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3. Alcorani textus universus. Patavii : Typographia Seminarii, 1698. Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books
4. Fides et Leges Mohammædis exhibitæ ex Alkorani manuscripto duplici, præmissis institutionibus arabicis. Altdorfi : [publisher not identified], 1646. Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books
5. Histoire generale de la religion des Turcs / Michel Baudier. Baudier, Michel, 1589?-1645 [Browse] Paris : [publisher not identified], 1632. Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books
6. إجابة القسيس الحقير فيليبس كوادانولوس إلى أحمد الشريف بن زين العابدين الفارسي الإسبهاني. Ijābat al-Qissīs al-ḥaqīr Fīlībus Kwādānūlūs ilá Aḥmad al-Sharīf ibn Zayn al-'Ābidīn al-Fārisī al-Isbahānī / Filippo Guadagnoli. Guadagnoli, Filippo, 1596-1656 [Browse] Romae : [publisher not identified], 1637. Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books
7. إنجيل الطفولية. Injīl al-ṭufūlīyah = Euangelium Infantiæ. Trajecti ad Rhenum : [publisher not identified], 1697. Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books
8. Prima tredecim partium Alcorani. [Amsterdam] : [publisher not identified], [1646] Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books
9. L'Alcoran de Mahomet. La Haye : [publisher not identified], 1683. Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books
10. The Alcoran of Mahomet. London : [publisher not identified], 1649. Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books
11. Chronicon orientale / Abū Shākir ibn Buṭrus ibn al-Rāhib. Ibn al-Rāhib, Abū Shākir ibn Buṭrus, active 1249-1282 [Browse]ابن الراهب، أبو شاكر بن بطرس [Browse] Parisiis : E Typographia Regia, 1651. Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books
12. Compendium historicum eorum, quæ Muhammedani de Christo et præcipuis aliquot religionis Christianæ capitibus tradiderunt / Levinus Warner. Warner, Levinus, c1618-1665 [Browse] Lugduni Batavorum : [publisher not identified], 1643. Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books
13. Alcoranus Mahometicus, das ist : der Türcken Alcoran, Religion und Aberglauben. Nürnberg : S. Halbmayer, 1623. Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books
14. Histoire generale de la religion des Turcs / Michel Baudier. Baudier, Michel, 1589?-1645 [Browse] Rouen : I. Berthelin, 1641. Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books
15. M. F. Beckii specimen Arabicum, hoc est, bina capitula Alcorani, xxx. de Roma & xliix. de Victoria Arabice descripta, Latine versa, et notis locupletata. Augustae Vindelicorum : [publisher not identified], 1688. Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books
16. Mohammedis imposturae : that is a discovery of the manifold forgeries, falsehoods, and horrible impieties of the blasphemous seducer Mohammed / Sinān Shaykh. Shaykh, Sinān [Browse]شيخ، سنان [Browse] London : [publisher not identified], 1615. Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books
17. Muhammedanus precans : id est, liber precationum Muhammedicarum Arabicus manuscriptus / Henningius Henningii. Henningii, Henningius [Browse] Sleswigæ : [publisher not identified], 1666. Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books
18. القرآن وهو شرعة الإسلامية محمد بن عبد الله. al-Qurʾān wa-huwa shirʻat al-Islāmīyah Muḥammad ibn ʻAbd Allāh = al-Coranus s. lex Islamitica Muhammedis, filii Abdallae. Hamburgi : [publisher not identified], 1694. Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books
20. L'Alcoran de Mahomet. Paris : [publisher not identified], 1649. Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books