1. הלכות רב אלפס : עם כל הנמצא ... עד היום חדשים גם ישנים ... שלטי הגבורים ... המרדכי ... הוספנו מחדש ... אנשי שם ... חדושי מהרם מטיקטין חי' שארית יוסף וחדושי בעל תומת ישרים וח"י גדולת מרדכי ומהר'ן שפירא ... יצחק בן יעקב, אלפסי, 1013-1103 [Browse] אמשטרדם : יוסף דיין בן שמעון עקיבה בער, וגדלתי והוספ'ת'י [ת"ף]. Book Online Otzar HaHochma - אוצר החכמה הבסיסי
2. ספר פני ארי' זוטא : דרושים ... ביאור מקראות ... ומדרשים תמוהים ... / ... להחכם ... מהר"ר ארי' ליב טארטשינר ... טורצ'ינר, אריה ליב [Browse] ווילהרמרש דארף : דפוס הירש בן חיים, כ'תב ל'ך' א'ת' ד'ברים ה'אלה [ת"פ]. Book Online Otzar HaHochma - אוצר החכמה הבסיסי
3. ספר גפן יחידית : ... מדבר מעניני מוסר ויראה / ... ולמחברו יחשב ... מהור"ר זאב וואלף בן מהור"ר יהודא ליב מראשני' ; עם ספר לוח החיים המדבר מרפואות הגוף ... [הדפיסו מחדש הרב ... כמוהר"ר חיים בלא"א ... בנימן זאב באכנר מקראקא ...]. וולטירן, זאב וולף בן יהודה ליב [Browse] [יסניץ] : [מוציא לאור לא ידוע], פ'קד גפן זאת' [ת"ף]. Book Online Otzar HaHochma - אוצר החכמה הבסיסי
4. ספר עדות ביעקב : משאלות ותשובות / אשר חיבר ... ר' יעקב בן ר' אברהם ... די בוטון ... בעל לחם משנה ולחם רב . ; הביאו לבית הדפוס חתן הרב המחבר ... שלמה אבראבאניל ... בוטון, יעקב בן אברהם די [Browse] שאלוניקי : דפוס של ת"ת [תלמוד תורה] על ידי אברהם בן דוד נחמן ויום טוב בן משה קאנפילייאש, ויקם ע'ד'ו'ת' [ת"ף]. Book Online Otzar HaHochma - אוצר החכמה הבסיסי
5. כרם חמד : ... דרושים ... בכל סדרה קבועים מבאר ... ע"פ גמ' ותוספו' ... אליעזר בן יצחק איזק [Browse] דיהרן פורט : דפוס ישכר בער בן נטע כ"ץ, ת"פ. Book Online Otzar HaHochma - אוצר החכמה הבסיסי
6. חידושי הלכות מהגאונים / מהר"י בן לב ומהרש"ך [רבי שלמה הכהן]. לב, יוסף אבן [Browse] ווילהרמרשדארף : הירש בן חיים מפיורדא, י'ה'ו'ד'ה' א'ת'ה' י'ו'ד'ו'ך אח'י'ך [ת"ף]. Book Online Otzar HaHochma - אוצר החכמה הבסיסי
7. ספר יד אבי שלום / אשר איזן וחיבר ... מהור"ר יוסף שלום ... חיבר [!] רחב על התורה וכמה הפטרת ... יוסף שלום בן דוד, מביזנץ, 1630 בערך-1696 בערך [Browse] אופי באך : דפוס באנע פאנטורע דע לא נאיי, ס'כ'ת' [ת"ף]. Book Online Otzar HaHochma - אוצר החכמה הבסיסי
8. ספר מגיני זהב : ... לישב ההשגות שהשיג בעל נקודת הכסף [רבי שבתי כץ] על ספר ט"ז ... / שחיב' ... מוהר"ר יואל ... אב"ד ... שעברשין ... ; הובא לבית הדפוס ע"י נכדו ... מוהר"ר יואל בהרב ... משה גד ... יואל בן גד, משברשין [Browse] פראג : נכדי משה כ"ץ, ת"פ. Book Online Otzar HaHochma - אוצר החכמה הבסיסי
9. שבעה שיטות / להרשב"א ... והם שבת, ר"ה, מגלה, סוכה, יבמות, נדרים, בבא קמא ... אדרת, שלמה בן אברהם אבן (רשב"א), 1235-1310 [Browse] קושטנדינא : דפוס יונה בן יעקב, ו'ה'ב'י'א'ו'ת'י'ם' [ת"פ]. Book Online Otzar HaHochma - אוצר החכמה הבסיסי
10. ספר ישועה בישראל : פירוש מספיק על הלכות קדוש החדש ל ... רבינו משה בר מיימון ועל מפרשי דבריו רבינו עובדי' והרב ... לוי בן חביב / אשר איזן וחיקר ... מוה"ר יהונתן במוהר"ר יוסף מק"ק ראזנאי ... יהונתן בן יוסף [Browse] פרנקפורט דמיין : יוהאן קעלנר, ת"פ 1720. Book Online Otzar HaHochma - אוצר החכמה הבסיסי
11. ספר צנצנת מנחם / ... מוהר"ר מנחם מענדל בן ... צבי הירש ... בן מנחם מענדל מפוזן ... על כל מאמרים תמוהים שבש"ס ופסוקים ... מנחם מנדל בן צבי הירש, 1646-1724 [Browse] ברלין : דפוס נתן ניימרק, ת"ף. Book Online Otzar HaHochma - אוצר החכמה הבסיסי
14. ספר תולדות אדם : פעולות וסגולות ... לנשים עקרות ... ועוד שאר רפואות ... / נלקטו מכתבי ... מוהר"ר אלי' ב"ש וה"ה מוהרר יואל [הלפרין] בעל שם ... וגם קצת רפואת טבעיות מרופאים מומחים ... אליהו בן יהודה אהרן, מחלם, 1520-1590 [Browse] זאקלווי : [מוציא לאור לא ידוע], ת"פ. Book Online Otzar HaHochma - אוצר החכמה הבסיסי
15. מדרש תלפיות. אליהו בן אברהם שלמה, הכהן, 1659?-1729 [Browse] [קושטא] : [מוציא לאור לא ידוע], [ת"ף לערך]. Book Online Otzar HaHochma - אוצר החכמה הבסיסי
16. בית שלמה : שאלות ותשובות ופסקי דינים בסדר ארבע טורים / הכינם וגם חקרם ... כמוה"ר שלמה ן' חסון ... חסון, שלמה בן אהרן [Browse] שלוניקי : אברהם נחמן ויום טוב קאנפילייאש, ס'כ'ת' [ת"ף]. Book Online Otzar HaHochma - אוצר החכמה הבסיסי
17. ספר בני יוסף / אשר חיבר ... הדיין ... כמהר"ר יוסף ב"ר שלמה יחיאל ... יוסף בן שלמה יחיאל [Browse] שלוניקי : בדפוס של ת"ת ע"י אברהם ב"ר דוד נחמן ויום טוב ב"ר משה קאנפילייאש, ע'ד'ו'ת' ביהוסף שמו [ת"פ]. Book Online Otzar HaHochma - אוצר החכמה הבסיסי
18. ספר הכונות ומעשה נסים : ומנהגי האר"י ז"ל יסודות התפלה ... על דרך האמת ... [ועוד סודות רבים] / להרב האלהי ... ר' יצחק לוריא [ובאמת הוא לתלמידו ר' חיים ויטל] ; הובא מחדש לבית הדפוס ע"י ... כ"הר שלמה גבאי עם תוספת כמה דברים. לוריא, יצחק (האר"י), 1534-1572 [Browse] קושטאנדינא : אברהם פראנקו, ת"פ. Book Online Otzar HaHochma - אוצר החכמה הבסיסי
