1. A discourse of mistakes concerning religion, enthusiasm, experiences, etc. / By Thomas Hartley. Hartley, Thomas, 1708-1784 [Browse] London Printed : Germantown: Reprinted by Christopher Sower, 1759. Book Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books » Alma-41003
2. Dissertatio medica inauguralis, de frigore quatenus morborum caussa ... John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Book OnlineWiley Digital Archives: Royal College of Physicians Part I
3. Icones anatomicae quibus praecipuae aliquae partes corporis humani delineatae proponuntur & arteriarum potissimum historia continetur John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Book OnlineWiley Digital Archives: Royal College of Physicians Part I
4. Oratio Harvæana, habita in theatro Collegii Regalis Medicorum Londinensium, die 18° Octobris, 1752 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Book OnlineWiley Digital Archives: Royal College of Physicians Part I
5. Dissertatio medica inauguralis, de arthritide Edinburgi Book OnlineWiley Digital Archives: Royal College of Physicians Part I
6. At a committee appointed to prepare other statutes in the room of those which were proposed to be repealed, present Dr. Nesbitt, vice-president, Dr. Battie, Dr. Lawrence, Dr. Feake, Dr. Hebberden, Dr. Taylor. It was unanimously agreed that a draught of ot London Book OnlineWiley Digital Archives: Royal College of Physicians Part I
7. Les rues et les environs de Paris. Contenant dans la premiere partie les rues de Paris, carrefours, culs-de-sacs, cloîtres, cours, passages, marchez, ports, ponts, portes, quais, places, & générealment tout ce qui contient plusieurs maisons & habitations, & qui ne désigne aucun domicile en particulier : la seconde partie contient les eglises, chapelles, couvens, hôpitaux, colleges, ecoles publiques, palais, hôtels, académies, bureau de communauté, & généralement tout ce qui défigne un edifice & une habitation particuliere : par ordre alphabétique. Jaillot, Jean Baptiste Michel, 1710?-1780 [Browse] A Paris : Chez Valleyre pere ..., 1757. Book Loading...Marquand Library - Rare Books
8. A specimen by William Caslon, letter-founder, in Chiswell-Street, London. Caslon, William, 1693-1766 [Browse] [London], [1750] Book Loading...Special Collections - Graphic Arts Collection » GA 2024.04347 D-West 49/GC107/Box 03/Oversize
9. General correspondence and papers Book OnlineBrill Online E-Books Archives Of The Church In North India: Archival Collection
11. William Parsons letter to Richard Peters inquiring how the Indians should be received Book OnlineLLMC-Digital
12. Two letters from General Braddock to Governor Morris regarding military supplies to Fort Duquesne Book OnlineLLMC-Digital
14. Speech of Ackouanothis, an old Indian on the Ohio in behalf of the Delaware Indians, and others living on the waters thereof, September 1758 Book OnlineLLMC-Digital
15. Reverend Thomas Barton to Richard Peters stating some outrages of the Indians Book OnlineLLMC-Digital
16. Report of the committee to inquire into the present situation of the Eastern Treasury Book OnlineLLMC-Digital
17. Proposals for defending the frontiers of Pennsylvania against the savages Book OnlineLLMC-Digital
18. Forasmuch as there have been many disputes and controversies for a long time, concerning the titles to a great part of the lands in the eastern parts of this province; many of which are claimed by vertue of ancient grants and conveyances ... It is theref s.n Book OnlineLLMC-Digital
21. Ordonnance du roy, servant de supplément à celle du 3 juillet 1749, portant règlement sur les revues des commissaires des guerres, & les décomptes de la cavalerie françoise & étrangère, & des dragons, & des troupes legères De l'Imprimerie royale, Book OnlineLLMC-Digital
22. Ordonnance du roi, qui règle le rang des officiers des troupes des colonies De l'Imprimerie royale, Book OnlineLLMC-Digital
23. Orders and instructions to Captain Isaac Wayne dated at Reading 3rd January 1756 Book OnlineLLMC-Digital
25. List of the Indians of the Six Nations names present at a treaty at Easton in the months September and October 1758 Book OnlineLLMC-Digital
26. Letters from Edmond Atkin Esquire Superintendant of Indian affairs in the southern district to ... George Croghan Book OnlineLLMC-Digital
33. Letter to Governor Denny from Colonel Armstrong regarding the French and Indian movements Book OnlineLLMC-Digital
40. Letter from Governor Shirley to Governor Morris recommending a union of the colonies and the treaty of neutrality with the Six Nations Book OnlineLLMC-Digital
41. Letter from Governor Dinwiddie's letter to Governor Morris on military affairs Book OnlineLLMC-Digital
42. Letter from Governor Sharpe to Governor Morris of the numbers of the French and Indians at and near Ohio Book OnlineLLMC-Digital
43. Letter from David Zeisberger to Timothy Horsefield that summarizes Zeisberger's talks with John Shikellamy Book OnlineLLMC-Digital
45. Letter from George Croghan regarding Indian affairs and Quaker interference Book OnlineLLMC-Digital
47. Letter from Colonel Stanwicks to Governor Denny regarding the French with a large army Book OnlineLLMC-Digital
48. Letter from Colonel Armstrong to General Forbes regarding the disposition of troops at Carlisle Book OnlineLLMC-Digital
53. Governor Morris letter to Governor De Lancey regarding Pennsylvania affairs Book OnlineLLMC-Digital
55. Governor Shirley letter to Governor Morris regarding laying out a road and the public opinion of General Braddock Book OnlineLLMC-Digital
58. Governor Morris letter from General Braddock advising discharge of soldiers' wives Book OnlineLLMC-Digital
60. General Braddock's letter to Governor Morris regarding bills enclosed to repay an advance Book OnlineLLMC-Digital
63. Examination of Andrew Montour and John Patten taken before the Honorable James Hamilton Esquire Lieutenant Governor of the Province of Pennsylvania Book OnlineLLMC-Digital
64. Extract from illegible papers from 1st January 1757 to 1st January 1758 of persons killed etc. by Indians Book OnlineLLMC-Digital
65. Copy of document where Governor Morris states his proposition to the General Assembly of Pennsylvania Book OnlineLLMC-Digital
68. Conrad Weiser to Richard Peters relative to the conduct of Andrew Montour Book OnlineLLMC-Digital
69. Colonel John Armstrong to Richard Peters on the conduct of Sir John St. Clair and Reverend Barton Book OnlineLLMC-Digital
72. Colonel Armstrong to Governor Denny stating particulars of excusion against the Indians Book OnlineLLMC-Digital
75. Captain Robert Orme description of the battle and General Braddock's death Book OnlineLLMC-Digital
76. Arrest du Conseil d'État du roy, portant règlement pour les manufactures établies dans l'Hôpital général de Paris De l'Imprimerie royale, Book OnlineLLMC-Digital
77. Arrest du Conseil d'État du roy, portant règlement pour les tondeurs, laineurs & apprentifs de la manufacture royale de Sedan De l'Imprimerie royale, Book OnlineLLMC-Digital
78. Arrest du Conseil d'État du roy, portant confiscation d'une pièce de drap saisie sur la veuve de Joseph Delarue De l'Imprimerie royale, Book OnlineLLMC-Digital
79. Arrest du Conseil d'État du roy, portant règlement pour la fabrique des étoffes qui se font dans le Vivarais De l'Imprimerie royale, Book OnlineLLMC-Digital
80. Arrest du Conseil d'État du Roy, en interprétation du règlement du 24 décembre 1743, concernant la clincaillerie de la ville de Thiers De l'Imprimerie royale, Book OnlineLLMC-Digital
81. Arrest du Conseil d'État du roy qui proroge pour dix ans les exemptions accordées au commerce qui se fait entre le Canada, l'Isle-royale & les Isles du vent de l'Amérique De l'Imprimerie royale, Book OnlineLLMC-Digital
82. Alterations in the return of Moravian taxables in Bethlehem and other Moravian towns Book OnlineLLMC-Digital
83. Carta geografica dell' Isola di Sicilia. L'Isle, Guillaume de, 1675-1726 [Browse] [In Venezia] : [Presso Giambattista Albrizzi q. Gir.], [1750] Map Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books Historic Map Collection » HMC01.2525 D-Alcove 27, Drawer 10
84. The Vermin-killer : being a compleat and necessary family book ... : also several excellent receipts for the cure of most disorders and some useful directions for gardening and husbandry ... : with many curious secrets in art and nature. London : Printed and sold by W. Owen, at Homer's-Head, near Temple-Bar, [1754?] Book Loading...Special Collections - Otto von Kienbusch Angling Collection » SH437 .xB56 1794a
85. Treaty with the Shawanese and Delaware Indians, living on and near the Susquehanna River Printed and sold by J. Parker and W. Weyman, at the new-printing-office in Beaver-Street Book OnlineLLMC-Digital
86. To His Excellency Jonathan Belcher, Esq; captain general and governor in chief of the province of New-Jersey, and territories thereon depending in America, chancellor and vice-admiral in the same Printed by J. Parker and W. Weyman Book OnlineLLMC-Digital
87. A scheme to drive the French out of all the continent of America [London, England] Book OnlineLLMC-Digital
91. Speech of the Hono.ble Major General Johnson at a meeting of the Mohawks, Oneidas, Tuscaroras and Sinicas Book OnlineLLMC-Digital
92. Speech sent from the Half King Scruniyattha and the belt of Wampum, to the governor of Virginia and governor of Pennslyvania Book OnlineLLMC-Digital
93. Speech of His Excellency Major General William Shirley General and Commander in Chief of all His Majestic Forces in North America to the sachems and warriors of the Indians of the Six Nations Book OnlineLLMC-Digital
95. Resolution of the Assembly of Massachusetts Bay about building a fort at Crown Point Book OnlineLLMC-Digital
96. Report of proceedings at Albany to make a purchase of land from the Six Nations Book OnlineLLMC-Digital
98. Proceedings of the Congress hold at Albany by the Honourable James Delaney Esq., Lieut. Gov. and Commander in Chief of the province of New York, and the Commissioners of the several Provinces, now not in this life Book OnlineLLMC-Digital
99. Present state of the Indian affairs with the British and French colonys in North America Book OnlineLLMC-Digital
100. Private conversation between Conrad Weiser and John Sachneckdoras, 22 Feb. 1756 Book OnlineLLMC-Digital