1. The reports of Sir Peyton Ventris Kt., late one of the justices of the Common-pleas [electronic resource] : in two parts : the first part containing select cases adjudged in the Kings-Bench, in the reign of K. Charles II, with three learned arguments, one in the Kings-Bench, by Sir Francis North, when Attorney General, and two in the Exchequer by Sir Matthew Hale, when Lord Chief Baron : with two tables, one of the cases, and the other of the principal matters : the second part containing choice cases adjudged in the Common-pleas, in the reigns of K. Charles II and K. James II and in the three first years of the reign of His now Majesty K. William and the late Q. Mary, while he was a judge in the said court, with the pleadings to the same : also several cases and pleadings thereupon in the Exchequer-Chamber upon writs of error from the Kings-Bench : together with many remarkable and curious cases in the Court of Chancery : whereto are added three exact tables, one of the cases, the other of the principal matters, and the third of the pleadings : with the allowance and approbation of the Lord Keeper an all the judges. Ventris, Peyton, Sir, 1645-1691 [Browse] London : Printed by the assigns of Richard and Edward Atkyns, Esquires, for Charles Harper ..., and Jacob Tonson ..., 1696. Book Bookmark
2. Hortus Eystettensis, siue, Diligens et accurata omnium plantarum, florum, stirpium, ex variis orbis terrŒ partibus, singulari studio collectarum, quŒ in celeberrimis viridariis arcem episcopalem ibidem cingentibus, hoc tempore conspiciuntur, delineatio Basilius Besler? Book Online Biodiversity Heritage Library Free Bookmark
3. Charters, commissions, proclamations, indentures, and other relevant documents of Massachusetts Book Online LLMC-Digital Bookmark
4. The Holy Bible : containing the Old Testament and the New / Newly translated out of the originall tongues and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. By His Majesties Command. Appointed to be read in churches. London : Printed by the Assigns of John Bill & Chr. Barker, 1674. Book Loading...Special Collections - Cotsen Children's Library Bookmark
5. Laurae Ceretae Brixiensis feminae clarissimae epistolae jam primum è M S in lucem productae / à Iacobo Philippo Tomasino, qui eius vitam, & notas addidit. Cereta, Laura, 1469-1499 [Browse] Patavij : Typis Sebastiani Sardi, 1640. Book Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books » item 8475700 Bookmark
6. Nobiliss. virginis Annae Mariae à Schurman Opuscula hebraea, graeca, latina, gallica : prosaica & metrica. Schurman, Anna Maria van, 1607-1678 [Browse] Lvgd. Batavor. : Ex officinâ Elseviriorum, 1648. Book Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books » item 8475700 Bookmark
7. Books about disabilities from the New York Academy of Medicine Library. [New York, New York] : [publisher not identified], 1648-2000. Book Online Disabilities in Society, 18th - 20th Century Bookmark
8. Philocophus, or, The deafe and dumbe mans friend : exhibiting the philosophicall verity of that subtile art, which may inable one with an observant eie, to heare what any man speaks by the moving of his lips ... apparently proving, that a man borne deafe and dumbe, may be taught to heare the sound of words with his eie, & thence learne to speake with his tongue / by I.B. sirnamed the Chirosopher. J. B. (John Bulwer), 1606-1656 [Browse] [Place of publication not identified] : [publisher not identified], [1648]London : Printed for Humphrey Moseley, 1648. Book Online Disabilities in Society, 18th - 20th Century Bookmark