20. 6th George I. British Act. Recommended this day to the serious perusal of every member of the Irish House of Commons. An act for the better securing the dependency of Ireland unto the Crown of Great-Britain [electronic resource]. Great Britain [Browse] [Dublin? : s.n., 1720?] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
21. Aanmerkingen over de nieuwe gesteltheit der finantien, enz S.l. s.n. Book Online Gale Making of the Modern World Part 1
23. Abbildung einer nach allem natèurlichen und politischen auch Policey-Cammer-Commercien-und Oeconomie-Requisitis wohlbestellten und mehrentheils ... vollkommenen Republic ohne dass man dessfalls auf eine platonische, utopische oder severambische &c. zu v Marperger, Paul Jacob, 1656-1730 [Browse] Book Online Gale Making of the Modern World Part 1
24. Yr A B C neu y llyfr cyntaf i ddechreu dysgu darllain Cymraeg [electronic resource]. [Shrewsbury?, 1720?] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
25. Abra-mule [electronic resource]: or, love and empire. A tragedy. Trapp, Joseph, 1679-1747 [Browse] London : printed for J.T. and sold by T. Jauncy, 1720. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
26. Abra-mule [electronic resource]: or, love and empire. A tragedy. Written by Mr. Trapp. Trapp, Joseph, 1679-1747 [Browse] London [i.e. The Hague] : printed for the Company [or rather, T. Johnson], [1720?] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
27. Abrege de l'essay de Mr. Locke. Sur l'entendement humain, [electronic resource] : Traduit de l'Anglois par Monsieur Bosset. Locke, John, 1632-1704 [Browse] A Londres : Chez Jean Watts, MDCCXX. [1720] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
28. An abridgment of all the publick printed Irish statutes of the third session of this present Parliament [electronic resource] : Continued under His Grace Charles Duke of Bolton, Lord Lieutenant General and General Governour of Ireland; in the sixth year of reign of our Most Gracious Sovereign Lord King George, Annoque Dom. 1719. By Matt. Dutton, gent. Ireland [Browse] Dublin : Printed by J. Carson for J. Gill at the Corner of Christ-Church-Lane, and L. Dillon at the sign of the Bible in High-Street, booksellers, 1720. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
29. An abridgment of Christian doctrine [electronic resource]; with proofs of scripture, for points controverted. Catechistically explain'd, by way of question and answer. Turberville, Henry, -1678 [Browse] London : printed in the year, 1720. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
30. An abridgment of the controversy between the Church of England, and the new pseudo-primitives [electronic resource]. ... In a dialogue between Neophytus, an Essentialist clergyman, and Irenæus, a layman of the Church of England. Downes, Samuel, -1723 [Browse] London : printed for J. Morphew, 1720. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
31. An abridgment of the history of the Bible [electronic resource]. By the author of a book, entituled, A treatise concerning the causes of the present corruption of Christians, and the remedies thereof. Ostervald, Jean Frédéric, 1663-1747 [Browse] London : printed and sold by Joseph Downing, 1720. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
32. Abstract of all the acts passed in the fifth session of the fifth Parliament of Great Britain : and in the sixth year of the reign of our most gracious sovereign lord King George Great Britain [Browse] Book Online Gale Making of the Modern World Part 1
33. An abstract of all the acts passed in the fifth session of the fifth Parliament of Great Britain, and in the sixth year of the reign of our Most Gracious Sovereign Lord King George [electronic resource]. Great Britain [Browse] London : Printed by John Baskett, printer to the Kings Most Excellent Majesty, and by the assigns of Thomas Newcomb, and Henry Hills, deceas'd, 1720. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
34. An abstract of the act for enabling the South-Sea Company to increase their present capital stock and fund, by redeeming such publick debts and incumbrances as are therein mentioned; and for raising money to be applied for lessening several of the publick debts and incumbrances; and for calling in the present Exchequer bills remaining uncancelled; and for making forth new bills in lieu thereof, to be circulated and exchanged upon demand at or near the Exchequer [electronic resource]. Great Britain [Browse] [London : Printed by John Baskett, and by the assigns of Thomas Newcomb, and Henry Hills, deceas'd, 1720] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
