1. Noah, the flood and the failure of man : according to the Midrash Rabbah / Rabbi Dr. Wilfred Shuchat. New York : Devora Publishing ; Jerusalem, Israel : Urim Publications ; Brooklyn, NY : Lambda Publishers, [2013]©2013 Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BM517.M65 S485 2013
2. The Garden of Eden & the struggle to be human according to the Midrash rabbah / by Wilfred Shuchat. Jerusalem : Devora Pub., c2006. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » BM517 .M65 S481 2006
3. The creation according to the Midrash Rabbah / rendered with commentary by Wilfred Shuchat. Jerusalem ; New York : Devora Publishing, c2002. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » BM517.M65 S48 2002
4. Midrash Tanaʾim li-Ve-reshit / liḳeṭ mi-Be-reshit Raba Aharon Mirsḳi. Mirsky, Aaron, 1914-2001 [Browse] Yerushalayim : Mosad ha-Rav Ḳuḳ, c2000. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BM517.M65 M57 2000
5. Génesis rabbah I : Génesis 1-11 ; comentario midrásico al Libro Génesis / Luis Vegas Montaner. Navarra, España : Editorial Verbo Divino, 1994. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BM517.M65 A47 1994
6. Confronting creation : how Judaism reads Genesis : an anthology of Genesis rabbah / by Jacob Neusner. Columbia, S.C. : University of South Carolina Press, c1991. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » BM517.M65 A3 1991
7. Genesis and Judaism : the perspective of Genesis rabbah : an analytical anthology / translated and edited by Jacob Neus[n]er. Atlanta, Ga. : Scholars Press, c1985. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » BM517.M65 A3 1985a
8. Genesis rabbah : the Judaic commentary to the book of Genesis : a new American translation / by Jacob Neusner. Atlanta, Ga. : Scholars Press, c1985. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » BM517.M65 A3 1985
9. Perush ḳabali li-Ve-reshit Rabah : (parashot 1-29) / le-R. Yosef ben Shalom (ha-Arokh) Ashkenzai ; hehedir be-tseruf mavo, heʻarot ṿe-ḥilufe-nusḥaʼot, Mosheh Ḥalamish. Ashkenazi, Yoseph ben Shalom, active 14th century [Browse] Yerushalayim : Hotsaʼat sefarim ʻa. sh. Y.L. Magnes, ha-Universiṭah ha-ʻIvrit, c1984. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BM517.M65 J684 1984
10. Commento alla Genesi (Berešit Rabbâ) / introduzione, versione, note di Alfredo Ravenna ; a cura di Tommaso Federici. [Torino] : Unione tipografico-editrice torinese, 1978. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BM517.M65 A43 1978
11. An analysis of Vatican 30, by Lewis M. Barth. Barth, Lewis M. [Browse] Cincinnati, Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, 1973. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BM517 .M65 1973
12. An analysis of Vatican 30 [electronic resource] by Lewis M. Barth. Barth, Lewis M. [Browse] Cincinnati, Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, 1973. Book Online JSTOR DDA
13. Midrash Bershit rabah. Kitav yad Ṿaṭiḳan 60 (Vat. Ebr. 60). Yerushalayim, Maḳor, 732, 1972. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BM517 .M65 1972q Oversize
14. Midrash Bereshit rabah, ketav-yad Ṿaṭiḳan 30 (Vat. Ebr. 30) mahadurat faḳsimilah shel ketav ha-yad, ʻim mavo u-mafteaḥ me-et M. Soḳolof. Yerushalayim, Maḳor, 731 [1970 or 71] Book Loading...Firestone Library - Near East Collections » BM517.M65.1970q Oversize
15. Midrash Bereshit rabati : nosad ʻal sifro shel R. Mosheh ha-Darshan / ...ʻim tiḳunim ṿe-heʻarot u-mavo u-mafteḥot me-et Ḥanokh Albeḳ. Yerushalayim : Mekitse Nirdamim, 727 [1966 or 1967] Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BM517.B73M5.1966
16. Berischit rabba : mit kritischem Apparat und Kommentar / von J. Theodor. Jerusalem : Wahrmann Books, 1965. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Near East Collections » BM517 .M65 1965
17. Midrashic selections; introduction and notes by P. R. Weis. Leiden, E. J. Brill, 1955. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BM512 .M537 1955
18. Der Midrasch Bereschit Rabba : das ist Die Haggadische Auslegung der Genesis / zum ersten Male ins Deutsche übertragen von Aug. Wunsche ; mit einer Einleitung von J. Fürst ; Noten und Verbesserungen von demselben [J. Fürst] und D.O. Straschun ; und Varianten von M. Grünwald. Leipzig : O. Schulze, 1881. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » BM517.M65 A4 1881 Online Online Content
19. Midrach rabba / / Lagrasse : Verdier, 2010. Book ReCAP - Remote StorageView Record for Full Availability
20. Le Midrash rabba sur la Genèse : = Bereshit rabba / traduction, Maurice Mergui. Paris : Objectif-Transmission, c2007- Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » BM517.A55 A334 2007View Record for Full Availability
21. The Garden of Eden & the struggle to be human : according to the Midrash Rabbah / Wilfred Shuchat. Shuchat, Wilfred [Browse] Jerusalem ; New York : Devora Publishing, [2006], ©2006. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » BM517.M65 S482 2006g
22. Joyas del Midrásh / edición de Jaime Mestre. Madrid : Caparrós Editores, c1995. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » BM517.M65 A47 1995x
23. פירוש קבלי לבראשית רבה : (פרשות א־כט) / לר׳ יוסף בן שלום (הארוך) אשכנזי ; ההדיר בצירוף מבוא, הערות וחילופי־נוסחאות משה חלמיש. Perush Ḳabali li-Ve-reshit rabah : (parashot 1-29) / le-R. Yosef ben Shalom (ha-Arokh) Ashkenzai ; hehedir be-tseruf mavo, heʻarot ṿe-ḥilufe-nusḥaʾot Mosheh Ḥalamish. Ashkenazi, Yoseph ben Shalom, 14th cent [Browse] Yerushalayim : Hotsaʾat sefarim ʻa. sh. Y.L. Magnes, ha-Universiṭah ha-ʻIvrit, c1984.ירושלים : הוצאת ספרים ע״ש י.ל. מאגנס, האוניברסיטה העברית, .c1984 Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » ME14997
24. An analysis of Vatican 30 / by Lewis M. Barth. Barth, Lewis M. [Browse] Cincinnati : Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, 1973. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » BM517.M65 B37
25. Be-reshit rabah : meforash perush ḥadash / ʻim mavo, haḳdamah, heʻarot u-maftaḥot bi-yede E. E. ha-Levi. Tel-Aviv : Hotsaʼat me-Ḥavrut le-sifrut, [1956] Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 893.1PI F36
26. Midrashic selections / introduction and notes by P. R. Weis. Leiden : E. J. Brill, 1955. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 893.1PI F55
27. The Aramaic portions of Bereshit rabba with grammar of Galilæan Aramaic / by Hugo Odeberg. Lund : C.W.K. Gleerup ; Leipzig : O. Harrassowitz, 1939. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 209 BereshitView Record for Full Availability
28. מדרש בראשית רבה / על פי כתבי יד ובראשם כ"י ... בבריטיש מוזעאום בלונדון ... עם מראה מקומות וחילופי נוסחאות ופירוש מנחת יהודה מאתי יהודי טהעאדאר. Midrash Bereshit raba / ʻal pi kitve yad uve-rosham k"y yashan ... ba-Briṭish Muzʻeʼum ... ʻim marʼeh meḳomot ṿe-ḥilufe nusḥaʼot ṿu-perush Minḥat Yehudah me-iti Yehudah Ṭheodor. Berlin : Bi-defus Tsevi Hirsh Iṭtsḳovsḳi, 663-697 [1903-1936]ברלין : בדפוס צבי הירש איטצקאווסקי, 1936-1903, 663-697. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » *PLC (Midrash Bereshit raba. ed. Theodor. 1903-1936) ch. 87-100. Introd. IndexReCAP - Remote Storage » *PLC (Midrash Bereshit raba. ed. Theodor. 1903-1936) ch. 48-86View Record for Full Availability
29. Der Segen Jakobs : Midrasch Bereschith rabba, Par. 98, 1-20, 99, 1-4 / übersetzt und kritisch behandelt von M. Margel. Berlin : H. Itzkowski, 1900. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 893.1PT FOO
30. Die Geschichte Josefs. : Eine Ubersetzung und kritische Behandlung des Midrasch Bereschith rabba: Par. 84,5-22 und Par. 86,1-94,3 / Vorgelegt von Simon Auscher. Berlin, 1897. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 893.1PT E97