1. Congressional campaign finances : history, facts, and controversy. Washington, D.C. : Congressional Quarterly, c1992. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » JK1991 .C658 1992
2. Who shakes the money tree? American campaign financing practices from 1789 to the present. Thayer, George, 1933- [Browse] New York, Simon and Schuster [1974, c1973] Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » JK1991 .T439 1974
3. Congressional campaign finances : history, facts, and controversy. Washington, D.C. : Congressional Quarterly, c1992. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » JK1991 .C658 1992
4. Who shakes the money tree? American campaign financing practices from 1789 to the present. Thayer, George, 1933- [Browse] New York, Simon and Schuster [1974, c1973] Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » JLD 75-1489
5. Supplement to Campaign finance law. Library of Congress. Congressional Research Service. American Law Division [Browse] Washington : Federal Election Commission, National Clearinghouse on Election Administration; for sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. Govt. Print. Off. Journal ReCAP - Remote Storage » Y 3.El 2/3:2 L 44/2/979/supp.
6. Political campaign contributions and Congress: a legal primer / L. Paige Whitaker. Whitaker, L. Paige [Browse] [Washington, D.C.] : Congressional Research Service, 2020- Book Online US Government Documents
7. Political campaign contributions and Congress : a legal primer / L. Paige Whitaker. Whitaker, L. Paige [Browse] [Washington, D.C.] : Congressional Research Service, 2020- Book Online Marcive GPO Government Documents
8. Campaign finance : what everyone needs to know / Robert E. Mutch. Mutch, Robert E. [Browse] New York, NY : Oxford University Press, [2016]©2016 Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » JK1991 .M884 2016
9. Congressional parties, institutional ambition, and the financing of majority control [electronic resource] / Eric S. Heberlig and Bruce A. Larson. Heberlig, Eric S., 1970- [Browse] Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press, 2012. Book Online JSTOR DDA
10. Congressional parties, institutional ambition, and the financing of majority control / Eric S. Heberlig and Bruce A. Larson. Heberlig, Eric S., 1970- [Browse] Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press, c2012. Book Online University of Michigan Press Ebook Collection
11. Congressional parties, institutional ambition, and the financing of majority control / Eric S. Heberlig and Bruce A. Larson. Heberlig, Eric S., 1970- [Browse] Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press, c2012. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » JK1991 .H42 2012
12. The Influence of Campaign Contributions in State Legislatures : The Effects of Institutions and Politics / Lynda W. Powell. Powell, Lynda W. [Browse] Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press, [2012] Book Online ACLS Humanities eBook
13. Contribuciones [electronic resource]. [Washington, DC] : Comisión de Elecciones Federales, [2011] Book Online Marcive GPO Government Documents
14. Contributions [electronic resource]. [Washington, DC] : Federal Election Commission, [2011] Book Online Marcive GPO Government Documents
15. Apoyo a candidatos federales [electronic resource] : una guía para los ciudadanos. [Washington, D.C.] : Federal Election Commission, [2005] Book Online US Government Documents
16. Apoyo a candidatos federales : una guía para los ciudadanos. [Washington, D.C.] : Federal Election Commission, [2005] Book Online Marcive GPO Government Documents
17. Welfare for politicians? : taxpayer financing of campaigns / edited by John Samples. Washington, D.C. : Cato Institute, c2005. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » JK1991 .W45 2005
18. Welfare for politicians? : taxpayer financing of campaigns / edited by John Samples. Washington, D.C. : Cato Institute, c2005. Book Online Ebook Central Perpetual, DDA and Subscription Titles
19. Independent expenditures. Washington, D.C. : Federal Election Commission, [2004] Book Online Marcive GPO Government Documents
20. Independent expenditures [electronic resource]. Washington, D.C. : Federal Election Commission, [2004] Book Online US Government Documents
21. Voting with dollars : a new paradigm for campaign finance / Bruce Ackerman and Ian Ayres. Ackerman, Bruce A. [Browse] New Haven [Conn.] : Yale University Press, c2002. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » JK1991 .A624 2002