35. An abstract of the returns made by the sheriffs of the several counties in this Kingdom, of the number of frieries and nunneries in their respective counties, and of the number of friers and nuns in each of the said frieries and nunneries respectively [electronic resource]. Ireland. Parliament [Browse] [Dublin : s.n., 1720?] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
36. Abstract of what the weavers expect to obtain by the callicoe-bill : or heads of what it is they are desiring of the Parliament Book Online Gale Making of the Modern World Part 1
37. Abstracts and documents relating to the French government of Canada, trade between New England and the French and Dutch plantations, appointments to government offices, legislation, currency, the conduct of the French and Indians, illegal proceedings by Robert Armstrong and other correspondence with governors on general matters : Correspondence; Report 1720/01/00-1722/11/00. Book Online Colonial America Module V: Growth, Trade and Development
38. Abstract shewing the loss to the new subscribers to the South-Sea stock, at the several prices following : and the yearly profits on trade necessary to make good the said loss, on the ingraftment of all the redeemable debts, which will make the capital 4 Hutcheson, Archibald, approximately 1659-1740 [Browse] Book Online Gale Making of the Modern World Part 1
39. An abstract shewing the loss to the new subscribers to the South-Sea stock [electronic resource], at the several prices following; and the yearly profits on trade necessary to make good the said loss, ... Hutcheson, Archibald, approximately 1659-1740 [Browse] [London, 1720?] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
40. The accomplish'd lady's delight [electronic resource], in preserving, physick, beautifying, cookery, and gardening. Containing, I. The art of preserving, and candying, fruits and flowers, and making all sorts of conserves, syrups, jellies, and pickles. II. The physica cabinet: or, excellent receipts in physick and chirurgery. Also some new receipts relating to the fair sex, whereby they may be richly furnish'd with all manner of beautifying waters, to add loveliness to the face and body. III. The compleat cook's guide: or directions for dressing all sorts of flesh, fowl and fish, after the newest fashion, now in use at the British court; with the making of sauces, pyes pasties, tarts, custards, &c. VI. [sic] The female angler, instructing ladies and others, in the various methods of taking all manner of fish, in the fish-pond or river. V. The lady's diversion in her garden: or, the compleat flowerist, with the nature and use of all sorts of plants and flowers. T. P. [Browse] London : printed for John Willis and Joseph Boddington, at the Angel and Bible in Great-Tower-Street, [1720?] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
41. An account of a discourse upon the Lord's Prayer [electronic resource], in the Gray-Fryars church, in a letter to a gentleman of the Episcopal communion. [Edinburgh?, 1720?] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
42. An Account of a horriod [sic] and bloody mnrder [sic], committed in Kellso [sic], by William Bolamgall, shoe-maker in Kellso [sic]. Upon Sir John Hay, Quarter-master to the Royal Gray's, and Andrew Gray, his father's apprentce [sic], and Jannet Stewart their servant maid. . [electronic resource]. Edinburgh : [s.n.], Printed in the year, 1720. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
43. An account of all the considerable books and pamphlets that have been wrote on either side in the controversy concerning the Trinity [electronic resource], since the year MDCCXII. In which is also contained, an account of the pamphlets writ this last year on each side by the Dissenters, to the end of the year, MDCCXIX. Herne, Thomas, -1722 [Browse] London : printed for James Knapton, 1720. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
