1. ספר עיר גבורים : והם דרשות על חמשה חומשי תורה ... לונטשיץ, שלמה אפרים בן אהרן, 1550-1619 [Browse] זאלקווא : דפוס גרשון סג"ל ליטערס, תקנ"ט. Book Online Otzar HaHochma - אוצר החכמה הבסיסי Bookmark
2. תפלות יום כפור קטון : בכל ער"ח ... קארלסרוא : דפוס הירש ווירמש, תקנ"ט. Book Online Otzar HaHochma - אוצר החכמה הבסיסי Bookmark
3. ספר ככבא דשביט / ... אשר טפחתי ... על קצת מדברי הש"ס והפוסקי' ... אליהו בכמה"ר אברה' וינטורה ... ובתוכו ... חידושי אחי ... שב"ו [=שבתי וינטורה] ... ונטורה, אליהו בן אברהם [Browse] שאלוניקי : דפוס חיים אברהם בכ"ר שבתי נחמה וחברו סעדי הלוי, תקנ"ט. Book Online Otzar HaHochma - אוצר החכמה הבסיסי Bookmark
4. ספר אות אמת : משפטי קריאת ס"ת ... אשר הונף מס' שלמי צבור ומשאר ספרי דבי רב ... בסוף קונטרס אחרון פלפול ... ונוסף גם ... מילי דברכות ... / ממני ... יהודה בן כמהר"ר מנוח ... סיד ... סיד, יהודה בן מנוח, נפטר 1815 [Browse] סאלוניקי : [מוציא לאור לא ידוע], ע'ל'י'ו' ב'א'מ'ת' [תקנ"ט]. Book Online Otzar HaHochma - אוצר החכמה הבסיסי Bookmark
5. ספר אהבת דוד : ... דרושים לשבתות מצויינים ... מוסר ... ומאמרי רז"ל ... / חיים יוסף דוד בכמהר"ר יצחק אזולאי ... אזולאי, חיים יוסף דוד, 1724-1806 [Browse] ליוורנו : אליעזר סעדון, ע'ל'י'ך' ב'ט'ח'ת'י' [תקנ"ט]. Book Online Otzar HaHochma - אוצר החכמה הבסיסי Bookmark
6. ספר התוספתא סדר זרעים : ... עם קצת הגהות אשר מצאתי ... כתיבת יד ששמעתי שהן מ ... הגאון מו"ה אליהו רק שצרכין ביאור ... ועתה נתחדש על זה פירוש וכמה הגהות ... / שיגעתי וחברתי ... יונה בן גרשון ... ווילנא : בדפוס המשותפים אריה ליב וגרשון לוריא ואריה בן דוד ומשה בן מנחם מענדל, תקנ"ט. (דפוס יאזיפאט מירסקי). Book Online Otzar HaHochma - אוצר החכמה הבסיסי Bookmark
7. ספר שמירות המצות : ... על מצות הנוהגות בזמן הזה כפי שמנאן הרמב"ם ... / גרשון במ' בנימין ... גרשון בן בנימין [Browse] ווילנא : בדפוס ... מו"ה טובי' במו' אברהם אבלי והרבני ... ארי' ליב בהמנוח המפורסם מו"ה טובי' ושותפיהם ..., (Typ. Jana Jasieńskiego). ג'ר'ש'ו'ן' [תקנ"ט] 1799. Book Online Otzar HaHochma - אוצר החכמה הבסיסי Bookmark
8. ספר יד דוד : חבור על התלמוד מסכת ברכות וסדר מועד מראה מקום ... לראשונים ואחרונים ... בדבר הלכה ... לברר על בוריה ... פרושים ... / אשר הכינותי ... אני יוסף דוד ... זינצהיים ... זינצהיים, יוסף דוד, 1745-1812 [Browse] אופיבאך : צבי הירש פ"ב ובנו אברהם סג"ל, תקנ"ט. Book Online Otzar HaHochma - אוצר החכמה הבסיסי Bookmark
9. הין צדק ותיקון המדות : מיוסד על ח פרקי ר' משה בן מימון / ... אברהם בר' אל' ... ליכטשטיין, אברהם בן אליעזר ליפמן [Browse] ווילנא : יאזעפאט מירסקי, תקנ"ט. Book Online Otzar HaHochma - אוצר החכמה הבסיסי Bookmark
10. ספר פתחי יה : והוא ביאור על ששה פרקי אבות ... מרדכי בן נפתלי הירץ [Browse] לבוב : דפוס הרבנית יהודית [ראזאניש], פ'ת'ח'י' י'ה' א'ב'א' ב'ם' [תקנ"ט]. Book Online Otzar HaHochma - אוצר החכמה הבסיסי Bookmark
11. מקל נועם : הוא דעת חכמי זמנינו דדג הנקרא שטירל והנקרא טיק השכיחים במדינות אונגרין טמאים הם ולא כאמרי נועם [מאהרן חורין] ... גריסהאבר, יצחק, 1741-1822 [Browse] ווינא : דפוס יאזעף הראשאנצקיא, תקנ"ט. Book Online Otzar HaHochma - אוצר החכמה הבסיסי Bookmark
12. ספר מים שאל : ... איזה שאלות ... בדבר הלכה ... על איזה ענינים נפרדים ... עשיתי ... קונטרי' מים ראשונים ... הדברים אשר קריתי ... בימי חורפי ... מיוחס, משה מרדכי יוסף בן רפאל, 1738-1805 [Browse] שלוניקי : דפוס חיים אברהם בן שבתי וסעדי בן יאודה הלוי, יצא'ו מים ח'יים מ'י'ר'וש'לם [תקנ"ט]. Book Online Otzar HaHochma - אוצר החכמה הבסיסי Bookmark
13. ספרי דבי רב : ... מפי סופרים ומפי ספרים ...מפרוש ... על ... ספרי ... / זאת תורת ... כמה"ר דוד פארדו. פארדו, דוד בן יעקב, 1718-1790 [Browse] שאלוניקי : [מוציא לאור לא ידוע], אשר עשה ד'ו'י'ד' ה'מ'ל'ך' ל'ה'ד'ו'ת' לה' כי לעולם חסדו לפ"ג [תקנ"ט]. Book Online Otzar HaHochma - אוצר החכמה הבסיסי Bookmark
14. ספר יפה עינים : והוא חיבור ... יפרד לשלשה ראשים פלפלא חריפא בש"ס ופוסקים ... תוכחת מוסר ... / אשר אסף וחבר ... מוה"ר דוד בהרב מרדכי אחד ממגידי שיעור בק"ק בראד ... דוד בן מרדכי, מברוד, נפטר 1816 [Browse] לבוב : דפוס יהודית אשת הרב, תקנ"ט. Book Online Otzar HaHochma - אוצר החכמה הבסיסי Bookmark
15. זרע אברהם : חדושים דרך פלפול על איזה מסכתות נלקטים / מכתבי המחבר ... כה'ר אברהם ישראל כהכן. כהן, אברהם ישראל בן דוד [Browse] המבורג : נתן מאיי וחיים, תקנ"ט. Book Online Otzar HaHochma - אוצר החכמה הבסיסי Bookmark
16. ספר פתיחות ושערים / חברו ... מוהר"ר שלמה אפרים בן מוהר"ר אהרן איש לונטשיץ ... לונטשיץ, שלמה אפרים בן אהרן, 1550-1619 [Browse] זאלקווא : גרשון בן זאב וואלף ליטערס, מ'ב'ש'ר' ט'ו'ב' [תקנ"ט]. Book Online Otzar HaHochma - אוצר החכמה הבסיסי Bookmark
17. ספר סוד ברית יצחק : ... על התורה ... [בדרך סוד]. יצחק, מקריסנפולי [Browse] זאלקווא : דפוס גרשון בן זאב וואלף סג"ל ליטערס, וזכ'רת'י' א'ת ברי'תי' י'צ'ח'ק' [תקנ"ט]. Book Online Otzar HaHochma - אוצר החכמה הבסיסי Bookmark