9. Elements of speech : an essay of inquiry into the natural production of letters : with an appendix concerning persons deaf & dumb / by William Holder. Holder, William, 1616-1698 [Browse] [Place of publication not identified] : [publisher not identified], [1669]London : Printed by T. N. for J. Martyn, 1669. Book Online Disabilities in Society, 18th - 20th Century Bookmark
10. Regola de' cinque ordini d'architettura = Regel vande vijf ordens der architecture = Reigle des cinq ordres d'architetture = Regel der funff Orden von Architectur = The rule of the V orders of architecture / di Giacomo Barozzio da Vignola ; con la nuova aggionta di Michael-Angelo Buonaroti. Vignola, 1507-1573 [Browse] Amstelredam : Isanz, 1646. Book Loading...Marquand Library - Rare Books Bookmark
11. Representations geometrales de plusieurs parties de bastiments faites par les reigles de l'architectvre antiqve : et de qui les mesures sont reduittes en piedz, poulces & lignes, a fin de saccommoder a la maniere de mesurer la plus en uzage parmy le commun des Ouuriers / par A Bosse. La Methode de faire cette reduction se peut voir en la page suiuante. Bosse, Abraham, 1602-1676 [Browse] A Paris : Chez L'Autheur, en Lisle du Palas, sur le Quay vis a vis celuy de la Megisserie MDCLIX [1659], [i.e. 1660]. Book Loading...Marquand Library - Rare Books » NA2812 Oversize Bookmark
12. Des ordres de colo[n]nes en l'architecture et plusieurs au[tr]es dependances dicelle / par A. Bosse. Bosse, Abraham, 1602-1676 [Browse] A Paris : Chez l'edit Bosse, en L'isle du Palais, sur le Quay vis a vis celuy de la Megisserie, [between 1664? and 1688?] Book Loading...Marquand Library - Rare Books » NA2812 Oversize Bookmark
13. Thomas Jordan Manuscript Poems 1650-1659 Jordan, Thomas [Browse] Manuscript, Archival item Loading...Special Collections - Manuscripts Archival. Special Collections Use Only » C1771_c67481-80277 Search and Request: Princeton University Library Finding Aids Bookmark
14. Der Königl. Akademie der Wissenschaften in Paris Anatomische, Chymische und Botanische Abhandlungen aus dem Französischen übers. von Wolf Balth. Adolph von Steinwehr Académie des Sciences Paris [Browse] Breslau Korn 1692-1760 Journal Bookmark
15. Der Königl. Akademie der Wissenschaften in Paris physische Abhandlungen aus dem Französischen übers. von Wolf Balth. Adolph von Steinwehr Académie des Sciences Paris [Browse] Breslau Korn 1692-1759 Journal Bookmark
16. Auserlesene Abhandlungen, praktischen und chirurgischen Inhalts, aus den philosophischen Transaktionen und Sammlungen gesammlet und übers. von Nathanael Gottfried Leske Lübeck Leipzig Donatius 1699-1750 Journal Bookmark
20. Quaker marriage certificate of Emanuel Low and Ann Archdale, 12 July 1688 Book Online LLMC-Digital Bookmark
21. Minutes of a Council meeting held at Charleston dated August 17, 1695 Book Online LLMC-Digital Bookmark
22. Letters from Jonathan Amory to Laureano de Torres y Ayala, Governor of St. Augustine and John Archdale, Governor of Carolina Book Online LLMC-Digital Bookmark
23. Letter from Thomas Harvey, Deputy Governor of the Province of Carolina Book Online LLMC-Digital Bookmark
24. Letter from Governor John Archdale to Governor Torres y Ayala regarding the Apalachee Indians Book Online LLMC-Digital Bookmark
25. Kennebec purchase, John Winslow deed to Sir T. Temple and J. Joyliffe of one-third Kennebec Purchase 3 July 1668 Book Online LLMC-Digital Bookmark
26. Information given by Adondaraheera, Unedachseno, Awrtahron cheeffe Sachims of ye Sinnekers Book Online LLMC-Digital Bookmark
29. English translation of a letter from Governor Torres y Ayala to Governor John Archdale Book Online LLMC-Digital Bookmark