44. An Account of a most dreadful mob that happened in the Church of St. Mary-White-Chaple, in London. . [electronic resource]. Edinburgh : London Printed, and Edinburgh Re-printed, [1720?] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
45. An account of a Roman temple [electronic resource], and other antiquities, near Graham's Dike in Scotland. Stukeley, William, 1687-1765 [Browse] [London, 1720] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
46. An Account of his strange life and wonderful actions, &c [electronic resource]. [Edinburgh : s.n., 1720?] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
47. Account of the burning the city of London : as it was publish'd by the special authority of King and Council in the year, 1666 : to which is added, the opinion of Dr. Kennet, the present bishop of Peterborough, as publish'd by His Lordship's order, and t Book Online Gale Making of the Modern World Part 1
48. An Account of the burning the city of London, as it was published by the special authority of King and council in the year, 1666 [electronic resource] : To which is added, the opinion of Dr. Kennet the present bishop of Peterborough, as publish'd by his Lordship's order, and that of Dr. Eachard, relating thereunto. With a faithful relation of the Prophecy of Thomas Ebbit a Quaker, who publickly foretold the burning of the said city. From all which, it plainly appears, that the papists had no hand in that dreadful conflagration. Very useful for all those who keep the annual solemn fast on that occasion. London : Printed, and sold by J. Stone, on Ludgate-Hill, over against the Old-Bailey, 1720. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
49. An account of the charity school in Belfast [electronic resource] : Registry book page II. at a meeting of the trustees for the charity school of Belfast in the vestry room on Tuesday the 31st day of March. 1719. The said trustees do desire, that the reverend doctor Tisdall do write an historicall account of the first erection of the charity school of Belfast, and of the improvements that have been made therein from January 1716. at which time the said school was open'd, to March 1719. and that the said historical account, be plac'd as a preface to this book of registry wherein all future acts of the trustees with relation to the said school are to enter'd and kept. Tisdall, William, 1669-1735 [Browse] [Belfast? : s.n.], 1720. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
50. An account of the establishment for relieving poor proselytes [electronic resource]; with an abstract of the proceedings of the Commissioners for that purpose, from the 30th of April, 1719, to the 3d of February, 1719-20. Great Britain. Commissioners for Relieving Poor Proselytes [Browse] London : printed in the year, 1720. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
51. Account of the establishment for relieving poor proselytes : with an abstract of the proceedings of the commissioners for that purpose, from the 30th of April, 1719, to the 3d of February, 1719-20 Great Britain. Commissioners for Relieving Poor Proselytes [Browse] Book Online Gale Making of the Modern World Part 1
52. An account of the Fair Intellectual-Club in Edinburgh [electronic resource]: in a letter to a honourable member of an Athenian Society there. By a young lady, the secretary of the club. M. C. [Browse] Edinburgh : printed by J. M'Euan and Company, and to be sold at the said J. M'Euan's shop in Edinburgh, and T. Cox in London, 1720. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
53. An account of the foundation, and establishment of a design, ... for a settlement on the Golden Islands [electronic resource], to the south of Port Royal in Carolina. By authority of a royal charter. Barnwell, John, approximately 1671-1724 [Browse] London : printed in the year, 1720. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
54. An account of the life and death of Mrs. Elizabeth Bury [electronic resource], who died, May the 11th, 1720. Aged 76. Chiefly collected out of her own diary. Together with her funeral sermon, preach'd at Bristol, May 22. 1720. By the Reverend Mr. William Tong, and her elegy by the Reverend Mr. J. Watts. Bury, Elizabeth, 1644-1720 [Browse] Bristol : printed by and for J. Penn, and sold by J. Sprint; and Em. Matthews, 1720. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