18. ספר אור החיים : על חמשה חומשי תורה ... בפרדס ... / מוהר"ר חיים ן' עטר ... אבן עטר, חיים בן משה, 1696-1743 [Browse] זאלקווי : דפוס גרשון מדפיס, מ'ב'ש'ר' ט'ו'ב' [תקנ"ט]. Book Online Otzar HaHochma - אוצר החכמה הבסיסי Bookmark
19. ספר עטרת ישועה : ... למצוא ... [כל השמות השונים שיש לכל דבר] מש"ס ומדרשים וזוהר בדרך א"ב ... למען ימצא ... בלא טירחא / אשר עבדתי אני הצעיר יואל ב"מ יהושע העשיל ... יואל בן יהושע העשיל [Browse] ווילנא : בדפוס טוביה בן אברהם אבלי ואריה ליב בן טובי' ושותפיהם, תקנ"ט. Book Online Otzar HaHochma - אוצר החכמה הבסיסי Bookmark
20. יוס"ף בסד"ר / ... חי"דא ... אזולאי, חיים יוסף דוד, 1724-1806 [Browse] ליוורנו : דפוס א. סעדון, מ'ב'ש'ר' ט'ו'ב' [תקנ"ט]. Book Online Otzar HaHochma - אוצר החכמה הבסיסי Bookmark
21. חומת אש : ובו שיר מאת ... ר' אברהם בן עזרא ... עם פירוש מגדנות אלעזר והמזכיר גם ... חידות שונות ... ועוד ... עת ספוד, עת רקוד ועת דודים / חברתיו אני אלעזר בן שלמה זלמן ... ליסר, אלעזר בן שלמה זלמן [Browse] ברעסלוי : דפוס גראס, תקנ"ט. Book Online Otzar HaHochma - אוצר החכמה הבסיסי Bookmark
22. ספר מעבר יבק : בו ביאר איך יתנהג האדם עד עת בוא יום פקודתו ... וחלק אותו לד' חלקים ... שפתי צדיק ... שפת אמת ... שפתי רננות ... עתר ענן הקטורת ... ועוד חלק חמישי מאמר אמרי נועם ... / אשר יסד ... [ה]מקובל ... כמוהר"ר אהרן ברכיה בן משה ממודי נא ... מודנה, אהרן ברכיה בן משה, 1549-1639 [Browse] לעמבערג : הרבנית יהודית, תקנ"ט. Book Online Otzar HaHochma - אוצר החכמה הבסיסי Bookmark
23. ספר כריתות / שחבר הגאון רבינו שמשון מקינון ... כללים וסוגיות התלמוד ; הספר הזה נדפס ... בעיר קונשטנדנה [רע"י] ובשנת שי"ח בקרימונה ובשנת ת"ז בוירונה ובשנת תס"ט באמשטרדם ... ועתה פעם חמישית. שמשון בן יצחק, מקינון [Browse] זאלקווי : [מוציא לאור לא ידוע], מ'ב'ש'ר' ט'ו'ב' [תקנ"ט]. Book Online Otzar HaHochma - אוצר החכמה הבסיסי Bookmark
24. The 11th of February, 1799, the English lottery begins drawing. ... Tickets and shares are selling ... at the old state lottery offices of T. Bish, stock broker, ... London; and at James Thomson's, bookseller, Manchester. [electronic resource]... Bish, Thomas, 1779- [Browse] [London, 1799] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark
25. 16th December, 1799. Read the first and second time, and committed to a committee of the whole House on Thursday next. [electronic resource] : A bill providing for salvage in cases of re-capture. United States. Congress (6th, 1st session : 1799-1800). House [Browse] [Philadelphia : s.n., 1799] Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints Bookmark
26. 16th December, 1799. Read the first and second time, and committed to a committee of the whole House, on Thursday next. [electronic resource] : A bill providing for the enumeration of the inhabitants of the United States. United States. Congress (6th, 1st session : 1799-1800). House [Browse] [Philadelphia : s.n., 1799] Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints Bookmark
27. 16th December, 1799. Read the first and second time, and committed to a committee of the whole House, on Wednesday next. [electronic resource] : A bill for the preservation of peace with the Indian tribes. United States. Congress (6th, 1st session : 1799-1800). House [Browse] [Philadelphia : s.n., 1799] Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints Bookmark
28. 1797. 3 May. By Order in Council an Act of Parliament Petty Officers, (except Surgeon's Mates) ... pay to be increased. [electronic resource]... Great Britain. Royal Navy [Browse] [London, 1799?] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark
29. 1799. His Excellency Arthur Fenner, Esq; governor. The Honourable George Brown, Esq; deputy-governor [electronic resource]. [Providence] : Printed by John Carter. Jun., [1799] Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints Bookmark
30. 1799. His Excellency Arthur Fenner, Esq; governor. The Honourable Samuel J. Potter, Esq; deputy-governor [electronic resource]. [Providence] : Printed by Carter and Wilkinson., [1799] Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints Bookmark
31. 1799. John Brown, Esq; governor. Thomas G. Hazard, Esq; deputy-governor [electronic resource]. [Newport, R.I.] : Printed by O. Farnsworth., [1799] Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints Bookmark
32. 19th night of Cora : positively the last week of Master Parker's performance, and last week of the seasons : New Royal Circus : on Monday, August 5, 1799, Master Parker will recite Rolla's addrress to the Peruvian army, from Mr. Sheridan's popular play of Pizarro, and perform several favourite sonatas, on the grand piano forte .... : after which ... an intire new splendid serious spectacle ... called Cora, or, The virgin of the sun ... New Royal Circus (London, England) [Browse] [London : s.n., 1799] Book Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books » Q-000004 Bookmark
33. (2d time ever performed in America.) On Wednesday evening, 11th December, will be presented ... Pizarro: or, The death of Rolla. ... To which will be added ... The horse and widow. . [electronic resource]. [Boston : Printed by Young and Minns, 1799] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark
34. (2d time ever performed in America.) On Wednesday evening, 11th December, will be presented ... Pizarro: or, The death of Rolla. ... To which will be added ... The horse and widow. ... [electronic resource]. [Boston : Printed by Young and Minns, 1799] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Online II Bookmark
35. 3d July 1799 finance Great Britain s.n. Book Online Gale Making of the Modern World Part 1: Goldsmiths Kress Library of Economic Literature 1450-1850. Bookmark
36. The abbess [electronic resource], a romance. By W.H. Ireland, ... In four volumes. ... Ireland, W. H. (William Henry), 1777-1835 [Browse] London : printed for Earle and Hemet, 1799. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark
37. The A, B, C, with the shorter catechism [electronic resource], agreed upon by the Assembly of Divines at Westminster ... to be a directory for catechising of such as are of weaker capacity. Edinburgh : printed and sold by J. Robertson, 1799. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark
38. A blacksmiths shop. Merke, Henri [Browse] London : [s.n.], 1799/01/20. Visual material Loading...Special Collections - Graphic Arts Collection » GA 2024.01038 D East 60-62/GC138/Box 05/Oversize/Vues d'Optique Bookmark
39. Aboukir Bay [electronic resource]; or, the glorious first of August. A musical drama, on the signal victory obtained by Rear-Admiral Nelson, over the French fleet, August 1, 1798, ... By Richard Sicklemore. The music selected and composed by J. Jouve, ... Sicklemore, Richard [Browse] Lewes : printed by W. and A. Lee, 1799. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark
40. Abrégé de l'histoire ancienne [electronic resource], en particulier de l'histoire grecque, suivi d'un abrégé de la fable, à l'usage des élèves de l'Ecole Royale Militaire à Paris. ... Londres : chez C. Dilly; et A. Dulau & Co., 1799. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark
41. Abrégé de l'histoire de la Bible [electronic resource]; destiné à l'avancement du Christianisme: ... tiré des écrits des historiens, des théologiens, ... les plus célèbres. Traduit de l'anglois, mais sur un plan different de l'original. Imprimé pour la traductrice. Southampton : de l'imprimerie de T. Baker; et se vend à Londres chez G. Wilkie, 1799. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark
42. Abrégé des Mémoires pour servir à l'histoire du Jacobinisme. Par M. l'Abbé Barruel [electronic resource]. Barruel, Abbé (Augustin), 1741-1820 [Browse] Londres [i.e. Hamburg?] : chez Ph. Le Boussonier et comp. Et se trouve à Hambourg et Brunswick, chez P. F. Fauche et compagnie, 1799. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark
43. An abridgement of the modern determinations in the courts of law and equity [electronic resource] : being a supplement to Viner's abridgement / by several gentlemen in the respective branches of the law. Viner, Charles, 1678-1756 [Browse] London : Strahan, 1799-1806. Book Online Online Content Bookmark
44. Abridgement of the report from the committee of the House of Commons to enquire into the state of the copper-mines and copper-trade of this kingdom Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons [Browse] Book Online Gale Making of the Modern World Part 1: Goldsmiths Kress Library of Economic Literature 1450-1850. Bookmark
45. An abridgement of the Reverend Charles Daubeny's Guide to the Church [electronic resource] by a worthy Scots Episcopal clergyman; with a preface, other additions, and notes, ... By the Right Rev. Dr Wm. Abernethy Drummond, bishop. Daubeny, Charles, 1745-1827 [Browse] Edinburgh : printed by Geo. Reid & Co. for Steuart Cheyne, and sold by him, and by all the booksellers in town and country, 1799. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark
46. An abridgement of the second edition of a work, written by Dr. Currie, of Liverpool in England, [electronic resource] : on the use of water, in diseases of the human frame; and fever, opium, strong drink, abstinence from food, and the passages through the human skin; with occasional remarks. Currie, James, 1756-1805 [Browse] [Augusta, Me.] : Printed by Peter Edes of Augusta, in the District of Maine. Sold by Mr. Edes of Augusta, and Mr. Bass of Hallowell, in Maine; and by the booksellers of Boston, New-York, and Philadelphia, [1799] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Online II Bookmark
47. An abridgement of the second edition of a work, written by Dr. Currie, of Liverpool in England, [electronic resource] : on the use of water, in diseases of the human frame; and fever, opium, strong drink, abstinence from food, and the passages through the human skin; : with occasional remarks. Currie, James, 1756-1805 [Browse] [Augusta, Me.] : Printed by Peter Edes of Augusta, in the District of Maine. Sold by Mr. Edes of Augusta, and Mr. Bass of Hallowell, in Maine; and by the booksellers of Boston, New-York, and Philadelphia., [1799] Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints Bookmark
48. An abridgement of the second edition of a work, written by Dr. Currie, of Liverpool in England, [electronic resource] : on the use of water, in diseases of the human frame; and fever, opium, strong drink, abstinence from food, and the passages through the human skin; with occasional remarks. Currie, James, 1756-1805 [Browse] [Augusta, Me.] : Printed by Peter Edes of Augusta, in the District of Maine. Sold by Mr. Edes of Augusta, and Mr. Bass of Hallowell, in Maine; and by the booksellers of Boston, New-York, and Philadelphia, [1799] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark
49. An abridgment of L. Murray's English grammar [electronic resource] : With an appendix, containing an exemplification of the parts of speech, and exercises in syntax. Designed for the use of the younger class of learners. By Lindley Murray. Murray, Lindley, 1745-1826 [Browse] London : Printed for Darton and Harvey, Gracechurch-street; C. Law, Ave-Maria-lane; and Longman and Rees, Paternoster-row, 1799. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark
50. An abridgment of L. Murray's English grammar. [electronic resource] : With an appendix, containing an exemplification of the parts of speech, and exercises in syntax. Designed for the use of the younger class of learners. By Lindley Murray. Murray, Lindley, 1745-1826 [Browse] London : Printed for Darton and Harvey, Gracechurch-street; C. Law, Ave-Maria-lane; and Longman and Rees, Paternoster-row, 1799. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Online II Bookmark
51. An abridgment of L. Murray's English grammar. [electronic resource] : With an appendix, containing an exemplification of the parts of speech, and exercises in syntax. : Designed for the use of the younger class of learners. / By Lindley Murray. Murray, Lindley, 1745-1826 [Browse] Boston: : Printed for Joseph Nancrede. No. 49, Marlbro'-Street., 1799. Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints Bookmark
52. Abridgment of the Modern Determinations in the Courts of Law and Equity; Being a Supplement to Viner's Abridgment Book Bookmark
53. An abridgment of the modern determinations in the courts of law and equity [electronic resource]: being a supplement to Viner's Abridgment. By several gentlemen in the respective branches of the law. ... London : printed by A. Strahan, for G. G. & J. Robinson, T. Payne, E. & R. Brooke & J. Rider, J. Butterworth, and L. White, Dublin, 1799-1806. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark
54. An abridgment of the second edition of work, written by Dr. Currie, of Liverpool in England, on the use of water, in diseases of the human frame; and on fever, opium, strong drink, abstinence from food, and the passages through the human skin; with occasional remarks. Currie, James, 1756-1805 [Browse] Augusta, District of Maine, Peter Edes; [etc., etc., 1799] Book, Microform Loading...Firestone Library - Remote Storage (ReCAP): Firestone Library Use Only » MICROFILM 10544 reel 33 Bookmark
55. An abridgment of the speech of Lord Minto [electronic resource], in the House of Peers, April 11, 1799, on a motion for an address to His Majesty, ... respecting an union between Great Britain and Ireland. Minto, Gilbert Elliot, Earl of, 1751-1814 [Browse] Dublin : printed for J. Milliken, 1799. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark
56. Abridgment of the Speech of Lord Minto, in the House of Peers, April 11, 1799, on a motion for an address to His Majesty, to communicate the resolutions of the two houses of Parliament, respecting an union between Great Britain and Ireland Minto, Gilbert Elliot, Earl of, 1751-1814 [Browse] Book Online Gale Making of the Modern World Part 1: Goldsmiths Kress Library of Economic Literature 1450-1850. Bookmark
57. Abstract of An act to prevent unlawful combinations amongst journeymen to raise wages, &c : passed the 19th of July 1799 Great Britain [Browse] Book Online Gale Making of the Modern World Part 1: Goldsmiths Kress Library of Economic Literature 1450-1850. Bookmark
58. Abstract of cases transmitted to the Secretary of the Treasury, pursuant to the sixth section of the act entitled "An act further to suspend the commercial intercourse between the United States and France and the dependencies thereof", passed on the ninth day of February 1799. United States. Department of the Treasury [Browse] [Philadelphia : s.n., 1799] Book Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books » 10823.999 v. 1 Bookmark
59. An abstract of the act, for imposing certain duties on income [electronic resource] : With the schedule at full lengh: together with an appendix, comprising the whole of the assessed taxes, as consolidated by two acts passed in the last session of Parliament. Great Britain [Browse] London : Printed and published by J. Rhynd, Ray Street, Clerkenwell; sold by Crosby and Letterman, No. 4, Stationers' Court, near Paternoster Row; Downes, -240, Temple Bar, Strand; W. and S. Wilkins, 60, and D. Walker, 128, Holborn Hill; J. Mead, Lincoln's Inn Gateway, Carey Street; Kerby, 38, Old bond Street; Appleyard, Winpole Street; Aiken, Castle Street, Leicester Fields; Bruce, City Road; and by all booksellers and newscarriers, 1799. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark
60. An abstract of the act, for imposing certain duties on income [electronic resource] : With the schedule at full lengh: together with an appendix, comprising the whole of the assessed taxes, as consolidated by two acts passed in the last session of Parliament. Great Britain [Browse] London : Printed and published by J. Rhynd, Ray Street, Clerkenwell; sold by Crosby and Letterman, No. 4, Stationers' Court, near Paternoster Row; Downes, -240, Temple Bar, Strand; W. and S. Wilkins, 60, and D. Walker, 128, Holborn Hill; J. Mead, Lincoln's Inn Gateway, Carey Street; Kerby, 38, Old bond Street; Appleyard, Winpole Street; Aiken, Castle Street, Leicester Fields; Bruce, City Road; and by all booksellers and newscarriers, 1799. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Online II Bookmark
61. An abstract of the act upon income with the alterations and amendments, as passed in the Houses of Lords and Commons, containing the qualifications of surveyors and inspector rules for etimating [sic] the income of owners of land houses, buildings ... and from personal property, trades, professions, offices, employments, and vocations, also the deductions for children, &c. &c. Great Britain [Browse] London : Printed for J. Hatchard : W. Richardson, [1799] Book Bookmark
62. An abstract of the act upon income, with the alterations and amendments, as passed in the Houses of Lords and Commons, [electronic resource] : Containing the qualifications of surveyors and inspector rules for etimating the income of owners of land house buildings tenements tythes &c. &c. And from personal property, trades, professions, offices, employments, and vocations; also the deductions for children, &c. &c. Great Britain [Browse] London : Printed for J. Hatchard, No. 173, Piccadilly, and W. Richardson, Royal Exchange, [1799] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark
63. An abstract of the act upon income, with the alterations and amendments, as passed in the Houses of Lords and Commons, [electronic resource] : Containing the qualifications of surveyors and inspector rules for etimating the income of owners of land house buildings tenements tythes &c. &c. And from personal property, trades, professions, offices, employments, and vocations; also the deductions for children, &c. &c. Great Britain [Browse] London : Printed for J. Hatchard, No. 173, Piccadilly, and W. Richardson, Royal Exchange, [1799] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Online II Bookmark