22. Voting with dollars : a new paradigm for campaign finance / Bruce Ackerman and Ian Ayres. Ackerman, Bruce A. [Browse] New Haven : Yale University Press, ©2002. Book Online JSTOR DDA
23. Voting with dollars : a new paradigm for campaign finance / Bruce Ackerman and Ian Ayres. Ackerman, Bruce A. [Browse] New Haven : Yale University Press, c2002. Book Online Ebook Central Perpetual, DDA and Subscription Titles
24. Are elections for sale? [electronic resource] / David Donnelly, Janice Fine, and Ellen S. Miller ; edited by Joshua Cohen and Joel Rogers for Boston review ; [foreword by Gore Vidal]. Donnelly, David [Browse] Boston : Beacon Press, c2001. Book Online Ebook Central Perpetual, DDA and Subscription Titles
25. Checkbook democracy : how money corrupts political campaigns / Darrell M. West. West, Darrell M., 1954- [Browse] Boston : Northeastern University Press, c2000. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » JK1991 .W47 2000
26. Contributions. [Washington, D.C.?] : Federal Election Commission, [2000] Book Loading...Firestone Library - Government Documents Collection » Y 3.EL 2/3:2 C 76/3/2000
27. Investing in the people's business : a business proposal for campaign finance reform / a statement by the Research and Policy Committee of the Committee for Economic Development. New York : Committee for Economic Development, 1999. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » JK1991 .C6516 1999
28. Money and politics : financing our elections democratically / David Donnelly, Janice Fine, and Ellen S. Miller ; foreword by Gore Vidal ; edited by Joshua Cohen and Joel Rogers for Boston Review. Donnelly, David [Browse] Boston : Beacon Press, c1999. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » JK1991 .D67 1999
29. Campaign finance : an illustrated guide / Norman J. Ornstein ; with Jeremy C. Pope. Ornstein, Norman J. [Browse] Washington, D.C. : AEI Press, 1997. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » JK1991 .O67 1997
30. Campaign finance : an illustrated guide / Norman J. Ornstein ; with Jeremy C. Pope. Ornstein, Norman J. [Browse] Washington, D.C. : AEI Press, 1997. Book
31. Free speech and campaign finance reform [electronic resource] : hearing before the Subcommittee on the Constitution of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, One Hundred Fifth Congress, first session, February 27, 1997. United States. Congress. House. Committee on the Judiciary. Subcommittee on the Constitution [Browse] Washington : U.S. G.P.O. : For sale by the U.S. G.P.O., Supt. of Docs., Congressional Sales Office, 1997. Book Online Proquest Congressional
32. Free speech and campaign finance reform : hearing before the Subcommittee on the Constitution of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, One Hundred Fifth Congress, first session, February 27, 1997. United States. Congress. House. Committee on the Judiciary. Subcommittee on the Constitution [Browse] Washington : U.S. G.P.O. : For sale by the U.S. G.P.O., Supt. of Docs., Congressional Sales Office, 1997. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage: Government Documents » Y 4.J 89/1:105/15
33. Political money : the new prohibition / Annelise Anderson. Anderson, Annelise Graebner [Browse] Stanford, CA : Hoover Institution on War, Revolution, and Peace, Stanford University, 1997. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » JK1991 .A77 1997
34. Contributions. [Washington, D.C.] : Federal Election Commission, [1996] Book Loading...Firestone Library - Government Documents Collection » Y 3.EL 2/3:2 C 76/3/996
35. How much is your vote worth? : the unfairness of campaign spending limits / Filip Palda. Palda, K. Filip [Browse] San Francisco, CA : ICS Press, c1994. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » JK1991 .P35 1994
36. Inside campaign finance : myths and realities / Frank J. Sorauf. Sorauf, Frank J. (Frank Joseph), 1928-2013 [Browse] New York : Yale University Press, c1992. Book Loading...Stokes Library - Wallace Hall (SPIA) » JK1991.S67 1992# Loading...Forrestal Annex - Reserve » JK1991 .S67 1992View record for information on additional holdings
37. Inside campaign finance : myths and realities / Frank J. Sorauf. Sorauf, Frank J. (Frank Joseph), 1928-2013 [Browse] New Haven : Yale University Press, ©1992. Book Online JSTOR DDA
38. Campaign finance reform [electronic resource] : hearings held before the Task Force on Campaign Finance Reform of the Committee on House Administration, One Hundred Second Congress, first session, March 11, 1991; St. Paul, MN and Madison, WI. United States. Congress. House. Committee on House Administration. Task Force on Campaign Finance Reform [Browse] Washington : U.S. G.P.O., 1991. Book Online Proquest Congressional
39. Money, elections, and democracy : reforming congressional campaign finance / edited by Margaret Latus Nugent and John R. Johannes. Boulder : Westview Press, 1990. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » JK1991 .M75 1990
40. Paying for elections : the campaign finance thicket / by Larry Sabato. Sabato, Larry [Browse] New York : Priority Press Publications, 1989. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » JK1991 .S24 1989
41. Money in American elections / Frank J. Sorauf. Sorauf, Frank J. (Frank Joseph), 1928-2013 [Browse] Glenview, Ill. : Scott, Foresman/Little, Brown College Division, c1988. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » JK1991 .S675 1988
42. Campaign finance [electronic resource] : hearings held before the Subcommittee on Elections of the Committee on House Administration, U.S. House of Representatives, One Hundredth Congress, first session, May 21, June 2, 16, 30, and July 14, 1987, Washington, DC. United States. Congress. House. Committee on House Administration. Subcommittee on Elections [Browse] Washington : U.S. G.P.O., 1987 [i.e. 1988] Book Online Proquest Congressional
43. Senate campaign finance proposals of 1987 [electronic resource] : hearings before the Committee on Rules and Administration, United States Senate, One hundredth Congress, first session on S. 2 ... S. 50 ... S 179 ... S. 207 ... S. 615 ... S. 625 ... S. 725 ... amendment no. 36 (to S. 2) ... March 5 and 18, April 22 and 23, 1987. United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Rules and Administration [Browse] Washington : U.S. G.P.O., 1987. Book Online Proquest Congressional
44. Campaign finance reform [electronic resource] : hearings held before the Task Force on Elections of the Committee on House Administration, U.S. House of Representatives, Ninety-eighth Congress, first session, June 9, 16, 21, 23, 1983, Washington, D.C., July 8, 1983, Boston, Mass., August 22, 1983, Sacramento, Calif., August 23, 1983, Seattle, Wash., October 12, 1983, Atlanta, Ga. United States. Congress. House. Committee on House Administration. Task Force on Elections [Browse] Washington : U.S. G.P.O., 1984. Book Online Proquest Congressional
45. Campaign finance reform proposals of 1983 [electronic resource] : hearings before the Committee on Rules and Administration, United States Senate, Ninety-eighth Congress, first session, on the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971, as amended, and on various measures to amend the act, S. 85, S. 151, S. 732, S. 810, S. 1185, S. 1350, and S. 1684 : January 26, 27, May 17, and September 29, 1983. United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Rules and Administration [Browse] Washington : U.S. G.P.O., [1984] Book Online Proquest Congressional
46. Money and politics in the United States : financing elections in the 1980s / edited by Michael J. Malbin. Washington, D.C. : American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research ; Chatham, N.J. : Chatham House, c1984. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » JK1991 .M73 1984
47. Application and administration of the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971, as amended [electronic resource] : hearings before the Committee on Rules and Administration, United States Senate, Ninety-seventh Congress, first session, on S. 1550 ... S. 1766 ... S. 1851 ... November 20 and 24, 1981. United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Rules and Administration [Browse] Washington : U.S. G.P.O., 1982. Book Online Proquest Congressional
48. Campaign money : reform and reality in the States / edited by Herbert E. Alexander. New York : Free Press, c1976. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » JK1991.C35
49. Financing politics : money, elections, and political reform / Herbert E. Alexander. Alexander, Herbert E. [Browse] Washington : Congressional Quarterly Press, c1976. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » JK1991.A6797
50. Political money : a strategy for campaign financing in America / David W. Adamany, George E. Agree. Adamany, David W. [Browse] Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press, [1975] Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » JK1991 .A64