55. An account of the life and writings of Spinosa. To which is added, an abstract of his Theological political treatise. [electronic resource]... London : printed for W. Boreham, 1720. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
56. Account of the publick debts at the Exchequer, as they now stand : distinguishing what the funds are, when granted, how much the original principal money was, how much has been since paid off Book Online Gale Making of the Modern World Part 1
57. Account of the publick debts at the Exchequer, as they now stand : to which is added, Seasonable observations on the annuities, in answer to Sir Richard Steele's Crisis Book Online Gale Making of the Modern World Part 1
58. An account of the publick debts at the Exchequer, as they now stand: ... To which is added, seasonable observations on the annuities, in answer to Sir Richard Steele's Crisis [electronic resource]. London : printed for J. Roberts, 1720. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
59. An Account of the reasons why a considerable number, (about fifty, whereof ten are members in full communion) belonging to the New North Congregation in Boston could not consent to Mr. Peter Thacher's ordination there. [electronic resource] : Who has left his flock at Weymouth, and accepted of a call in Boston, without the approbation, and contrary to the advice of the ministers of this town. : With a declaration of the dissatisfied brethren of the church, &c. : [Four lines from Synod. in Gallia Reformata] [Boston : s.n.], Printed in the year 1720. Book
60. An Account of the reasons why a considerable number, (about fifty, whereof ten are members in full communion) belonging to the New North Congregation in Boston could not consent to Mr. Peter Thacher's ordination there [electronic resource]. Who has left his flock at Weymouth, and accepted of a call in Boston, without the approbation, and contrary to the advice of the ministers of this town. With a declaration of the dissatisfied brethren of the church, &c. [Four lines from Synod. in Gallia Reformata] [Boston : s.n.], Printed in the year 1720. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
61. An Account of the reasons why a considerable number ... belonging to the New North congregation in Boston, could not consent to Mr. Peter Thacher's ordination there. [Boston : s.n.], 1720. Book Online Sabin Americana: History of the Americas, 1500–1926
62. An account of the rise, constitution and management of the Society in Scotland for Christian knowledge. Society in Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowledge [Browse] Edinburgh : William Brown, 1720. Book Loading...Special Collections - John Witherspoon Library » 0099.695 v.53
63. An account of the rise, constitution and management of the Society in Scotland for Christian knowledge. Society in Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowledge [Browse] Edinburgh : William Brown, 1720. Book On-site accessReCAP - Remote Storage » ZKVA (Society in Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowledge. Account. 1720)
64. Account of the rise, constitution, and management, of the Society in Scotland, for Propagating Christian Knowledge Society in Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowledge [Browse] Book Online Gale Making of the Modern World Part 1
65. An account of the rise, constitution and management, of the Society in Scotland, for Propagating Christian Knowledge [electronic resource]. Society in Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowledge [Browse] Edinburgh : printed for William Brown, and Company, and to be sold by the said William Brown and other booksellers in town, 1720. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
66. An account shewing, in numerical order, the tickets entitled to benefits in each of the lotteries [electronic resource], anno 1719. With the benefits to which the said tickets are severally entitled, and the days on which they were drawn. As also the course in which the benefits in one of the lotteries are to be paid; ... The benefits in the other lottery being entitled to an annuity, ... Published by the special order of the managers and directors. London : printed for Andrew and William Bell, 1720. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
67. Acct. of the tropes placemt for garrisons in Carolina & the absolute necessity of doing it speedily, 1720 Book Online LLMC-Digital
68. Accurata Utopiæ tabula : das ist der neu entdeckten Schalck Welt, oder des so offtbenannten, und doch nie erkanten Schlarraffenlandes, neu erfundene lacherliche Land tabell, worinnen alle und jede laster in besondere Konigreich, Provintzen und Herrschafften ab getheilet, beyneben auch die negst angrentzende Länder der Frommen des zeitlichen Auff und Untergangs auch ewigen verderbens Regionen, samt einer Erklerung anmuthig und nutzlich vorgestellt werden [map] / durch Author anonymus. [Nuremberg : Officina Homanniana, ca. 1720] Map Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books Historic Map Collection » HMC01.6709 D Alcove 31, Drawer 16
69. Ach, ach, ach! actionisten hoe voerje de vlag .... Amsterdam? s.n. Book Online Gale Making of the Modern World Part 1
70. [Acis and Galatea. English] [Microform] Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759 [Browse] [c. 1720] Musical score, Manuscript Loading...Mendel Music Library - Remote Storage (ReCAP) » MICROFILM 554
71. Acta literaria Sveciae Upsaliae publicata. Upsaliae, Stockholmiae. Journal ReCAP - Remote Storage » *EI K971 (Kungliga Vetenskaps- Societeten. Acta literaria Sveciae Upsaliae publicata)View Record for Full Availability
72. Acta literaria Sveciæ microform Upsaliæ ; Stockholmiæ : Prostat apud Johannem Henricum Russworm, literis Wernerianis, 1724?-1729? Journal Loading...Firestone Library - Microforms Services (Film) » MICRO-PRINT II
73. An Act for ascertaining the breadths, and preventing frauds and abuses in manufacturing serges, pladings, and fingrums, [electronic resource] : and for regulating the manufactures of stockings in that part of Great Britain called Scotland. Great Britain [Browse] [London : printed by John Baskett, and by the assigns of Thomas Newcomb, and Henry Hills, deceas'd, 1720] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
74. An Act for better explaining the nature of conveyances to be made to the purchasers of the forfeited estates by the commissioners and trustees acting in Scotland [electronic resource] : and for preventing difficulties in determining claims on the said estates; and to enable the judges in Ireland to examine witnesses relating to claims on forfeited estates there; and for enabling such corporations as shall purchase any of the said estates to grant annuities, not exceeding the yearly value of the said estates; and for relieving the widow and daughters of the late Sir Donald Macdonald. Great Britain [Browse] [London : printed by John Baskett, and by the assigns of Thomas Newcomb, and Henry Hills, deceas'd, 1720] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
75. An Act for better securing certain powers and privileges intended to be granted by His Majesty by two charters for assurance of ships and merchandizes at sea, [electronic resource] : and for lending money upon bottomry; and for restraining several extravagant and unwarrantable practices therein mentioned. Great Britain [Browse] [London : printed by John Baskett, and by the assigns of Thomas Newcomb, and Henry Hills, deceas'd, 1720] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
76. An Act for enabling the South-Sea Company to increase their present capital stock and fund, by redeeming such publick debts and incumbrances as are therein mentioned [electronic resource] : and for raising money to be applied for lessening several of the publick debts and incumbrances; and for calling in the present Exchequer bills remaining uncancelled; and for making forth new bills in lieu thereof, to be circulated and exchanged upon demand at or near the Exchequer. Great Britain [Browse] [London : printed by John Baskett, and by the assigns of Thomas Newcomb, and Henry Hills, deceas'd, 1720] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
77. An Act for laying a duty of two pennies Scots, or one sixth part of a penny sterling, upon every pint of ale of beer that shall be vended or sold within the town of Montrose and privileges thereof, [electronic resource] : for supplying the said town with fresh water, and for other purposes therein mentioned. Great Britain [Browse] [London : printed by John Baskett, and by the assigns of Thomas Newcomb, and Henry Hills, deceas'd, 1720] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
78. An Act for laying a duty upon wrought plate [electronic resource] : and for applying money arising for the clear produce (by sale of the forfeited estates) towards answering His Majesties supply; and for taking off the drawbacks upon hops exported for Ireland; and for payment of annuities to b purchased after the rate of four pounds per centum per annum at the Exchequer, redeemable by Parliament; and for appropriating supplies granted in this session of Parliament; and to prevent counterfeiting receipts and warrants of the officers of the South-Sea Company; and for explaining a late Act concerning foreign salt cellar'd and lock'd up before the four and twentieth day of June, one thousand seven hundred and nineteen; and to give a further time for paying duties on certain apprentices indentures; and for relief of Thomas Vernon Esq; in relation to a parcel of senna imported in the year one thousand seven hundred and sixteen. Great Britain [Browse] [London : printed by John Baskett, and by the assigns of Thomas Newcomb, and Henry Hills, deceas'd, 1720] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
79. An Act for making forth new Exchequer bills, not exceeding one million, at a certain interest [electronic resource]; and for lending the same to the South-Sea Company at a higher interest, upon security of repaying the same and such high interest into the Exchequer for uses to which the fund for lessening the publick debts (called the sinking fund) is applicable; and for circulating and exchanging upon demand the said bills at or near the Exchequer. Great Britain [Browse] [London : printed by John Baskett, and by the assigns of Thomas Newcomb, and Henry Hills, deceas'd, 1720] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
80. An Act for making the river Douglas alias Asland navigable, from the river Ribble to Wigan in the county Palatine of Lancaster [electronic resource]. Great Britain [Browse] [London : printed by John Baskett, and by the assigns of Thomas Newcomb, and Henry Hills, deceas'd, 1720] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
81. An Act for preventing frauds and abuses in the publick revenues of excise, customs, stamp-duties, post-office, and house-money [electronic resource]. Great Britain [Browse] [London : printed by John Baskett, and by the assigns of Thomas Newcomb, and Henry Hills, deceas'd, 1720] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
82. An Act for preventing of frauds and abuses in the allowances on damaged wines, [electronic resource] : and for lengthening the time for the drawbacks on the exportation of wines. Great Britain [Browse] [London : printed by John Baskett, and by the assigns of Thomas Newcomb, and Henry Hills, deceas'd, 1720] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
83. An Act for preventing the carriage of excessive loads of meal, malt, bricks, and coals, within ten miles of the cities of London and Westminster [electronic resource]. Great Britain [Browse] [London : printed by John Baskett, and by the assigns of Thomas Newcomb, and Henry Hills, deceas'd, 1720] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
84. An Act for prohibiting the importation of raw silk and mohair yarn of the product or manufacture of Asia, [electronic resource] : from any ports or places in the streights or levant deas, except such ports and places as are within the dominions of the Grand Seignior. Great Britain [Browse] [London : printed by John Baskett, and by the assigns of Thomas Newcomb, and Henry Hills, deceas'd, 1720] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
85. An Act for relief of insolvent debtors, [electronic resource] : and for the more easie discharge of bankrupts out of execution, after their certificates allowed. Great Britain [Browse] [London : printed by John Baskett, and by the assigns of Thomas Newcomb, and Henry Hills, deceas'd, 1720] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
86. An Act for the better regulating High-Ways : Legislation 1720. Daniel Fowle Book Online Colonial America, Module IV: Legislation and Politics in the Colonies
87. An act for the better securing the dependency of Ireland upon the Crown of Great-Britain [electronic resource]. To which is added, J----n T-----d, Esq; his reasons why the Bill for the better securing the dependency of Ireland, should not pass. Great Britain. Parliament [Browse] London : printed, 1720. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