64. An abstract of the annual registers of the parish poor, from the birth until apprenticed out [electronic resource] : Viz. The seventeen parishes without the walls of the city of London, the twenty-three parishes in Middlesex and Surry, the ten parishes in the city and liberties of Westminster, according to the act of Parliament of the seventh year of His Present Majesty: and of the ninety-seven parishes within the walls of the city of London, according to the act of Parliament of the second year of His Present Majesty: from the first day of January 1798, to the thirty-first day of December inclusive. The said registers being received into the custody of the worshipful master, wardens, and company of parish clerks. Worshipful Company of Parish Clerks [Browse] London : Printed by Anne Rivington, printer to the company, MDCCXCIX. [1799] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Online II Bookmark
65. An abstract of the proceedings of the Grand Lodge of North-Carolina, [electronic resource] : in the year A.L. 5799. A.D. 1799. Freemasons. Grand Lodge of North Carolina [Browse] Raleigh [N.C.]: : --Printed by Brothers Hodge & Boylan., [1799] Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints Bookmark
66. Accompt of all additions which have been made to the annual charge of the public debt, &c. &c Great Britain. Treasury [Browse] Book Online Gale Making of the Modern World Part 1: Goldsmiths Kress Library of Economic Literature 1450-1850. Bookmark
67. Accompt of the total produce of the duties of customs, excise, stamps and incidents, respectively, for one year, ended the 10th day of October 1798 : distinguishing, as far as possible, in each branch, the produce on every separate article, the duties on Great Britain. Treasury [Browse] Book Online Gale Making of the Modern World Part 1: Goldsmiths Kress Library of Economic Literature 1450-1850. Bookmark
68. Account between Joseph Peirce and Henry Knox, 20 July 1799. Peirce, Joseph, 1745-1828 [Browse] [Place of production not identified : producer not identified, 1799] Book Bookmark
69. Account book : Philadelphia, Pa., 1799-1805. Wachmuth and Soullier (Firm) [Browse] Manuscript, Book Loading...Special Collections - Manuscripts Collection » C0199 (no. 23) Bookmark
70. Account listing transactions between Henry Knox and Robert Houston, 14 November 1799. Houston, Robert, 1765-1824 [Browse] [Place of production not identified : producer not identified, 1799] Book Online American History Module I: Settlement, Commerce, Revolution and Reform: 1493-1859 Bookmark
71. Account listing transactions between John Rynier and Henry Knox, approximately 2 October 1799. Rynier, John, 1797-1802 [Browse] [Place of production not identified : producer not identified, 1799] Book Online American History Module I: Settlement, Commerce, Revolution and Reform: 1493-1859 Bookmark
72. Account listing transactions between Thomas Flucker and Josiah Bowen, May 1799. Bowens, Josiah, active 1799 [Browse] [Place of production not identified : producer not identified, 1799] Book Online American History Module I: Settlement, Commerce, Revolution and Reform: 1493-1859 Bookmark
73. Account listing transactions regarding the amount of beef killed at Montpelier farm in Thomaston, Maine, 6 January 1799. Gleason, John, active 1796-1811 [Browse] [Place of production not identified : producer not identified, 1799] Book Online American History Module I: Settlement, Commerce, Revolution and Reform: 1493-1859 Bookmark
74. Account log for lumber, October 1799. Wilson, Life, active 1799-1800 [Browse] [Place of production not identified : producer not identified, 1799] Book Online American History Module I: Settlement, Commerce, Revolution and Reform: 1493-1859 Bookmark
75. An account of a divine visitation and blessing [electronic resource], attending the religious care and exercise of the teachers of Waltham-Abbey school; with the gracious dealings of the Almighty towards some others in tender years. [London] : Philadelphia, printed; London, re-printed: and sold by Darton and Harvey, 1799. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark
76. Account of a hail storm, which fell on part of the towns of Lebanon, Bozrah and Franklin, on the 15th of July, 1799 [electronic resource] : perhaps never equalled by any other ever known, not even in Egypt. By Sherman Dewey. (Copy right secured.). Dewey, Sherman, 1772-1813 [Browse] Walpole, Newhampshire : Printed, at the press of Thomas & Thomas, by David Carlisle, for the author, 1799. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Online II Bookmark
77. Account of a hail storm, which fell on part of the towns of Lebanon, Bozrah and Franklin, on the 15th of July, 1799; [electronic resource] : perhaps never equalled by any other ever known, not even in Egypt. / By Sherman Dewey. ; (Copy right secured.) Dewey, Sherman, 1772-1813 [Browse] Walpole, Newhampshire, : Printed, at the press of Thomas & Thomas, by David Carlisle, for the author., 1799. Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints Bookmark
78. Account of a hail storm, which fell on part of the towns of Lebanon, Bozrah and Franklin, on the 15th of July, 1799 [electronic resource] : perhaps never equalled by any other ever known, not even in Egypt. By Sherman Dewey. (Copy right secured.). Dewey, Sherman, 1772-1813 [Browse] Walpole, Newhampshire : Printed, at the press of Thomas & Thomas, by David Carlisle, for the author, 1799. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark
79. Account of Ceylon by Lieut.-Colonel David Robertson, 1799 : Manuscript 1799. [Place of production not identified : producer not identified, 1799] Book Online India, Raj and Empire Bookmark
80. An account of Mrs. Elizabeth Johnson [electronic resource], well known in the city of Bristol for more than half a century, for her eminent piety and benevolence. To which is added, an extract from her diary. Bristol : printed and sold by W. Pine and Son. Sold also by J. and W. Richardson, London; Wilson and Spence, York; and S. Crosby, Leeds, [1799] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark
81. An Account of Mrs. Elizabeth Johnson, well known in the city of Bristol for more than half a century, for her eminent piety and benevolence [electronic resource] : To which is added, an extract from her diary. Dublin : Printed by Robert Dapper, for B. Dugdale, No. 6. Dame-Street, 1799. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark
82. An Account of Mrs. Elizabeth Johnson, well known in the city of Bristol for more than half a century, for her eminent piety and benevolence. [electronic resource] : To which is added, an extract from her diary. Dublin : Printed by Robert Dapper, for B. Dugdale, No. 6. Dame-Street, 1799. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Online II Bookmark
83. An Account of some of the sufferings of his Holiness Pius VI. immediately previous to his being forced from Rome; with other interesting matter [electronic resource]. Dublin : Printed by H. Fitzpatrick, 2, Ormond-Quay, 1799. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark
84. An Account of some of the sufferings of his Holiness Pius VI. immediately previous to his being forced from Rome; with other interesting matter [electronic resource]. Dublin : Printed by H. Fitzpatrick, 2, Ormond-Quay, 1799. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Online II Bookmark
85. An account of that most excellent medicine the cordial balm of Gilead [electronic resource], which is prepared (only) by S. Solomon, M.D. of the University and College of Physicians, and author of the "Guide to Health," ... and sold by his appointment, wholesale, by J. Mathews, ... London; Robert Bach, ... New York; and Mr. Angus M'Donald, ... Glasgow; ... [Chester : printed by John Fletcher, 1799?] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark
86. An account of the alteration and present state of the penal laws of Pennsylvania. [electronic resource] : Containing, also, an account of the gaol and penitentiary house of Philadelphia--and the interior management thereof. / By Caleb Lownes. ; Printed by order of the Legislature of Massachusetts. Lownes, Caleb [Browse] Printed at Boston, : by Young & Minns, state printers., MDCCXCIX. [1799] Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints Bookmark
87. An account of the death of Mrs. Anne Thornton [electronic resource], of the borough of Southwark, who departed this life the 12th of March, 1799. London : printed for G. Whitfield, 1799. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark
88. An account of the dissection of an hermaphrodite dog [electronic resource] : To which are prefixed, some observations on hermaphrodites in general. By Everard Home, Esq. F.R.S. From the Philosophical Transactions. Home, Everard, Sir, 1756-1832 [Browse] [London : s.n., 1799] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark
89. An account of the dissection of an hermaphrodite dog. [electronic resource] : To which are prefixed, some observations on hermaphrodites in general. By Everard Home, Esq. F.R.S. From the Philosophical Transactions. Home, Everard, Sir, 1756-1832 [Browse] [London : s.n., 1799] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Online II Bookmark
90. Account of the distribution of the sum of ¹.3,200,000, granted to His Majesty towards enabling His Majesty to defray the extraordinary services of the army for the year 1798, paid by the Right Honourable the Paymaster General of His Majesty's forces Great Britain. War Office [Browse] Book Online Gale Making of the Modern World Part 1: Goldsmiths Kress Library of Economic Literature 1450-1850. Bookmark
91. Account of the distribution of the sum of ¹.938,192.3.7., being part of the sum of ¹.1,000,000, raised by an act in the last session of Parliment, and granted to His Majesty, to enable His Majesty to take all such measures as may be necessary to disapp Great Britain. War Office [Browse] Book Online Gale Making of the Modern World Part 1: Goldsmiths Kress Library of Economic Literature 1450-1850. Bookmark
92. Account of the distribution of the sum of one million, raised by an act in the last session of Parliament, and granted to His Majesty, to enable His Majesty to take all such measures as may be necessary to disappoint or defeat any enterprize of designs o Great Britain. Treasury [Browse] Book Online Gale Making of the Modern World Part 1: Goldsmiths Kress Library of Economic Literature 1450-1850. Bookmark
93. Account of the distributions of provisions at St. Georges, approximately 1799. [Place of production not identified : producer not identified, 1799] Book Online American History Module I: Settlement, Commerce, Revolution and Reform: 1493-1859 Bookmark
94. An account of the Foundling Hospital in London : for the maintenance and education of exposed and deserted young children. Bernard, Thomas, Sir, 1750-1818 [Browse] Book Online Gale Making of the Modern World Part 1: Goldsmiths Kress Library of Economic Literature 1450-1850. Bookmark
95. An account of the Foundling Hospital in London : for the maintenance and education of exposed and deserted young children. Bernard, Thomas, Sir, 1750-1818 [Browse] [Place of publication not identified] : [publisher not identified], [1799]London : Printed for the Hospital, by Thomas Jones, MDCCXCIX. Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO) : Children's Literature and Childhood Bookmark
96. An account of the Foundling Hospital in London, for the maintenance and education of exposed and deserted young children [electronic resource]. Foundling Hospital (London, England) [Browse] London : printed for the Hospital, by Thomas Jones, 1799. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark
97. An account of the institution of the Society for the establishment of a literary fund [electronic resource]: constitutions of the Society: ... list of subscribers: ... and poems on anniversaries, ... Royal Literary Fund [Browse] London : printed by John Nichols, 1799. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark
98. An account of the institution, progress, and present state of the Scottish Corporation in London, of the foundation of King Charles the Second, Annis MDCLXV & MDCLXXVI. Re-incorporated Anno MDCCLXXV, by His Present Majesty King George the Third [electronic resource] : And established at the hospital in Crane-Court, Fleet-Street. To which is affixed, a list of officers, governors, and patronesse published, by order, 1799. Scots Hospital of King Charles II. [Browse] London : Printed for the corporation, by Bunney & Gold, Crane-Court, Fleet-Street, [1799] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Online II Bookmark
99. An account of the institution, progress, and present state of the Scottish Corporation in London, of the foundation of King Charles the Second, Annis MDCLXV & MDCLXXVI. Re-incorporated Anno MDCCLXXV, by His Present Majesty King George the Third [electronic resource] : And established at the hospital in Crane-Court, Fleet-Street. To which is affixed, a list of officers, governors, and patronesse published, by order, 1799. Scots Hospital of King Charles II. [Browse] London : Printed for the corporation, by Bunney & Gold, Crane-Court, Fleet-Street, [1799] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark
100. Account of the institution, progress and present state of the Scottish Corporation in London, of the foundation of King Charles the Second : re-incorporated anno MDCCLXXV by His present Majesty King George the Third and established at the hospital in Cra Scottish Corporation in London [Browse] Book Online Gale Making of the Modern World Part 1: Goldsmiths Kress Library of Economic Literature 1450-1850. Bookmark