1. הגדה של פסח. Hagadah Shel Pesaḥ. Aleksandriyah : Ṿaʻadat ha-Tarbut le-yad Moʻadon ha-Ḥayalim "ha-Tiḳṿah", 704 [1944].אלכסנדריה : ועדת התרבות ליד מועדון החיילים "התקוה", תש"ד. Book Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books » N-003549 Bookmark
2. הגדה של פסח תש"ד. Hagadah Shel Pesach 5704. [Italy] : Pelugah ʻIvrit le-Hovalah kelalit 179, 5704 [1944].[Italy] : פלוגה עברית להובלה כללית 179, תש"ד. Book Loading...Special Collections - Remote Storage (ReCAP): Rare Books. Special Collections Use Only » RECAP-103364327 Bookmark
3. Hagadah shel Pesaḥ : Hagadat Maḥanayim = La Haggada de Ma'hanayim / [targum maʾamar ha-mavo, Raḥel Yafeh-Kohen] Yerushalayim : Erez, 761, 2001. Book On-site accessReCAP - Remote Storage » Heb 4909.2001.58 Bookmark
4. Hagadah shel Pesaḥ = The Haggadah of Passover / edited by David and Tamar de Sola Pool... New York : National Jewish Welfare Board, 5704, 1944. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » BM675.P4 Z555966 1944 Bookmark