31. Document stating the description of the sale of land by the governor Book Online LLMC-Digital Bookmark
32. Act for declaring the severall lawes made by the Governour and Councill to be in force within the late Collony of Connecticutt now united to this Government and for settling the times and places of holding Courts therein Book Online LLMC-Digital Bookmark
33. Address from Albemarle County, North Carolina to John Archdale, which prayed for his favor in governing the province Book Online LLMC-Digital Bookmark
34. Letter from Thomas Harvey, Deputy Governor of the Province of Carolina Book Online LLMC-Digital Bookmark
35. Neue Jerosolymitanische Pilger-Fahrt/ Das ist: kurtze/ doch wahrhafft- und denck-würdige Beschreibung Deß Gelobten Heiligen Lands/ Von Jesu Christo Unserm Erlöser und Seeligmacher betretten und geheiligt ... an Tag gegeben/ und durchwandlet Von P.F. Ignatio von Rheinfelden/ Deß Mindern Ordens S.P. Francisci Capucinern Jubilato und Predigern/ [et]c. Mit ... Kupfern und Figuren ... hierinnen beygetruckter zu finden 2. Copien oder Befelchs-Schreiben deß Gross Eggs, Ignatius, 1618-1702 [Browse] Augspurg Utzschneiderin 1699 Book Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books Bookmark
36. 談義まいり. Dangi mairi. Dōkū [Browse]洞空. [Browse] [Kyoto] : Akitaya Gorōbē kan, Genroku 3 [1690][Kyoto] : 秋田屋五郎兵衛刊, 元禄 3 [1690] Book Loading...Special Collections - East Asian Library Rare Books Bookmark
37. Riposta di Jacopo Grandi, medico professore di Notomia in Venezia e accademico della Crusca, a une lettera del Sig. Dottor Alessandro Piru. Grandi, Jacopo [Browse] Venetia : Combi & Lanou, 1686. Book Loading...Special Collections - Remote Storage (ReCAP): Rare Books. Special Collections Use Only Bookmark
38. Historia Delle Cose Svccesse Dal Principio della Guerra Mossa Da Selim Ottomano À Venetiani, Fino Al Di Della Gran Giornata Vittoriosa contra Turchi Giá descritta ... Da Gio. Pietro Contarini, Et hora ridata alla luce da Gio. Battista Combi Veneto Contarini, Giovanni Pietro fl.1570 [Browse] Venetia 1645 Book Loading...Special Collections - Remote Storage (ReCAP): Rare Books. Special Collections Use Only Bookmark
39. Themistoclis Epistolæ : ex vetusto codice Bibliothecæ Vaticanæ nunc primum erutæ, & latinitate donatæ. / Interprete Io. Matthæo Caryophilo ... Themistocles, approximately 524 B.C.-approximately 459 B.C. [Browse] Romæ : Apud Ludovicum Grignanum, MDCXXVI. Book Loading...Special Collections - Remote Storage (ReCAP): Rare Books. Special Collections Use Only » PA3537.A2 .T74 1626 Bookmark
40. Vivlos kaloumenē Kalokairinē : periechousa vious hagiōn tinōn. Agapios, Monachos, active 17th century [Browse] Venetia : Nikolaos Glykys, 1694. Book Loading...Special Collections - Remote Storage (ReCAP): Rare Books. Special Collections Use Only Bookmark
41. Rariora magnæ Græciæ nvmismata : cum enumeratione sactorum, pontificum, imperatorum, regum, ducum ... ex Calabria, Sicilia, regnoqve neapolitano, originem suam trahentium ... altera editione renovata / Prosperi Parisii. Accurante Joh. Georgio Arnoldi. Parisio, Prospero, active 1592 [Browse] [Place of publication not identified], 1683. Book Loading...Special Collections - Remote Storage (ReCAP): Rare Books. Special Collections Use Only Bookmark
42. La gloriosa morte de' diciotto fanciulli Giustiniani patritij genouesi, de' signori di Scio, scritta dall'abbate Michele Giustiniani del sangue stesso, e celebrata da diuersi eruditi ingegni d'Europa. Giustiniani, Michele, 1612-1679 [Browse] In Auellino : Per Camillo Cauallo, 1656. Book Loading...Special Collections - Remote Storage (ReCAP): Rare Books. Special Collections Use Only Bookmark
43. Panegyrico Funeral de la vida en la muerte de el Illmo. y Excmo. Señor Doct. D. Manuel Fernandez de Santa Cruz Obispo de la Puebla de los Angeles en la Nueva España Gómez de la Parra, José [Browse] En la Puebla : por los Herederos del Capitan Juan de Villa-Real, [1699] Book Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books » N-004991 Bookmark
44. Romance endecasilabo en que se describen las obras que hizo el ilustrissimo y excelentissimo señor doctor doctor don Manuel Fernández de Santa Cruz, en mas de 22 años que governo su obispado de la Puebla de los Ángeles / compuesto por Antonio Delgado y Buenrostro. Delgado y Buenrostro, Antonio, active 1676-1696 [Browse] [México?] : [publisher not identified], [169-?] Book Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books » N-004991 Bookmark
45. The Alcoran of Mahomet. London : [publisher not identified], 1649. Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books Bookmark
46. Mahomets Alkoran. t'Amsterdam : T. ten Hoorn, 1696. Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books Bookmark
47. Alcorani textus universus. Patavii : Typographia Seminarii, 1698. Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books Bookmark
48. Fides et Leges Mohammædis exhibitæ ex Alkorani manuscripto duplici, præmissis institutionibus arabicis. Altdorfi : [publisher not identified], 1646. Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books Bookmark
49. Histoire generale de la religion des Turcs / Michel Baudier. Baudier, Michel, 1589?-1645 [Browse] Paris : [publisher not identified], 1632. Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books Bookmark
50. إجابة القسيس الحقير فيليبس كوادانولوس إلى أحمد الشريف بن زين العابدين الفارسي الإسبهاني. Ijābat al-Qissīs al-ḥaqīr Fīlībus Kwādānūlūs ilá Aḥmad al-Sharīf ibn Zayn al-'Ābidīn al-Fārisī al-Isbahānī / Filippo Guadagnoli. Guadagnoli, Filippo, 1596-1656 [Browse] Romae : [publisher not identified], 1637. Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books Bookmark
51. إنجيل الطفولية. Injīl al-ṭufūlīyah = Euangelium Infantiæ. Trajecti ad Rhenum : [publisher not identified], 1697. Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books Bookmark
52. Prima tredecim partium Alcorani. [Amsterdam] : [publisher not identified], [1646] Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books Bookmark
53. L'Alcoran de Mahomet. La Haye : [publisher not identified], 1683. Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books Bookmark
54. The Alcoran of Mahomet. London : [publisher not identified], 1649. Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books Bookmark
55. Chronicon orientale / Abū Shākir ibn Buṭrus ibn al-Rāhib. Ibn al-Rāhib, Abū Shākir ibn Buṭrus, active 1249-1282 [Browse]ابن الراهب، أبو شاكر بن بطرس [Browse] Parisiis : E Typographia Regia, 1651. Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books Bookmark
56. Compendium historicum eorum, quæ Muhammedani de Christo et præcipuis aliquot religionis Christianæ capitibus tradiderunt / Levinus Warner. Warner, Levinus, c1618-1665 [Browse] Lugduni Batavorum : [publisher not identified], 1643. Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books Bookmark
57. Alcoranus Mahometicus, das ist : der Türcken Alcoran, Religion und Aberglauben. Nürnberg : S. Halbmayer, 1623. Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books Bookmark
58. Histoire generale de la religion des Turcs / Michel Baudier. Baudier, Michel, 1589?-1645 [Browse] Rouen : I. Berthelin, 1641. Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books Bookmark
59. M. F. Beckii specimen Arabicum, hoc est, bina capitula Alcorani, xxx. de Roma & xliix. de Victoria Arabice descripta, Latine versa, et notis locupletata. Augustae Vindelicorum : [publisher not identified], 1688. Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books Bookmark
60. Mohammedis imposturae : that is a discovery of the manifold forgeries, falsehoods, and horrible impieties of the blasphemous seducer Mohammed / Sinān Shaykh. Shaykh, Sinān [Browse]شيخ، سنان [Browse] London : [publisher not identified], 1615. Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books Bookmark
61. Muhammedanus precans : id est, liber precationum Muhammedicarum Arabicus manuscriptus / Henningius Henningii. Henningii, Henningius [Browse] Sleswigæ : [publisher not identified], 1666. Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books Bookmark
62. القرآن وهو شرعة الإسلامية محمد بن عبد الله. al-Qurʾān wa-huwa shirʻat al-Islāmīyah Muḥammad ibn ʻAbd Allāh = al-Coranus s. lex Islamitica Muhammedis, filii Abdallae. Hamburgi : [publisher not identified], 1694. Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books Bookmark
63. The Alcoran. London : [publisher not identified], 1688. Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books Bookmark
64. L'Alcoran de Mahomet. Paris : [publisher not identified], 1649. Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books Bookmark
65. L'Alcoran de Mahomet. La Haye : [publisher not identified], 1685. Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books Bookmark
66. براهين مختلفة فيما هو لشريعة الله بالحق من فيلبس كوادنولوس. Barāhīn mukhtalifah fī-mā huwa li-sharīʻat Allāh bi-al-ḥaqq min Fīlibus Kuwādanūlūs = R. P. Ph. Guadagnoli Considerationes ad Mahomettanos cum responsione ad objectiones Ahmed filii Zin Alabedin, Persae Asphahanensis. Guadagnoli, Filippo, 1596-1656 [Browse] Romae : [publisher not identified], 1649. Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books Bookmark
67. Eutychius patriarcha Alexandrinus vindicatus et suis restitutus orientalibus, sive responsio ad Ioannis Seldeni origines / Abraham Ecchellensis. Abraham, Ecchellensis, 1605-1664 [Browse] Romæ : S. Congreg. de Prop. Fide, 1661. Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books Bookmark
68. Historia de Abrahamo : et de Gomorro-Sodomitica eversione ex Alcorano, ejusque surata XIVta & XVta Arabicè. Lugduni Batavorum : Officina J. Elsevier, 1655. Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books Bookmark
69. Prodromus ad refutationem Alcorani / Luigi Marracci. Marracci, Luigi, 1612-1700 [Browse] Romæ : [publisher not identified], 1691. Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books Bookmark
70. Specimen versionis Coranicæ. Coloniæ Brandenburgicæ : [publisher not identified], 1698. Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books Bookmark
71. سورة يوسف وتهجي العرب. Sūrat Yūsuf wa-tahajjī al-ʾArab = Historia Josephi Patriarchae ex Alcorano. Leidae : Ex Typographia Erpeniana, 1617. Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books Bookmark
72. L'Alcoran de Mahomet. Paris : Chez Antoine de Sommaville, 1672. Book Online Early Arabic Printed Books Bookmark
73. An account of, (together with) the writing it self that was found in the pocket of Lawrence Hill, at the time he and Green were executed, for the murder of Sr. Edmond-Berry Godfrey, Kt. Hill, Lawrence, -1679 [Browse] London : printed for Robert Pawlet, [1679] Book Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books » Q-001810 Oversize Bookmark
74. Reflections upon a paper intituled, Some reflections upon the E. of Danby, in relation to the murder of Sir Edmund-bury Godfrey. : In a letter to a friend. Christian, Edward [Browse] London: : Printed for Freeman Collins, 1679. Book Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books » Q-001810 Oversize Bookmark
75. Die Jovis, 8 Novembr. 1649. Two orders of Parliament : the one referring to the Councel of State, to give ten pounds to every one who shall bring in a high-way-man ; the other, referring to the said Councel to give reprieves to persons guilty of robberies, if they shall discover any of their accomplices. England and Wales. Parliament [Browse] London : Printed by John Field for Edward Husband, [1649] Book Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books » Americana 1734q Johnson EXKA Bookmark
76. Carte et description generale de Dauphiné avec les confins des pais Provinces voisines / le tout Racourcy et reduict par Jean de Beins ingenieur et geographe du roi. Beins, Jean de, 1577-1651 [Browse] Amstelodami : Hericus Hondius excudit, [1606] Map Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books Historic Map Collection » HMC01.3466 D Alcove 20, Drawer 6 Bookmark
77. Comitatus Burgundiae : tam in praecipuas ejus praefecturas quam in minores earundem Ballinatus aliasq. Ditiones subjacentes et insertas distincte divisus / per Nicol M. Visscher. Visscher, Nicolaes, 1649-1702 [Browse] [Amsterdam] : [Nicolaum Visscher], [between 1600 and 1700] Map Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books Historic Map Collection » HMC01.4363 D-Alcove 20, Drawer 6 Bookmark
78. TABULA COMITATVS ARTESIÆ. / emendata A FREDERICO DE WIT. Wit, Frederik de, 1629 or 1630-1706 [Browse] Gedruckt tot Amsterdam : Bÿ Frederick de Wit inde Calverstraet bÿ den Dam inde Witte Paskaert, [1680?] Map Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books Historic Map Collection » HMC01.4368 D-Alcove 20, Drawer 6 Bookmark
79. Britannia & Normandia cum confinib. regionibus / per Gerardum Mercatorem. Mercator, Gerhard, 1512-1594 [Browse] [Place of publication not identified] : [publisher not identified], [1628] Map Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books Historic Map Collection » HMC01.4370 D-Alcove 20, Drawer 6 Bookmark
80. 四六文章法. Shiroku bunjōhō. [Japan?], Edo zenki utsushi[Japan?], 江戸前期写 Book Loading...Special Collections - East Asian Library Rare Books Bookmark
81. 四六文章体 / 策彦周良. Shiroku bunjoutai / Sakugen Shūryō. Sakugen, Shūryō, 1501-1579 [Browse]策彦周良, 1501-1579 [Browse] [Japan?], Edo zenki utsushi[Japan?], 江戸前期写 Book Loading...Special Collections - East Asian Library Rare Books Bookmark
82. 四六文章体 / 策彦周良. Shiroku bunjoutai / Sakugen Shūryō. Sakugen, Shūryō, 1501-1579 [Browse]策彦周良, 1501-1579 [Browse] Book No holdings available for this record Bookmark
83. Touraine : Turonen sis ducatus. Jansson, Jan, 1588-1664 [Browse] Amstelodami : apud Ioannem Ianssonium, [1620] Map Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books Historic Map Collection » HMC01.4373 D-Alcove 20, Drawer 6 Bookmark
84. Languedoc / Guilielmus Blaeuw excudit. Blaeu, Willem Janszoon, 1571-1638 [Browse] Amsterdami : Guilielmus Blaeuw, [between 1640 and 1649?] Map Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books Historic Map Collection » HMC01.4421 D-Alcove 20, Drawer 6Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books Historic Map Collection » HMC01.4381 D-Alcove 20, Drawer 6 Bookmark
85. 5e Carte particuliere des costes de Bretagne : contenant les environs de la Rade de Brest / levée et gravée par ordre du Roy. [Place of publication not identified] : [publisher not identified], [1693] Map Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books Historic Map Collection » HMC01.4426 D-Alcove 20, Drawer 6 Bookmark
86. Biturigum : Le Duche de Berry. Amsterdam : Iosse Hondius, [between 1633 and 1639?] Map Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books Historic Map Collection » HMC01.4438 D-Alcove 20, Drawer 6 Bookmark
87. Carte de Berry. Tassin, Christophe Nicolas, -1660 [Browse] [Paris] : [publisher not identified], [1633] Map Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books Historic Map Collection » HMC01.4439 D-Alcove 20, Drawer 6 Bookmark
88. Relation de l'etat present de la ville d'Athenes, ancienne capitale de la Grece, bâtie depuis 3400. ans : avec un abbregé de son histoire & de ses antiquités. Babin, Jacques-Paul, -1699 [Browse] A Lyon : Chez Loüis Pascal ..., M. DC. LXXIV. [1674] Book Loading...Special Collections - Remote Storage (ReCAP): Rare Books. Special Collections Use Only » DF721 .B3 1674s Bookmark
89. Le Gouvernement General du Duché de Bourgogne et de la Bresse, ou sont divisez onze grands balliages et dix balliages subalternes : dédié a Tres-Haut Tres-Excellent et Tres-Puissant Prince Monseigneur Louis Duc de Bourbon Prince du Sang, Grand Maitre de France, Gouveneur et Lieutenant General pur le Roy en ses Provinces de Bourgogne et Bresse / par son tres-humble et tres-obeissant serviteur H. Jaillot, Geographe ordinaire du Roy. Jaillot, Alexis Hubert, 1632?-1712 [Browse] A Paris : Chez le Sr. Jaillot, joignant les grands Augustins, aux deux Globes, [1695] Map Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books Historic Map Collection » HMC01.4440 D-Alcove 20, Drawer 6 Bookmark
90. Stockholm / Paulus Fürst ex. ; L. S. fecit. [Nuremberg] : Paulus Fürst , [between 1650 and 1655?] Map Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books Historic Map Collection » HMC01.5453 D-Alcove 27, Drawer 18 Bookmark
91. Iutia Olim Cimbrica Chersonesus. Blaeu, Joan, 1596-1673 [Browse] [Amsteldami] : [J. Blaeu], [1662] Map Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books Historic Map Collection » HMC01.5472 D-Alcove 27, Drawer 18 Bookmark
92. Pars Borealior Ivtiæ Septentrionalis, in qua Diœceses Albvrgensis et Vibvrgensis. Blaeu, Joan, 1596-1673 [Browse] [Place of publication not identified] : [publisher not identified], [1663] Map Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books Historic Map Collection » HMC01.5473 D-Alcove 27, Drawer 18 Bookmark
93. Theatro delle donne letterate : con vn breue discorso della preminenza, e perfettione del sesso donnesco / del sig. Francesco Agostino della Chiesa ... Della Chiesa, Francesco Agostino, 1593-1662 [Browse] In Mondoui : Per Giouanni Gislandi, e Gio. Tomaso Rossi, 1620. Book Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books » N-005019 Bookmark
94. 平家物語. Heike monogatari. [Japan] : [publisher not identified], Genwa Kan'ei chūkan [1615-1624?][Japan] : [publisher not identified], 元和寛永中刊[1615-1624?] Book Loading...Special Collections - East Asian Library Rare Books Bookmark
96. The rules and orders of the Court of Common-Pleas [electronic resource] : made since his Majestie's restauration: taken from the originals of the said court, with the allowance and approbation of the Right Honourable the Lord Chief Justice North, and the judges of that court. England and Wales. Court of Common Pleas [Browse] London : printed by the assigns of Richard and Edward Atkyns, esquires, for Robert Pawlet, at the Bible in Chancery-Lane near Fleet-street, 1682. Book Bookmark
99. Letter from Jonathan Amory, Speaker, to John Archdale, Governor, and the Lords Proprietors Book Online LLMC-Digital Bookmark
100. Indenture about property in eastern Pennsylvania regarding William Penn and his heirs Book Online LLMC-Digital Bookmark