88. An Act for the further preventing robbery, burglary, and other felonies, [electronic resource] : and for the more effectual transportation of felons. Great Britain [Browse] [London : printed by John Baskett, and by the assigns of Thomas Newcomb, and Henry Hills, deceas'd, 1720] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
89. An Act for the preventing Gaming in publick Houses : Legislation 1720. Daniel Fowle Book Online Colonial America, Module IV: Legislation and Politics in the Colonies
90. An Act in Addition to the Act for the Settlement and Support of Grammar Schools : Legislation 1720. Daniel Fowle Book Online Colonial America, Module IV: Legislation and Politics in the Colonies
91. Actionisten in 't dolhuis, of, De verydelde wind negotie Book Online Gale Making of the Modern World Part 1
92. Actionisten reisvaardig naar Vianen, of, 't Uiteinde der windnegotie Book Online Gale Making of the Modern World Part 1
93. An act passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of His Majesty's province of the Massachusetts-Bay in New-England: [electronic resource] : begun and held at Boston, upon Wednesday the thirteenth day of July, 1720. Massachusetts [Browse] Boston: : Printed by B. Green, printer to His Excellency the gov. & Council., 1720. Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints
94. Acts and laws passed by the General Court or Assembly of His Majesties colony of Connecticut in New-England: [electronic resource] : begun and held at Hartford, the 8th day of May, in the fourth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord George, King of Great-Britain, &c. Anno Dom. 1718. Connecticut [Browse] [New London, Conn. : Printed by Timothy Green, between 1720 and 1733] Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints
95. Acts and laws passed by the General Court or Assembly of His Majesties colony of Connecticut in New-England [electronic resource] : begun and held at Hartford, the 8th day of May, in the fourth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord George, King of Great-Britain, &c. Anno Dom. 1718. Connecticut [Browse] [New London, Conn. : Printed by Timothy Green, between 1720 and 1733] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections
96. Acts and laws passed by the General Court or Assembly of His Majesties colony of Connecticut in New England: [electronic resource] : begun and held at Hartford the twelfth day of May, in the sixth year of the reign of Our Sovereign Lord George, King of Great Britain, &c. Anno Domini, 1720. Connecticut [Browse] New-London [Conn.]: : Printed and sold by T. Green, printer to the gov. & Company., 1720. Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints
97. Acts and laws passed by the General Court or Assembly of His Majesties colony of Connecticut in New England: [electronic resource] : begun and held at New-Haven the 13th. day of October, in the seventh year of the reign of Our Sovereign Lord George, King of Great Britain, &c. Anno Domini, 1720. Connecticut [Browse] New-London [Conn.]: : Printed and sold by T. Green, printer to the gov. & Company., 1720. Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints
98. Acts and Laws passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of His Majesties Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England: Begun and Held at Boston upon Wednesday the Thirteenth Day of July, 1720 And continued by several prorogations unto Wednesday the Second Day of November following, and then Met : Legislation 1720. B. Green Book Online Colonial America, Module IV: Legislation and Politics in the Colonies
99. Acts and Laws passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of His Majesties Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England: Begun and Held at Boston upon Wednesday the Thirteenth Day of July, 1720 : Legislation 1720. B. Green Book Online Colonial America, Module IV: Legislation and Politics in the Colonies
100. Acts and laws passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of His Majesty's province of the Massachusetts-Bay in New-England: [electronic resource] : begun and held at Boston, upon Wednesday the thirteenth day of July, 1720. Massachusetts [Browse] Boston: : Printed by B. Green, printer to His Excel. the gover. & Council., 1720. Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints