended June 30, 2021. United States. Department of Justice [Browse] [Washington] : [publisher not identified], 2021. Book Online Proquest Congressional Bookmark
21. Report of the Attorney General to the Congress of the United States on the Administration of the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938, as Amended, for the Six Months Ended June 30, 2017. United States. Department of Justice [Browse] [Washington] : [publisher not identified], 2017. Book Online Proquest Congressional Bookmark
22. U.S. Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General Semiannual Report to Congress October 1, 2021 - March 31, 2022. United States. Department of Justice [Browse] [Washington] : [publisher not identified], 2022. Book Online Proquest Congressional Bookmark
23. Report of the Attorney General to the Congress of the United States on the Administration of the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938, as Amended, for the Calendar Year 1980. United States. Department of Justice [Browse] [Washington] : [publisher not identified], 1981. Book Online Proquest Congressional Bookmark
24. U.S. Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General Semiannual Report to Congress April 1, 2016 - September 30, 2016. United States. Department of Justice [Browse] [Washington] : [publisher not identified], 2016. Book Online Proquest Congressional Bookmark
25. Report to Congress on the Activities and Operations of the Public Integrity Section for 1986. United States. Department of Justice [Browse] [Washington] : [publisher not identified], 1987. Book Online Proquest Congressional Bookmark
26. Report of the Attorney General to the Congress of the United States on the Administration of the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938, as Amended for the Calendar Year 1969. United States. Department of Justice [Browse] [Washington] : [publisher not identified], 1970. Book Online Proquest Congressional Bookmark
27. Report of the Attorney General to the Congress of the United States on the Administration of the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938, as Amended, for the Six Months Ended December 31, 2019. United States. Department of Justice [Browse] [Washington] : [publisher not identified], 2020. Book Online Proquest Congressional Bookmark
28. Report on the Investigation Into Unauthorized Removal, Retention, and Disclosure of Classified Documents Discovered at Locations Including the Penn Biden Center and the Delaware Private Residence of President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. United States. Office of Special Counsel [Browse] [Washington] : [publisher not identified], 2024. Book Online Proquest Congressional Bookmark
29. Report to Congress on the Activities and Operations of the Public Integrity Section for 2017. United States. Department of Justice [Browse] [Washington] : [publisher not identified], 2018. Book Online Proquest Congressional Bookmark
30. Report to Congress on the Activities and Operations of the Public Integrity Section for 1982. United States. Department of Justice [Browse] [Washington] : [publisher not identified], 1983. Book Online Proquest Congressional Bookmark
31. U.S. Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General Semiannual Report to Congress, October 1, 2000 - March 31, 2001. United States. Department of Justice [Browse] [Washington] : [publisher not identified], 2001. Book Online Proquest Congressional Bookmark
32. Report of the Attorney General to the Congress of the United States on the Administration of the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938, as Amended, for the Six Months Ended December 31, 2021. United States. Department of Justice [Browse] [Washington] : [publisher not identified], 2022. Book Online Proquest Congressional Bookmark
33. Report of the Attorney General to the Congress of the United States on the Administration of the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938, as Amended for the Period January 1, 1955 to December 31, 1959. United States. Department of Justice [Browse] [Washington] : [publisher not identified], 1960. Book Online Proquest Congressional Bookmark
34. Report to Congress on the Activities and Operations of the Public Integrity Section for 1985. United States. Department of Justice [Browse] [Washington] : [publisher not identified], 1986. Book Online Proquest Congressional Bookmark
35. Report of the Attorney General to the Congress of the United States on the Administration of the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938, as Amended, for the Six Months Ended December 31, 2008. United States. Department of Justice [Browse] [Washington] : [publisher not identified], 2009. Book Online Proquest Congressional Bookmark
36. Report of the Attorney General to the Congress of the United States on the Administration of the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938, as Amended, for the Six Months Ended December 31, 2018. United States. Department of Justice [Browse] [Washington] : [publisher not identified], 2019. Book Online Proquest Congressional Bookmark
37. Review of Four FISA Applications and Other Aspects of the FBI's Crossfire Hurricane Investigation. United States. Department of Commerce. Office of the Inspector General [Browse] [Washington] : [publisher not identified], 2019. Book Online Proquest Congressional Bookmark
38. Report of the Attorney General to the Congress of the United States on the Administration of the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938, as Amended, for the Six Months Ended December 31, 2001. United States. Department of Justice [Browse] [Washington] : [publisher not identified], 2002. Book Online Proquest Congressional Bookmark
39. Report to Congress on the Activities and Operations of the Public Integrity Section for 1983. United States. Department of Justice [Browse] [Washington] : [publisher not identified], 1984. Book Online Proquest Congressional Bookmark
40. Report to Congress on the Activities and Operations of the Public Integrity Section for 2006. United States. Department of Justice [Browse] [Washington] : [publisher not identified], 2007. Book Online Proquest Congressional Bookmark
41. Review of Four FISA Applications and Other Aspects of the FBI's Crossfire Hurricane Investigation (Revised). United States. Department of Commerce. Office of the Inspector General [Browse] [Washington] : [publisher not identified], 2019. Book Online Proquest Congressional Bookmark
42. Report of the Attorney General to the Congress of the United States on the Administration of the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938, as Amended, for the Six Months Ended December 31, 2007. United States. Department of Justice [Browse] [Washington] : [publisher not identified], 2008. Book Online Proquest Congressional Bookmark
43. Report of the Attorney General to the Congress of the United States on the Administration of the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938, As Amended for the Calendar Year 1966. United States. Department of Justice [Browse] [Washington] : [publisher not identified], 1967. Book Online Proquest Congressional Bookmark
44. Report of the Attorney General to the Congress of the United States on the Administration of the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938, as Amended, for the Six Months Ended December 31, 2009. United States. Department of Justice [Browse] [Washington] : [publisher not identified], 2010. Book Online Proquest Congressional Bookmark
45. Report of the Attorney General to the Congress of the United States on the Administration of the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938, as Amended, for the Calendar Year 1982. United States. Department of Justice [Browse] [Washington] : [publisher not identified], 1983. Book Online Proquest Congressional Bookmark
46. U.S. Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General Semiannual Report to Congress, October 1, 2003 - March 31, 2004. United States. Department of Justice [Browse] [Washington] : [publisher not identified], 2004. Book Online Proquest Congressional Bookmark
47. U.S. Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General Semiannual Report to Congress April 1, 2017 - September 30, 2017. United States. Department of Justice [Browse] [Washington] : [publisher not identified], 2017. Book Online Proquest Congressional Bookmark
48. U.S. Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General Semiannual Report to Congress April 1, 2021 - September 30, 2021. United States. Department of Justice [Browse] [Washington] : [publisher not identified], 2021. Book Online Proquest Congressional Bookmark
49. Report of the Attorney General to the Congress of the United States on the Administration of the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938, as Amended, for the Calendar Year 1976. United States. Department of Justice [Browse] [Washington] : [publisher not identified], 1977. Book Online Proquest Congressional Bookmark
50. Report of the Attorney General to the Congress of the United States on the Administration of the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938, as Amended, for the Calendar Year 1953. United States. Department of Justice [Browse] [Washington] : [publisher not identified], 1954. Book Online Proquest Congressional Bookmark