1. Sabbath eve services and hymns and anthems for Sabbaths and holidays / compiled and arranged for Congregation Sherith Israel by Rabbi Jacob Nieto. San Francisco : Weiss, printer, 5661 [1900/1901] Book Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books » N-005071 Bookmark
2. Nehalel = נהלל : Shabbat Siddur : Nehalel beShabbat = נהלל בשבת : Ashkenaz = אשכנז / foreword by Daniel Landes ; introd. by Zvi Grumet ; devised by Michael Haruni. Nehalel = [Nehalel] : Shabbat Siddur : Nehalel beShabbat = [Nehalel be-Shabat] : Ashkenaz / foreword by Daniel Landes ; introd. by Zvi Grumet ; devised by Michael Haruni. Jerusalem : Nevarech, 2013. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BM675.S3 Z5545 2013 Bookmark
3. Koren Shabbat evening Siddur = סידור קורן לליל שבת: with translation and commentaries by Jonathan Sacks ; edited by Yehuda Sarna ; co-edited by Binyamin Lehrfield. Koren Shabbat evening Siddur = [Sidur Ḳoren le-lel Shabat] : with translation and commentaries by Jonathan Sacks ; edited by Yehuda Sarna ; co-edited by Binyamin Lehrfield. Jerusalem : Koren Pubishers, 2011. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » Heb 41303.1168 Bookmark
4. ʻEt ratson = Sidur Eit ratson : prayerbook for the morning service of Shabbat and festivals... / with new translation, commentaries, meditations and prayers by Joseph G. Rosenstein. Highland Park, New Jersey : Shivti Publications, 2003. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » Heb 41303.400 Bookmark
5. The Shabbat Sidur companion : appreciate prayer instantly / by Harvey Belovski. [Southfield, MI] : Targum/ Feldheim, 2002. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » Heb 41303.284 Bookmark
6. Siddur for the Sabbath and festivals : with an interlinear translation / edited by Menachem Davis ; contributing editors, Nosson Scherman, Meir Zlotowitz, Yaakov Blinder. Brooklyn, N.Y. : Mesorah publications, 2002. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BM675.S3 D38 2002 Bookmark
7. Sidur Ḥaverim kol Yiśraʾel = Chaveirim Kol Yisrael = In the fellowship of All Israel : prayers and readings for Shabbat and festival evenings, songss and rituals for the entire year / [editor in chief Mark Frydenberg] Hoboken, NJ : Ktav Pub. House, 2000. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » Heb 41302.506 Bookmark
8. Children's Siddur : for Sabbaths and festivals / with a new translation by David Patterson. London : United Synagogue Welfare Committee, 5735, 1975. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » Heb 41301.233 Bookmark
9. Seder tefilot li-yeladim le-Shabat ṿela-regalim = A book of prayer for junior congregations / by Hyman Chanover and Evelyn Zusman. New York : United Synagogue Commission on Jewish Education, 1959. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BM675.S3 Z682 1959 Bookmark
10. Seder tefilot Yiśraʾel le-Shabat ule-Shalosh regalim, ʻim targum Angli ḥadash, hosafot ṿe-heʻarot. Hotsaʾat Kenisat ha-rabanim ba-Ameriḳah u-Vate ha-keneset ha-meʾuḥadim ba-Ameriḳah, 707. [New York, 1946] Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BM675.S3 S5 Bookmark
11. Seder Tefilot le-Shabat : ʻim tosefet tefilot, amirot ṿe-shirim ṿe-ʻim targum Angli ḥadash. Nyu Yorḳ : ha-Mosad le-hitḥadshutah shel ha-Yahadut, 705 [1945] Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BM675.S3 Z65413 1945 Bookmark
12. Tefilot u-zemirot li-khevod Shabat. Arbaʻah sedarim ʻim taṿe zimrah, ʻal yede Reʾuven Tsevi Segal u-Shabetai Sheraga Guṭman. Nyu Yorḳ, Hibru Publishing Ḳomp. [New York, Hebrew publishing company, 1944] Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BM675.S3 Z558 1944 Bookmark
13. Sabbath prayer book / arranged for Conservative congregations by Rabbi Barnett A. Elzas. New York : Bloch Pubublishing Company, 1941. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BM675.S3 Z643 1941 Bookmark
14. The Temple Service for the Sabbath and the Festivals. New York : Congregation Rodeph Sholom, [19--?] Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » BM665.A3 R62 1900z Bookmark