1. Dru gling gʹyul ʼgyed dpaʼ bo snying gi dgaʼ ston las Bar gyi leʼu chad pa bzhugs so : an episode from the Gesar epic recounting the Mighty King of Ling's conquest of the Kingdom of Dru gu. Dharamsala, H.P., India : Library of Tibetan Works & Archives, <1983-> Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » PL3748.G425 D76 1983 Bookmark
2. 'Dzam gling Ge sar nor bu dgra 'dul gyi rtogs brjod la Dru gu thog rgod rgyal po cham la phabs shing go mtshon gyi gter kha blangs tshul dngos 'grus [sic] ['gugs] paʼi lcags kyu : an episode from the Gesar epic recounting the Might of King Ling's conquest of the Kingdom of Dru gu. Dharamsala : Library of Tibetan Works & Archives, 1982. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » *OZ+ 89-5525 Bookmark
3. Dru gling gʹyul ʼgyed dpaʼ bo snying gi dgaʼ ston las Bar gyi leʼu chad pa bzhugs so : an episode from the Gesar epic recounting the Mighty King of Ling's conquest of the Kingdom of Dru gu. Dharamsala, H.P., India : Library of Tibetan Works & Archives, 1983- Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » *OZ+ 91-6603|zLibrary has: Vol. 2. Bookmark
4. ʼDzam gling skyong baʼi Pho-lha Ge sar dmag gi rgyal poʼi rtogs brjod las Byang bdud Dru gu g-yul rgyal stobs chen thog rgod rgyal po mngaʼ ʼbangs bcas dbang du bsdus shing go mtshon g-yang du blangs paʼi rnam thar yid ʼphrog snying gi dgaʼ ston zhes bya ba bzhugs so : an episode from the Gesar epic recounting the mighty King of Lingʼs conquest of the Kingdom of Dru-gu : stod cha. Dharamsala : Library of Tibetan Works & Archives, 1984. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » PL3748.G425 D78 1984View Record for Full Availability Bookmark
5. ʼDzam gling skyong baʼi Pho-lha Ge sar dmag gi rgyal poʼi rtogs brjod las Byang bdud Dru gu g-yul rgyal stobs chen thog rgod rgyal po mngaʼ ʼbangs bcas dbang du bsdus shing go mtshon g-yang du blangs paʼi rnam thar yid ʼphrog snying gi dgaʼ ston zhes bya ba bzhugs so : an episode from the Gesar epic recounting the mighty King of Ling's conquest of the Kingdom of Dru-gu : stod cha. Dharamsala : Library of Tibetan Works & Archives, 1984. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » *OZ+ 89-21232View Record for Full Availability Bookmark
6. Supplement containing the missing pages needed to complete the Dru gu go rdzoṅ smad cha version of the Gesar epic. Dharamsala, H.P. : Library of Tibetan Works and Archives, 1985. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » PL3748.G425 D79 1985 Bookmark
7. Supplement containing the missing pages needed to complete the Dru gu go rdzoṅ smad cha version of the Gesar epic. Dharamsala, H.P. : Library of Tibetan Works and Archives, 1985. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » *OZ+ 91-6530 Bookmark