1. A Propre new booke of cokery [electronic resource] : declaryng what maner of meates bee best in ceason for all tymes of ye yere and how thes ought to bee dressed and serued at the table bothe for fleshe daies and fisshe daies : with a newe addicion, veri necessarye for all them that delighteth in cokery. [London] : Imprinted at Londo[n] in Paules churchyard by Richard Lant and Richarde Bankes, M.D.XLV. [1545] Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
2. A proper new booke of cookery [electronic resource] : Declaryng what manner of meates is best in season, for all tymes in the yeare, [and] how they ought to be dressed and serued at the table both for flesh daies and fyshe dayes, with a new addition, very necessary for all them that delight in cookery, anno domini, 1576. [Imprinted at London : [By the heir of J. Awdely] for Antony Kytson, [1576]] Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
3. A proper new booke of cookery [electronic resource] : Declaring what maner of meates be best in season for al times of the yeere, and how they ought to be dressed, [and] serued at the table, both for fleshe dayes and fish daies. with a new addition, very necessary for al them that delight in cookery. 1575. Imprinted at Londen : In Fleetstreete, by William How for Abraham Veale, [1575] Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark