1. ספר כסף צרוף : ביאור על משלי ... [עם הפנים]. פינטו, יאשיהו בן יוסף, 1565-1648 [Browse] אמשטרדם : דפוס יצחק יהודה ליאון טימפלו, תפ"ט. Book Online Otzar HaHochma - אוצר החכמה הבסיסי
2. ספר באר יצחק : ... פי' ... על הפטרות דכל השנה כמנהג אשכנזים וספרדים ... עם פי' ... רש"י ורד"ק וכל הדינים השייכים להפטורת ... / חברו ... כמוהר"ר יצחק אייזק מיס ... מיס, יצחק אייזיק בן יהודה ליב, הלוי [Browse] אפענבך : [מוציא לאור לא ידוע], ת'פ'ד'ה' [תפ"ט]. Book Online Otzar HaHochma - אוצר החכמה הבסיסי
3. ספר בן דוד : והוא השגה על ספר עומר מן ... פירוש על האידרא זוטא ... / המיוחס להחכם ... מנחם די לונזני ... בזה החיבור הפליג לדבר על האר"י ותלמידו ... מהרח"ו ... אשר בגלל כן קנא המקנא ... וכתב עליו השגות ... עם קצת פירוש על מאמרי הזוהר ואידרות. נפתלי בן דוד, מאמשטרדם [Browse] אמשטרדם : [מוציא לאור לא ידוע], תפ"ט. Book Online Otzar HaHochma - אוצר החכמה הבסיסי
4. ספר עיון יעקב : חדושי אגדות על כל עין יעקב / אשר חדש המחבר הרב הגאון מו"ה יעקב בר' יוסף רישר ... רישר, יעקב בן יוסף, 1670-1733 [Browse] ווילהרמרש דארף : דפוס צבי הירש בן חיים, א'לה ת'ולדת יעקב' יו'סף' [תפ"ט]. Book Online Otzar HaHochma - אוצר החכמה הבסיסי
5. חידושי הלכות ממסכת בבא קמא / שחיבר מו"ה מאיר אבד"ק אייזנשטט בעמ"ח שו"ת פנים מאירות ... איזנשטט, מאיר בן יצחק, 1670-1744 [Browse] זולצבאך : זלמן בן אהרן, ע'ץ' ח'י'י'ם' ה'י'א' ל'מ'ח'ז'י'ק'י'ם' בה [תפ"ט]. Book Online Otzar HaHochma - אוצר החכמה הבסיסי
6. ספר מנחה בלולה : בתוכו דברי הטור וב"י וש"ע של יורה דעה עם שאר פוסקים ראשונים ואחרונים ותשובות / ... המלקט ... הרב מו"ה יעקב איילונבורג. אילנבורג, יעקב בן חיים [Browse] אמשטרדם : [מוציא לאור לא ידוע], תפ"ט. Book Online Otzar HaHochma - אוצר החכמה הבסיסי
7. ספר דברי הברית. אברהם צבי הירש בן מאיר [Browse] זאלקווי : דפוס אהרן וגרשון בני חיים דוד סג"ל, תפ"ט. Book Online Otzar HaHochma - אוצר החכמה הבסיסי
8. ספר ישרש יעקב : פי' על כל עין יעקב שלקט מפי סופרים ... ונופך משלו / הרב הגדול ... כמהר"ר חיים אבולאעפייא ; ובסופו באר לחי מהרב כמה"ר יצחק נסים ן' ג'אמיל ... אבולעפיה, חיים בן יעקב [Browse] אזמיר : יונה אשכנזי ודוד חזן, י'צ'יץ' ופ'ר'ח' ישרא'ל [תפ"ט]. Book Online Otzar HaHochma - אוצר החכמה הבסיסי
9. ספר צאן קדשים / אשר איזן ... מוהר"ר חיים שור ... [על] סדר קדשים] ... ; והובא לבית הדפוס ע"י ... חיים הילדסהיים והוסיף נופך משלו. שור, אברהם חיים בן נפתלי צבי הירש, נפטר 1632 [Browse] וואנזבעק : דפוס ישראל בר אברהם, א'ל' ת'נ'ח' ידך [תפ"ט]. Book Online Otzar HaHochma - אוצר החכמה הבסיסי
10. ספר עץ החיים / ... אשר איזן וחקר כמהר"ר חיים אבולעפיא ... דרוש דרש ... אבולעפיה, חיים בן יעקב [Browse] איזמיר : דפוס יונה בן יעקב ודוד חזן, תפ"ט. Book Online Otzar HaHochma - אוצר החכמה הבסיסי
11. ספר מקראי קדש : ... ה' פסח בפסח וה' חג בחג ... / הרב ... חיים אבואלעפייא. אבולעפיה, חיים בן משה [Browse] אזמיר : דפוס יונה בן יעקב ודוד חזן, תפ"ט. Book Online Otzar HaHochma - אוצר החכמה הבסיסי
12. Aberdeen's new almanack, or A new prognostication, for the year of our Lord, 1729 [electronic resource] : Being the first year after leap year, and from the creation of the world, 5678. Containing the rise and setting of the rapid sun, the quivering courses of the quarter'd morn; eclipse of either by opposing spheres, and change of weather, with the useful fairs calculated for the use of the kingdom of Scotland, but more especially for Aberdeen, whore the pole is elevated above the horizon, 57 degress, 10 min. [Aberdeen? : s.n.], 1729 Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
13. [A blacksmith's forge]. McArdell, James, approximately 1729-1765 [Browse] London : [s.n.], n.d. Visual material Loading...Special Collections - Graphic Arts Collection » GA 2011.00654 E South 11/GC021/Box 08/Normal/18th c./Artists Grose-N Online Online Content
14. Abrâegâe du projet de paix perpetuelle, inventâe par le roi Henri le grand : apropriâe áa l'etat prâesent des affaires gâenâerales de l'Europe Saint-Pierre, Charles Irénée Castel de, 1658-1743 [Browse] Book Online Gale Making of the Modern World Part 1
15. Abrege du projet de Paix perpetuelle, inventé par le roi Henri le Grand, aprové par la Reine Elisabeth, par le roi Jaque son successeur, par le republiques & par divers autres potentats. Aproprié à l'etat présent des affaires générales de l'Europe. Démontré infiniment avantaguex pour tous les hommes nés & à naître, en géneral & en particulier pour rous les souverains & pour les maisons souveraines, par mr. L'abbe de Saint-Pierre. Saint-Pierre, Charles Irénée Castel de, 1658-1743 [Browse] Rotterdam, J.D. Beman, 1729. Book On-site accessReCAP - Remote Storage » *CBGD (Saint-Pierre, C. I. C. Abrege du projet de paix perpetuelle)
16. An abridgment of the exposition of the creed [electronic resource]: written by ... Dr. John Pearson, ... More especially design'd for the use of the English readers. By Tho. Bishop, ... Pearson, John, 1613-1686 [Browse] London : printed for Bernard Lintot, 1729. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
17. An abridgment of the publick statutes in force and use from Magna Charta, in the ninth year of King Henry III. to the eleventh year of His present Majesty King George II. inclusive. By John Cay. Great Britain. Statutes [Browse] London, Assigns of Edward Sayer, 1739. Book On-site accessReCAP - Remote Storage » XWH++ (Great Britain. Statutes. Abridgment of the publick stautes in force and use from Magna Charta)On-site accessReCAP - Remote Storage » XWH++ (Great Britain. Statutes. Abridgment of the publick statutes in force and use from Magna Charta)
18. Absalom and Achitophel [electronic resource]. A poem. Written by Mr. Dryden. To which is added an explanatory key never printed before. Dryden, John, 1631-1700 [Browse] Dublin : printed by James Hoey, and George Faulkner, 1729. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
19. Abstract of regulations contained in the late act of Parliament, to be observed by the spinners, weavers, and stamp-masters from and after the 1st of November, 1727 Edinburgh Printed by Mr. James Davidson and Company and sold at the said Mr. Davidson's shop Book Online Gale Making of the Modern World Part 1
20. An abstract of the case of the Royal African Company of England [electronic resource]. Royal African Company [Browse] [London, 1729?] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
21. Abstracts of letters from Mr Dummer after Mr Burnet's death : Correspondence 1729/10/07-1729/12/26. Book Online Colonial America Module V: Growth, Trade and Development
22. Account of the burning the city of London : as it was publish'd by the special authority of King and Council in the year, 1666 : to which is added, the opinion of Dr. Kennet, the late bishop of Peterborough, as publish'd by His Lordship's order, and that Book Online Gale Making of the Modern World Part 1
23. An Account of the burning the city of London, as it was published by the special authority of King and Council, in the year, 1666 [electronic resource] : To which is added, the opinion of Dr. Kennet, the late bishop of Peterborough, as publish'd by his Lordship's order, and that of Dr. Eachard, relating thereunto. With an account of the service appointed for the day, in the common-prayer. From all which, it plainly appears, that the Papists had no hand in that dreadful conflagration. London : Printed for J. Roberts, in Warwick-Lane; and J. Stone, near Bedford-Row, 1729. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
24. An account of the money collected in pursuance of His Majesty's letters patents, and the manner in which it has been distributed. His Majesty having been graciously pleased to grant letters-patents, bearing date the fifth day of May, Anno Dom. 1729. for a collection ... for the relief of poor house-keepers, weavers, &c. in this city, and to appoint several Trustees for receiving and disposing of the money collected, . [electronic resource]. Dublin : printed by Aaron Rhames, 1729. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
25. An account of the trial of Thomas Woolston, B.D. sometime Fellow of Sidney College, in Cambridge, on Tuesday the fourth of March, 1729, at the Court of King's-Bench, in Guildhall, on four several informations, for writing, printing, publishing four blasphemous books, on the miracles of our Saviour; with the observations of the council thereupon [electronic resource]. Woolston, Thomas, 1670-1733 [Browse] London : Printed and sold by T. Read, in White-Fryers, Fleetstreet; and by the booksellers of London and Westminster, 1729. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
26. The account to be shortly given of our stewardship, considered in a sermon preached at Gravel-lane, in Southwark, January 1. 1728-9. ... By John Evans, [electronic resource]... Evans, John, 1680-1730 [Browse] London : printed for John Clark and Richard Hett, and John Gray, 1729. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
27. Actes, lettres et discours ... qui montrent l'opposition qui se trouve entre les sentimens ... qu'il a conservez jusqu'à la mort, & le Mandement d'acceptation de la bulle Unigenitus ... qui q paru sous le nom de Son Eminence. Noailles, Louis-Antoine de, 1651-1729 [Browse] [n.p., 1729] Book Loading...Special Collections - Remote Storage (ReCAP): Rare Books. Special Collections Use Only » 1509.171.999 v.2
28. An Act for Apportioning and Assessing a Tax of Eight Thousand Two Hundred and Eighty Pounds, & also for Apportioning and Assessing a further Tax of £4,643 16s., paid the Representatives, Anno 1728 : Legislation 1729. Book Online Colonial America, Module IV: Legislation and Politics in the Colonies
29. An Act for better preservation of His Majesty's woods in America, and for the encouragement of the importation of naval stores from thence [electronic resource] : and to encourage the importation of malts, yards, and bowsprights, from that part of Great Britain called Scotland. Great Britain [Browse] [London : printed by the assigns of His Majesty's printer, and of Henry Hills deceas'd, 1729] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
30. An Act for Continuing and Enforcing the Acts therein mentioned, for discharging the present Demands on the Trading-House at Oswego, by borrowing Money of the Excuse, for the effectual Support of it until 25 Dec 1733; For continuing some Duties, and augmenting others until that time; For Regulating those Duties and the Trade at Oswego; For the gradual Repayment of Money borrowed of the Excuse; and for Reducing former Fines, if voluntarily paid within the Time therein limited : Legislation 1729. Book Online Colonial America, Module IV: Legislation and Politics in the Colonies
31. An Act for Erecting a New Town within the County of Middlesex, by the name of Bedford : Legislation 1729. Book Online Colonial America, Module IV: Legislation and Politics in the Colonies
32. An Act for Erecting the West Precinct in the Town of Chelmsford into a Township, by the name of Wesford : Legislation 1729. Book Online Colonial America, Module IV: Legislation and Politics in the Colonies
33. An Act for establishing an agreement with the lords proprietors of Carolina, 1729. Great Britain. Acts [Browse] [Place of production not identified : producer not identified, 1729] Book Online American History Module I: Settlement, Commerce, Revolution and Reform: 1493-1859
34. An Act for granting an aid to His Majesty by a land-tax to be raised in Great Britain, for the service of the year one thousand seven hundred and twenty nine [electronic resource]. Great Britain [Browse] [London : printed by the assigns of His Majesty's printer, and of Henry Hills deceas'd, 1728 [i.e. 1729]] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
35. An Act for Granting unto His Majesty several Rates and Duties of Import and Tonnage of Shipping : Legislation 1729. Book Online Colonial America, Module IV: Legislation and Politics in the Colonies
36. An Act for Licencing Hawkers and Pedlars within this Colony [and a list of additional expired acts passed at the same time] : Legislation 1729. Book Online Colonial America, Module IV: Legislation and Politics in the Colonies
37. An Act for Licencing Hawkers and Pedlars within this Colony : Legislation 1729. Book Online Colonial America, Module IV: Legislation and Politics in the Colonies
38. An Act for Raising and Levying the Sum of Seven Hundred and Thirty Pounds for the Uses therein mentioned, for borrowing part thereof, and for appointing an Agent at the Court of Great Britain : Legislation 1729. Book Online Colonial America, Module IV: Legislation and Politics in the Colonies
39. An Act for raising the sum of one million two hundred and fifty thousand pounds, by sale of annuities to the Bank of England, [electronic resource] : after the rate of four pounds per centum per annum, redeemable by Parliament; and for applying the produce of the sinking fund. Great Britain [Browse] [London : printed by the assigns of His Majesty's printer, and of Henry Hills deceas'd, 1728 [i.e. 1729]] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
40. An Act for Regulating the Ferries between the Counties of Barnstable and Dukes County : Legislation 1729. Book Online Colonial America, Module IV: Legislation and Politics in the Colonies
41. An Act for Reviving an Act, entitled, An Act to prevent Desertion from His Majesty's Forces in the Province of New York, and for providing Remedies for that purpose, in cases not provided by the said Act : Legislation 1729. Book Online Colonial America, Module IV: Legislation and Politics in the Colonies
42. An act for settling the estates of John Earl of Grandison in the kingdom of Ireland, and James Fitzgerald Villiers, Esq; commonly called Lord Villiers, [electronic resource]... Great Britain. Parliament [Browse] [London, 1729] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
43. An Act for the better Clearing, Regulating and further Laying out Publick High-Roads in the City & County of Albany : Legislation 1729. Book Online Colonial America, Module IV: Legislation and Politics in the Colonies
44. An Act for the better Clearing, Regulating and further Laying out Publick High-Roads in the County of Ulster : Legislation 1729. Book Online Colonial America, Module IV: Legislation and Politics in the Colonies
45. An Act for the debarring of unlawful games [electronic resource]. England and Wales [Browse] London : printed by the assigns of His Majesty's printer and of Henry Hills deceased, 1729. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
46. An Act for the Effectual Recovery of the Arrears of the several Taxes, and of the Excise therein mentioned; and for Securing the Duties on Slaves not imported in the City of New York, and for impowering the Treasurer for those Purposes : Legislation 1729. Book Online Colonial America, Module IV: Legislation and Politics in the Colonies
47. An Act for the further Continuing an Act, entitled, An Act for the further laying out, regulating and better clearing Publick High-Ways in the County of Suffolk : Legislation 1729. Book Online Colonial America, Module IV: Legislation and Politics in the Colonies
48. An Act for the further Continuing the Currency of Bill of Credit, struck and issued in the year 1720, to the value of 5000 Ounces of Plate, until 1 Jul 1730 : Legislation 1729. Book Online Colonial America, Module IV: Legislation and Politics in the Colonies
49. An Act for the more effectual collecting in Great Britain and Ireland, and other parts of His Majesty's dominions, the duties granted for the support of the Royal Hospital at Greenwich [electronic resource]. Great Britain [Browse] [London : printed by the assigns of His Majesty's printer, and of Henry Hills deceas'd, 1729] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
50. An Act for the relief of debtors, with respect to the imprisonment of their persons [electronic resource]. Great Britain [Browse] [London : printed by the assigns of His Majesty's printer, and of Henry Hills deceas'd, 1729] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
51. An Act for the speedy & eventual Securing and Repairing the Harbour of Marblehead in the County of Essex : Legislation 1729. Book Online Colonial America, Module IV: Legislation and Politics in the Colonies
52. An Act in addition to an Act, Intituled, An Act to exempt Persons commonly called Anabaptists and those called Quakers within this Province from being Taxed for & towards the Support of Ministers : Legislation 1729. Book Online Colonial America, Module IV: Legislation and Politics in the Colonies
53. An Act in Addition to the Act Intitled, An Act for Allowing necessary Supplies to the Eastern Indians, &c : Legislation 1729. Book Online Colonial America, Module IV: Legislation and Politics in the Colonies
54. Act of Council against unfree traders, &c Edinburgh (Scotland) [Browse] Edinburgh s.n. Book Online Gale Making of the Modern World Part 1
55. Act of Council against unfree traders, &c. Edinburgh, February 29th 1729 [sic] [electronic resource]. Edinburgh (Scotland). Town Council [Browse] [Edinburgh, 1729?] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
56. An act passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of His Majesties province of the Massachusetts-Bay in New-England, [electronic resource] : begun & held at Boston upon Wednesday the twenty-ninth day of May, 1728. And continued by several prorogations and adjournments to Salem the second of April, 1729. Massachusetts [Browse] [Boston : Printed by B. Green, 1729] Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints
57. An act passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of His Majesties province of the Massachusetts-Bay in New-England, [electronic resource] : begun & held at Boston upon Wednesday the twenty-ninth day of May, 1728. And continued by several prorogations and adjournments to Salem the second of April, 1729. Massachusetts [Browse] [Boston : Printed by B. Green, 1729] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
58. An act passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of His Majesty's province of the Massachusetts-Bay in New-England, [electronic resource] : begun and held at Salem upon Wednesday the twenty-eighth day of May 1729. And continued by several prorogations and adjournment to Cambridge the twenty-seventh day of August following. Massachusetts [Browse] Boston: : Printed by B. Green, printer to His Honour the lieutenant governour and Council., 1729. Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints
59. Acts and laws passed by the General Court or Assembly of His Majesties colony of Connecticut in New England, [electronic resource] : begun and held at Hartford on the eighth day of May, in the second year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Second, of Great-Briatin, &c. King Annoque Domini, 1729. Connecticut [Browse] N. London [i.e., New London, Conn.], : Printed and sold by T. Green, printer to the gov. & Comp., 1729. Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints
60. Acts and laws passed by the General Court or Assembly of His Majesties colony of Connecticut in New England, [electronic resource] : begun and held at Hartford on the eighth day of May, in the second year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Second, of Great-Briatin, &c. King Annoque Domini, 1729. Connecticut [Browse] N. London [i.e., New London, Conn.] : Printed and sold by T. Green, printer to the gov. & Comp, 1729. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
61. Acts and laws passed by the General Court or Assembly of His Majesties colony of Connecticut in NewEngland: [electronic resource] : begun and held at New-Haven on the ninth day of October, in the third year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Second, of Great Britain, &c. King. Annoque Domini, 1729. Connecticut [Browse] N. London [i.e., New London, Conn.], : Printed & sold by T. Green, printer to the gov. & Comp., 1729. Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints
62. Acts and laws passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of His Majesties province of the Massachusetts-Bay in New-England, [electronic resource] : begun and held at Salem upon Wednesday the twenty-eighth day of May, 1729. And continued by several prorogations and adjournments to Boston the nineteenth day of November following. Massachusetts [Browse] [Boston : Printed by B. Green, 1729 or 1730] Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints
63. Acts and laws passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of His Majesties province of the Massachusetts-Bay in New-England, [electronic resource] : begun and held at Salem upon Wednesday the twenty-eighth day of May, 1729. And continued by several prorogations and adjournments to Boston th nineteenth day of November following. Massachusetts [Browse] [Boston : Printed by B. Green, 1729 or 1730] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
64. Acts and statutes made in a Parliament begun at Dublin, the twenty eighth day of November, ... 1727. ... And continued ... until the twenty third day of September, 1729. Being the second session of this present Parliament [electronic resource]. Ireland [Browse] Dublin : printed by Andrew Crooke, 1729. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
65. Acts passed by the General Assembly of the colony of New-York, [electronic resource] : in the third year of His Majesty's reign, annoq; Domini, 1729. New York (State) [Browse] [New York : Printed by William Bradford, 1728] Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints
66. Acts passed in North Carolina 1729-1757 : Legislation 1729-1757. Book Online Colonial America, Module IV: Legislation and Politics in the Colonies
67. Acts passed in the General Assembly of the province of Pennsylvania. [electronic resource] : Held at Philadelphia, the fourteenth day of October, one thousand seven hundred and twenty eight, and continued by adjournments till the 11th. of August, 1729. ... Pennsylvania [Browse] Philadelphia: : Printed, and sold by Andrew Bradford, printer to the province., 1729. Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints
68. An Act to ascertain the Allowance of the Representatives of the County of Suffolk, and for other purposes therein mentioned : Legislation 1729. Book Online Colonial America, Module IV: Legislation and Politics in the Colonies
69. An Act to ascertain the custom payable for corn and grain imported [electronic resource] : for better ascertaining the price and quantity of corn and grain, for which a bounty is payable upon exportation; for appropriating the supplies granted in this session of Parliament; and for giving further time to clerks and apprentices to pay duties omitted to be paid for their indentures and contracts. Great Britain [Browse] [London : printed by the assigns of His Majesty's printer, and of Henry Hills deceas'd, 1729] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
70. An Act to Continue an Act, entitled, An Act to Impower the Justices of the Peace of the County of Albany, living or dwelling in the Township of Schenectady, in the said County, to Regulate the Streets and High-ways, and to prevent Accidents by Fire in the said Town : Legislation 1729. Book Online Colonial America, Module IV: Legislation and Politics in the Colonies
71. An Act to Continue an Act, entitled, An Act to Let to Farm the Excise of strong Liquors Retailed in this Colony for the time therein mentioned, & for declaring Shrub liable to the same Duties as Distilled Liquors : Legislation 1729. Book Online Colonial America, Module IV: Legislation and Politics in the Colonies
72. An Act to discharge the trustees appointed (by an Act of the seventh year of His late Majesty's reign, for raising money upon the estates of the late directors of the South Sea Company, and others) of their trust [electronic resource], and to vest in the said Company such of the estates, which were vested in the said trustees, as remain undisposed of, as also the produce of such estates and effects, as have been disposed of by the trustees. Great Britain [Browse] [London : printed by the assigns of His Majesty's printer, and of Henry Hills deceas'd, 1729] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
73. An Act to explain and amend an Act made in the twelfth year of His late Majesty's reign intituled, An Act to prevent abuses in the making of bricks and tiles, [electronic resource] : and to ascertain the dimensions thereof, and to prevent all unlawful combinations amongst any brickmakers, or tilemakers, within fifteen miles of the city of London, in order to advance or enhance the price of bricks or tiles. Great Britain [Browse] [London : printed by the assigns of His Majesty's printer, and of Henry Hills deceas'd, 1729] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
74. An Act to revive the laws therein mentioned, relating to the importation of foreign brandy, and other waters and spirits [electronic resource] : for importation of cochineal, to continue several Acts for preventing frauds in the customs; for incouragement of the silk manufactures of this kingdom; for making copper ore of the British plantations an enumerated commodity; for making perpetual an Act therein mentioned, for suppressing of piracy; for inabling persons prosecuted upon the capias, in relation to the running of goods, to defend in forma pauperis; for more effectual debarring of unlawful games; for licensing retalers [sic] of brandy, and other distilled liquors, and for better regulation of licenses for common inns and alehouses. Great Britain [Browse] [London : printed by the assigns of His Majesty's printer, and of Henry Hills deceas'd, 1729] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
75. Adam Friedrich Glafeys Pragmatische Geschichte der Cron Böhmen, worinnen dasjenige, was unter jedwedem Hertzoge und Könige von Böhmen von Zeiten zu Zeiten merckwürdiges vorgegangen, und so wohl in die ehemalige als jetzige Grund-Verfassung dieses Königreichs und dessen besondern Nexum mit dem römischen Reiche einschlägt, historisch erörtert wird. Glafey, Adam Friedrich, 1692-1753 [Browse] Leipzig : Zu finden bey Christoph Riegel, 1729. Book Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books » 1657.394
76. Additional instructions proposed for a Governor of South Carolina : Correspondence 1729. Book Online Colonial America Module V: Growth, Trade and Development
77. Additional proposals for convictions of the churches. [electronic resource] : December 3, 1729. Stone, Nathanael, 1667-1755 [Browse] [Boston : s.n., 1729] Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints
78. Additional proposals for convictions of the churches [electronic resource] : December 3, 1729. Stone, Nathanael, 1667-1755 [Browse] [Boston : s.n, 1729] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
79. An address to the inhabitants of the two great cities of London and Westminster [electronic resource] : In relation to a pastoral letter said to be written by the Bishop of London, to the people of his diocess: occasion'd by some late writings in favour of infidelity. Tindal, Matthew, 1653?-1733 [Browse] London : Printed, and sold by J. Peele, at Locke's Head in Pater-noster Row, MDCCXXIX. [1729] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
80. Adelaide [microform] : dramma per musica : da rappresentarsi nel Teatro Tron di S. Cassano nel carnevale 1729 : all' illust. & eccell. prencipe Giacomo duca di Hamilton, Brandon, e Chattelrault. Marchese di Hamilton, e Clydesdale conte di Arran LanarK, & Cambridge lord Aven Polmont Machanschire, & Innerdale, barone di Dutton, primo duca, e pari di Scozia, pari della Gran Brettagna, vicecomite ereditario della provincia di LanarK, custode ereditario del palazzo regio di Holly-rood, uno de' lordi de la camera da letto di sua maesta ̀Brittannica, e cavagliere compagno dell' ordine antichissimo, e nobilissimo di Sant' Andrea. Orlandini, Giuseppe Maria, 1676-1760 [Browse] In Venezia : Appresso Marino Rossetti in Merzeria all' insegna della Pace, con licenza de' superiori, 1729. Book Loading...Mendel Music Library - Remote Storage (ReCAP) » MICROFILM 2566
81. The advantages of peace and commerce [electronic resource]; with some remarks on the East-India trade. Defoe, Daniel, 1661?-1731 [Browse] London : printed for J. Brotherton and Tho. Cox, and sold by A. Dodd, 1729. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
82. The advantages of peace and commerce with some remarks on the East-India trade Cengage Gale London Book Online Gale Making of the Modern World Part 1
83. The advantages of peace and commerce with some remarks on the East-India trade. London, J. Brotherton [etc.] 1729. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » *ZH-627
84. The advantages of politicks to this nation [electronic resource]: humbly inscribed to every politician that can read. London : printed for J. Peele, 1729. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
85. The advantages of righteousness to a nation [electronic resource]. A sermon preach'd at the assizes held for the county of Surry, at Kingston upon Thames, March 20th, 1728-9. ... By John Browne, ... Browne, John, 1695 or 1696- [Browse] London : printed for J. Walthoe; and J. Walthoe, in Richmond, 1729. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
86. The adventures of Abdallah son of Hanif [electronic resource], who was sent by the Sultan of the Indies to discover the fountain of Borico, which restores past youth. Intermix'd with several curious and instructive histories. ... Bignon, Jean Paul, 1662-1743 [Browse] London : printed and sold by R. Newton, 1729. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
87. The adventures of Abdalla, son of Hanif [electronic resource], sent by the Sultan of the Indies, to make a discovery of the Island of Borico, where the fountain which restores past youth is supposed to be found. Also an account of the travels of Rouschen, a Persian lady, ... Translated into French from an Arabick manuscript found at Batavia by Mr. de Sandisson: and now done into English by William Hatchett, Gent. Adorn'd with cuts. Bignon, Jean Paul, 1662-1743 [Browse] London : printed for Tho. Worrall, 1729. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
88. The adventures of Abdalla, son of Hanif, sent by the sultan of the Indies, to make a discovery of the island of Borico, where the fountain which restores past youth is supposed to be found. Also, an account of the travels of Rouschen, a Persian lady, to the Topsy-Turvy island, undiscover'd to this day. The whole intermix'd with several curious and instructive histories. Tr. into French from an Arabick ms. found at Batavia by Mr. de Sandisson [pseud.] and now done into English by William Hatchett. Bignon, Jean Paul, 1662-1743 [Browse] London, Printed for T. Worrall at the Judge's Head, 1729. Book Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books » 3235.8132.313.11
89. The adventures of half an hour [electronic resource], a farce. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Lincoln's-Inn-Fields. Written by Mr. Christopher Bullock. Bullock, Christopher, 1690?-1724 [Browse] London : printed for W. Feales, 1729. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
90. The adventures of Telemachus [electronic resource]. Attempted in English blank verse, from the Archbishop of Cambray. Fénelon, François de Salignac de La Mothe-, 1651-1715 [Browse] London : printed for J. Roberts, 1729. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
91. Advice from a mother to her son and daughter [electronic resource]. Written originally in French by the Marchioness de Lambert, ... Done into English by a gentleman. Lambert, Anne Thérèse de Marguenat de Courcelles, marquise de, 1647-1733 [Browse] London : printed for Tho. Worrall, 1729. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
92. [Advice from the Bear in Crane-lane] [electronic resource]. Clancy, Major [Browse] [Dublin : s.n, 1729] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
93. Advices concerning the manner of receiving popish converts, and encouraging both priests and others to live in unity with the Church of Ireland, as by law established [electronic resource] : In a letter to a Reverend Clergy-Man of the diocese of Down and Connor[.]. Hutchinson, Francis, 1661-1739 [Browse] Dublin : Printed by A. Rhames, opposite the Py'd-Horse in Capel-street, [1729?] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
94. Advice to a child. Or, Young people solemnly warn'd both against enticing, and consenting when enticed to sin. [electronic resource] : In a plain discourse from Prov. I. 10. / By Samuel Phillips, M.A. Pastor to the South Church in Andover. ; Publish'd at the desire of many who heard it; especially the young men, who meet here, in several societies, for religious exercises, on the Sabbath-evenings. ; [Five lines of Scripture texts] Phillips, Samuel, 1690-1771 [Browse] Boston: : Printed for J. Phillips, at the Stationers-Arms near the dock., 1729. Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints
95. Advice to a child. Or, Young people solemnly warn'd both against enticing, and consenting when enticed to sin [electronic resource] : In a plain discourse from Prov. I. 10. By Samuel Phillips, M.A. Pastor to the South Church in Andover. Publish'd at the desire of many who heard it; especially th young men, who meet here, in several societies, for religious exercises, on the Sabbath-evenings. [Five lines of Scripture texts]. Phillips, Samuel, 1690-1771 [Browse] Boston : Printed for J. Phillips, at the Stationers-Arms near the dock, 1729. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
96. Aesop at St James's. By Isaac Freeman, [electronic resource]... Freeman, Isaac [Browse] London : printed for the author; and sold by A. Dodd; E. Nutt, and A. Smith, 1729. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
97. The agreeable caledonian [electronic resource] : Or, Memoirs of Signiora di Morella, a Roman lady. Who made her escape from a monastery at Viterbo, for the love of a Scots nobleman. Intermix'd with many other entertaining histories and adventures which presented themselves to her in the course of her travels. Part II. Haywood, Eliza Fowler, 1693?-1756 [Browse] London : Printed for R. King, at the Prince's-Arms in St. Paul's Church-Yard; and sold by G. Strahan and W. Meadows, in Cornhill; T. Green, near Charing-Cross; J. Stone, near Gray's-Inn; J. Jackson, in Pallmall; and J. Watson, over-against Hungerford-Market, in the Strand, M.DCC.XXIX. [1729] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
98. Allegationum fiscalium pars prima [-secunda] Larrea, Juan Bautista, -1645 [Browse] Sumptibus Deville & Chalmette Lugduni Book Online Gale Making of the Modern World Part 1
99. An almanack for the year of Christ, 1730. [electronic resource] : ... Fitted to the latitude of 40 degrees, and a meridian of 5 hours west from London, but may without sensible error, serve all the adjacent places, even from Newfoundland to Carolina. / By William Birkett, philomat. ; [Eight lines of verse] Birkett, William, 1688- [Browse] [Philadelphia] : Printed and sold by Andrew Bradford, at the Sign of the Bible, in the Second Street, Philadelphia., [1729] Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints
100. An almanack for the year of our Lord Christ, 1730 [electronic resource] : ... Fitted to the horizon of Boston, N.E. whose lat. north is 42 gr. & 25 min. and a meridian 4 hours and 44 min. west of London. By a native of New-England. [Six lines from Milton's Paradise Lost]. Bowen, Nathan, 1698-1776 [Browse] Boston : Printed by B. Green, and sold at the booksellers shops, 1730 [i.e., 1729] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections