1. The 104th psalm / illustrated by Susan Maria Ffarington. London : Lithographed by Vincent Brooks Day & Son, [1870?] Book Loading...Special Collections - Cotsen Children's Library » 153688 Eng 19 Bookmark
2. The 91st psalm, reprinted from the King James version ... Boston, Bartlett [c1909] Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » 5179.1909.3 Online Online Content Bookmark
3. An abridgement of Dr. Watts's psalms and hymns [electronic resource], with some alterations. To which is added an appendix, containing some hymns, selected from other authors. Birmingham : printed by Piercy and Jones; and sold by them and by the editors at Dudley and Stourbridge, [1785?] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark
4. Abridgement of the Book of common prayer : and administration of the sacraments, and other rites and ceremonies of the church, according to the use of the Church of England : together with the Psalter, or Psalms of David, printed as they are to be sung or said in churches. Church of England [Browse] London : Printed [for Wilkie in St. Paul's Churchyard], in the year M DCC LXXIII [1773]. Book Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books » American 81.1 RHT Bookmark
5. An abridgement of the new version of the Psalms [electronic resource]. For the use of Charlotte-Street Chapel. London : printed for W. Faden; and may be had at the Chapel, 1767. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark
6. An abridgement of the new version of the psalms [electronic resource], for the use of Charlotte-Street Chapel, with proper tunes adapted to each psalm; ... London : published and sold by J. Johnson, Clerk of the said Chapel; and may be had of the pew-openers, 1785. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark
7. An abridgment of the new version of the Psalms [electronic resource], for the use of Charlotte-Street and Bedford Chapels: with proper tunes adapted to each psalm; ... With bases properly figured for the organ and harpsichord. To which are added ... hymns ... [London] : Published and sold by Thomas Johnson, clerk of the above Chapels; and may be had of the pew-openers, [1777] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark
8. Ad nobilissimos, amplissimos, consultissimosuque viros, senatores in supremo soro juridico judices refios: [electronic resource] : causarum patronus doctissimos, disertissimos, & de Republicâ optimè meritos: necnon vigilantissimos, peritissimosque signeto regio scribas: dedicatio paraphraseos Psal CIV. / Modulante Gualtero Deniston ... [Edinburgh? : s.n., 1690] Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
9. Der Albani-Psalter = The St. Alban's Psalter = El salterio San Albans. [Simbach am Inn, Germany] : Verlag Müller und Schindler, c2007-2008. Book Loading...Marquand Library - Rare Books » ND3357.S12 A43 2007f Oversize Bookmark
10. Ein alemannischer Psalter aus dem 14. Jahrhundert : HS.A.IV.44 der Universitätsbibliothek Basel, Bl.61-178 / Marianne Wallach-Faller. Wallach-Faller, Marianne [Browse] Freiburg : Universitätsverlag, 1981. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » BS1443.A4 W34 Bookmark
11. ʻAl ha-setumot ba-mizmor : perush ʻal sefer Tehilim / me-et Aharon Polaḳ. Pollack, Aharon, -1960 [Browse] Yerushalayim : Nezer, 1991. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BS1420 .P664 1991 Bookmark
12. על הסתומות במזמור : פרוש על ספר תהלים / מאת אהרן פולאק ; עם מבוא מאת חיים גבריהו ; ערכה והביאה לדפוס, אסנת נזרי. ʻAl ha-setumot ba-mizmor : perush ʻal sefer Tehilim / me-et Aharon Polaḳ ; ʻim mavo me-et Ḥayim Gavriyahu ; ʻarkhah ṿe-heviʾah li-defus Osnat Nizri. Pollack, Aharon, d. 1960 [Browse]פולאק, אהרן [Browse] [Jerusalem] : Nezer, 1991.[Jerusalem] : נזר, 1991. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » ME30239 Bookmark
13. All suche psalmes of Dauid as Thomas Sterneholde, late grome of the Kynges Maiesties robes, did in his lyfe tyme drawe into Englishe metre. [electronic resource]. Sternhold, Thomas, d. 1549 [Browse] Jmprinted at London : by Jhon Kyngston, and Henry Sutton, dwellyng in Poules Churche-yarde., 1553.. Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
14. All suche Psalmes of Dauid, as Thomas Sternholde, late grome of the Kinges Maiesties robes, did in his life tyme drawe into English metre. [electronic resource].. Sternhold, Thomas, d. 1549 [Browse] Jmprinted at London : by Jhon Kyngston, and Henry Sutton, dwellyng in Poules Churcheyarde., 1553. Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
15. All suche Psalmes of Dauid as Thomas Sternhold late grome of y[e] Kynges Maiesties robes, did in his lyfe tyme draw into English metre. [electronic resource] Sternhold, Thomas, d. 1549 [Browse] Imprinted at London in Flete strete at the signe of the sunne ouer against the conduite : by Edward Whitchurche,, the xviii. day of Marche. Anno Do. Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
16. All the French Psalm tunes with English words [electronic resource] : Being a collection of Psalms accorded to the verses and tunes generally vsed in the Reformed churches of France and Germany. Perused and approved by judicious divines, both English and French. [London?] : Printed [by Thomas Harper?], anno 1650. Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
17. All the French Psalm tunes with English words [electronic resource] : Being a collection of Psalms accorded to the verses and tunes generally vsed in the Reformed churches of France and Germany. Perused and approved by judicious divines, both English and French. London : Printed by Thomas Harper, with permission of the Company of Stationers, 1632. Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
18. k. al-Mazāmīr. Manuscript, Book Online Brill Online E-Books Middle Eastern Manuscripts Online 1: Pioneer Orientalists Bookmark
19. Al such psalmes of Dauid as Thomas Sternehold late grome of [the] kinges Maiesties Robes, didde in his life time draw into English Metre [electronic resource] [Imprinted at London] : Newly emprinted by Edwarde Whitchurche, [the .xxiiii. daye of December. Anno Dom. 1549] Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
20. Al such Psalmes of Dauid, as Thomas Sternhold, late grome of the kinges maiesties robes did in his lyfe time drawe into english meter [electronic resource] [London : Edward Whitchurche, 1553?] Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
21. [Al such psalmes of Dauid as T. Sternehold didde in his life time draw into English metre] [electronic resource]. Sternhold, Thomas, d. 1549 [Browse] Imprinted at London : In Flete Strete at the Signe of the Sunne ouer against the conduit, by Edwarde Whitchurche, The xxii day of June, anno dom 1551. Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
22. [Al such psalmes of Dauid as T. Sternehold didde in his life time draw into English metre] [electronic resource]. Sternhold, Thomas, d. 1549 [Browse] Imprinted at London : In Fletestrete, in the house of Thomas Berthelet., [1551] Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
23. Der älteste serbische Psalter / herausgegeben von Moshé Altbauer. Köln ; Wien : Böhlau, 1979. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BS1425.C43 S48 1979 Bookmark
24. Der althochdeutsche 138. [i. e. hundertachtunddreissigste] Psalm; forschungsgeschichtlicher Überblick und Urfassung. Krogmann, Willy, 1905-1967 [Browse] Hamburg, F. Wittig [1973] Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » 5228.544 Bookmark
25. Die altmittel- und altniederfränkischen Psalmen und Glossen / nach den Handschriften und Erstdrucken neu herausgegeben von Arend Quak. Amsterdan : Rodopi, 1981. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BS1425 .D72 1981 Bookmark
26. The American Psalter; the Psams and canticles according to the use of the Protestant Episcopal Church, pointed and set to Anglican chants, together with the choral service, prepared by the Joint Commission on Church Music, under authority of General convention. Episcopal Church [Browse] New York, H. W. Gray, 1930. Musical score Loading...Mendel Music Library - Stacks » M2167 .P94 1930 Bookmark
27. An American version of the Psalms of David [electronic resource] : suited to the state of the church in the present age of the world / by Abijah Davis. Davis, Abijah, 1763-1817 [Browse] Philadelphia : Printed for the author by D. Heartt, 1813. Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints Bookmark
28. An American version of the Psalms of David. Suited to the state of the church in the present age of the world. By Abijah Davis, minister of the gospel at Millville, New-Jersey. Philadelphia, Printed for the author by D. Heartt, 1813. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » 5228.286 Online Online Content Bookmark
29. Anglo-Saxon and early English psalter; now first printed from manuscripts in the British museum. London, J. B. Nichols [1843-47] Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » DA20 .P835 v.16, etc. Bookmark
30. An Kurfursten zu Sachsen vnd Landgrauen zu Hessen, D. Mart. Luther, von dem gefangen H. zu Brunswig. Sampt den lxiiii und lxxvi Psalmen, en de hin an Gesetze. Luther, Martin, 1483-1546 [Browse] Wittenberg [Gedruckt durh J. Klug] 1546. Book Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books » 1580.152.329.603.1546 Bookmark
31. Annotations upon the book of Psalmes [electronic resource] : Wherin the Hebrew words and sentences are compared with, and explained by the ancient Greek and Chaldee versions: but chiefly by conference with the holy Scriptures. By Henry Ainsworth. Ainsworth, Henry, 1571-1622? [Browse] [Amsterdam : Printed by Giles Thorp], The second edition: in the yere 1617 [i.e. 1618] Book Bookmark
32. Apolinariou metaphrasis tou psaltēros, dia stichōn hērōïkōn. = [electronic resource] : Apolinarij interpretatio Psalmorum, versibus heroicis. Ex Bibliotheca Regia. Apollinaris, Bishop of Laodicea, d. ca. 390 [Browse] Londini : Excudebat Georgius Bishop, Regiæ Maiestatis typographi deputatus, Anno salutis humanæ. M D XC. [1590] Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
33. Appendici hvic inest qvadrvplex Psalterium, uidelicet Hebraeum, & Hebraica veritas, diuo Hieronymo interprete, Graecum, & aeditio ultima Latina autore incerto. Lvgduni, Gryphuis, 1530. Book Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books » 5145.1530q Oversize Bookmark
34. An appendix to the Psalms and hymns, used at the parish church of St. Botolph without Aldersgate [electronic resource]. London : printed for the benefit of the Ward-School, and to be had of the parish-clerk, 1795. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark
35. An Appendix to the select portions of the singing Psalms, for the use of Churches [electronic resource]. Shrewsbury : Printed by J. and W. Eddowes, 1788. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark
36. An Appendix to the select portions of the singing Psalms, for the use of Churches [electronic resource]. Shrewsbury : Printed by J. and W. Eddowes, 1788. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Online II Bookmark
37. Arturi Johnstoni Psalmi Davidici cum argumentis et notis, juxta editionem in usum serenissimi principis [electronic resource]. Londini : apud W. Innys, D. Browne, et Paul. Vaillant. Typis Gul. Bowyer, 1741. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark
38. Arturi Jonstoni Psalmi Davidice, interpretatione, argumentis, notisque illustrati. Londini, Bowyer, 1741. Book, Microform Loading...Firestone Library - Remote Storage (ReCAP): Firestone Library Use Only » MICROFILM 5041 Bookmark
39. Arturi Jonstoni Psalmi Davidici cum argumentis et notis, juxta editionem in usum Serenissimi Principis [electronic resource]. Londini : Apud W. Innys, D. Browne, et Paul. Vaillant Bibliop. Typis Gul. Bowyer, M.DCC.XLI. [1741] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark
40. Arturi Jonstoni Psalmi Davidici cum argumentis et notis, juxta editionem in usum Serenissimi Principis [electronic resource]. Londini : Apud W. Innys, D. Browne, et Paul. Vaillant Bibliop. Typis Gul. Bowyer, M.DCC.XLI. [1741] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Online II Bookmark
41. Arturi Jonstoni Psalmi Davidici, cum metaphrasi Græca Jacobi Duporti, Græcæ linguæ apud Cantabrigienses Exprofessoris Regii [electronic resource]. Londini : Apud W. Innys, D. Browne, et Paul. Vaillant. Bibliop. Typis Gul. Bowyer, M,DCC,XLII. [1742] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark
42. Arturi Jonstoni Psalmi Davidici, cum metaphrasi Græca Jacobi Duporti, Græcæ linguæ apud Cantabrigienses Exprofessoris Regii [electronic resource]. Londini : Apud W. Innys, D. Browne, et Paul. Vaillant. Bibliop. Typis Gul. Bowyer, M,DCC,XLII. [1742] Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Online II Bookmark
43. Arturi Jonstoni Psalmi Davidici [electronic resource], cum argumentis et notis, juxta editionem in usum Serenissimi Principis. Londini : apud W. Innys, D. Browne, et Paul. Vaillant. Typis Gul. Bowyer, 1742. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark
44. Arturi Jonstoni Psalmi Davidici interpretatione, argumentis, notisque illustrati: in usum Serenissimi Principis. Londini, Bowyer, 1741. Book, Microform Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books » 5169.1741q ex Bookmark
45. Arturi Jonstoni Psalmi Davidici interpretatione [electronic resource], argumentis, notisque illustrati: in usum Serenissimi Principis. Londini : apud Gulielmum Innys, Danielem Browne, et Paulum Vaillant. Typis Gulielmi Bowyer, 1741. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark
46. Arturi Jonstoni psalmi Davidici interpretatione [electronic resource], argumentis, notisque illustrati: in usum serenissimi principis. Londini : apud Gulielmum Innys, Danielem Browne, et Paullum Vaillant. Typis Gulielmi Strahan, 1741. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark
47. An attempt to render the daily reading of the psalms more intelligible to the unlearned; with a paraphrase selected from the best commentators, and illustrated with occasional notes. By F. T. Travell, [electronic resource]... Glocester : printed by R. Raikes; and sold by J. Robson, F. and C. Rivington, London; J. Fletcher, Oxford; and J. J. Hough, and J. Washbourn, Glocester, 1794. Book Online Gale Eighteenth Century Collections Bookmark
48. Aus Tiefen rufe ich Dich : dreiundzwanzig Psalmen in der Urschrift / mit der Verdeutschung von Martin Buber. Berlin : Schocken Verlag, 1936. Book Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books » 2004-2226N Bookmark
49. The Bay Psalm book; being a facsimile reprint of the first edition, printed by Stephen Daye at Cambridge, in New England in 1640. With an introduction by Wilberforce Eames. New York, Dodd, Meade & Company, 1905. Book Loading...Special Collections - Graphic Arts Collection » 2007-0790N Bookmark
50. The Bay Psalm book : being a facsimile reprint of the first edition / printed by Stephen Daye at Cambridge, in New England in 1640 ; with an introduction by Wilberforce Eames. New York : Dodd, Mead & Co., 1903. Book Online Sabin Americana: History of the Americas, 1500–1926 Bookmark
51. Beato l'uomo che ama la Torah : Salmi 1 e 2 / a cura di Daniel Lifschitz ; prefazione di Umberto Neri. Torino : Elle Di Ci, c1990. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BS1450 1st .L537 1990 Bookmark
52. [The Bible and holy scriptures conteyned in the Olde and Newe Testament] [electronic resource] / [translated according to the Ebrue and Greeke, and conferred with the best translations in diuers languages] [Imprinted at London : By Christopher Barker, printer to the Queenes Maiestie, 1579] Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
53. The Bible and Holy Scriptures conteyned in the Olde and Newe Testament. Translated according to the Ebrue and Greke, and conferred vvith the best translations in diuers langages. With moste profitable annotations vpon all the hard places, and other things of great importance as may appeare in the epistle to the reader [electronic resource] At Geneua : Printed by Iohn Crispin, M.D.LXX. [1570] Book Bookmark
54. The Bible [electronic resource] : that is, the Holy Scriptures conteined in the Old and New Testament. Translated according to the Ebrew and Greeke, and conferred with the best translations in divers languages. With most profitable annotations upon all the hard places, and other things of great importance. Imprinted at London [i.e. Amsterdam] : By the deputies of Christopher Barker, printer to the Queenes most excellent Maiestie [i.e. Jan Fredericksz Stam], 1599 [i.e. after 1640?] Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
55. The Bible: [electronic resource] : that is, the Holy Scriptures conteyned in the Olde and New Testament. / Translated according to the Ebrewe and Greeke, and conferred with the best translations in diuers languages.. Imprinted at London : by Christopher Barker, Printer to the Queenes Maiestie., Anno. 1581.. Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
56. [The Bible. [electronic resource] : Translated according to the Ebrew and Greeke, and conferred with the best translations in diuers languages. With most profitable annotations vpon all the hard places, and other thinges of great importance, as may appeare in the epistle to the reader. And also a most profitable concordance for the readie finding out of any thing in the same conteyned.] [Imprinted at London : By Christopher Barker, printer to the Queenes Maiestie, 1583] [1584] Book Bookmark
57. The Bible. [electronic resource] : Translated according to the Ebrew and Greeke, and conferred with the best translations in diuers languages. With most profitable annotations vpon all the hard places, and other thinges of great importance, as may appeare in the epistle to the reader. Whereunto is added the Psalter of the common translation agreeing with the booke of Common prayer. Imprinted at London : By Christopher Barker, [1578] Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
58. Bible, O.T. psalms. [Place of production not identified] : [producer not identified], [date of production not identified] Book Online Frontier Life: Borderlands, Settlement and Colonial Encounters Bookmark
59. Bible. O.T. Psalms : Book; Notes. Marlborough, Wiltshire : Adam Matthew Digital, 2017. Book Online Online Content Bookmark
60. The Bible: that is the Holy Scriptvres Conteined in the Olde and Newe Testament; tr. from the Ebrew and Greeke ... with ... annotations ... Imprinted at London by Christopher Barker, 1582. Book Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books » 5173.1582 Bookmark
61. [The Bible] : [translated according to the Ebrew and Greeke] [Imprinted at London : By Christopher Barker ..., 1580] Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
62. Biblia; dat is, De gantsche H. Schrifture vervattende alle de canonyke boecken des Oude en des Nieuwen Testaments. Uyt de oorspronckelyke talen in onse Nederlandsche tale getrouwelyk overgeset door last van de ... Staten generaal der Vereenigde Nederl. en volgens 't besluyt van de Sinode nationaal gehouden in de jaren 1618 en de 1619 tot Dordrecht. [Te Amsterdam, N.T. Gravius [etc.] 1797?] Book Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books » 5191.1797 Bookmark
63. La Bíblia valenciana : recuperació de la història d'un incunable en català / Jordi Ventura. Ventura, Jordi, 1932- [Browse] Barcelona : Curial Edicions Catalanes, 1993. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BS213.V58 V468 1993 Bookmark
64. Biblos tēs dēmosias euchēs kai teleseōs mysteriōn kai tōn allōn thesmōn kai teletōn tēs ekklēsias [electronic resource] : kata to ethos tēs Anglikanēs Ekklēsias ... Church of England [Browse] En tē Kantabrigia : Exetypōthē par Ioannou Phieldou, [1665]. Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
65. Biblos tēs dēmosias euchēs : kai teleseōs mysteriōn kai tōn allōn thesmōn kai teletōn tēs ekklēsias ; kata to ethos tēs Anglikanēs Ekklēsias ... [electronic resource] Church of England [Browse] En tē Kantabrigia [i.e. Cambridge] : Exetypōthē par I. Phieldou, 1665. Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
66. Het Boeck der Psalmen. Wt der Heb[r]eisscher sp[r]ake in Nederduytschen dichte / op de ghewoonlicke oude wijsen van singen / ouergeset... Mitgaders de Heylige Sch[r]iftuerlicke lofsangen / uyt den Ouden ende Nieuwen Testamente by een getogen / eñ oock in Nederlantschen dichte / na der Heb[r]eisscher eñ Grieckscher waerheyt / Mit elck sijnen text van woirde te woirde daer tegen ouer / int Duytsche gestelt / Doir Philips van Marnix, genaemt van Sint Aldegonde. Middlebvrgh, By Richard Schilders, d[r]ucker der Staten s' landts van Zeelandt, 1591. Musical score Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books » M2135.B4 B6 Bookmark
67. Het boek der Psalmen, nevens de gezangen, bij de Hervormde kerk van Nederland in gebruik; door last van de ... Staaten generaal der Vereenigde Nederlanden. Uit drei berijmingen, in den jaare 1773 gekooren. Te Amsterdam, Bij N.T. Gravius [etc., 1797?] Book Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books » 5191.1797Loading...Special Collections - Graphic Arts Collection » 2004-3364N Bookmark
68. Het boek der Psalmen, nevens de gezangen bij de Hervormde kerk van Nederland in gebruik; door last van de .... Staaten generaal der Vereenigde Nederlanden, uit drei berijmingen, in den jaare 1773, gekooren. Mitsgaders de Christelijke catechismus, formuliern en gebeden der Gereformeerde kerken. Te Haarlem Gedrukt by T. Enschedé en zoonen, 1776. Musical score Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books » 5191.1778 Bookmark
69. [The boke of common praier, and administration of the sacramentes, and other rites and ceremonies in the Churche of Englande] [electronic resource]. Church of England [Browse] Imprinted at London : by Robert Barker, Printer to the Kings most excellent Maiestie., [1603]. Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
70. [The boke of common praier, and administration of the sacramentes, and other rites and ceremonies in the Churche of Englande] [electronic resource]. Church of England [Browse] Imprinted at London, : by the Deputies of Christopher Barker, Printer to the Queenes most excelelnt Maiestie., 1596.. Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
71. [The boke of common praier, and administration of the sacramentes, and other rites and ceremonies in the Churche of Englande] [electronic resource]. Church of England [Browse] [London : Deputies of C. Barker, 1590?] Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
72. [The boke of common praier, and administration of the sacramentes, and other rites and ceremonies in the Churche of Englande] [electronic resource]. Church of England [Browse] Imprinted at London : By Christopher Barker, Printer to the Queenes most excellent Maiestie., 1586. Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
73. [The boke of common praier, and administration of the sacramentes, and other rites and ceremonies in the Churche of Englande] [electronic resource]. Church of England [Browse] Jmprinted at London, : by Christopher Barker, printer to the Queenes Maiestie., [1581?] Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
74. [The boke of common praier, and administration of the sacramentes, and other rites and ceremonies in the Churche of Englande] [electronic resource]. Church of England [Browse] Imprinted at London : By Richarde Iugge, Printer to the Queenes Maiestie., [Anno. 1577]. Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
75. [The boke of common praier, and administration of the sacramentes, and other rites and ceremonies in the Churche of Englande] [electronic resource] Church of England [Browse] [London] : Imprinted at London by Newegate market, next to Christes churche, by Richarde Iugge ..., 1573. Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
76. [The boke of common praier, and administration of the sacramentes, and other rites and ceremonies in the Churche of Englande] [electronic resource] Church of England [Browse] [London] : Imprinted at London in Powles Churchyarde by Richarde Iugge and Iohn Cawood ..., [1566] Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
77. The boke of co[m]mon prayer, & administracio[n] of the sacramentes, and other rytes, & ceremonies in the Church of Englande. [electronic resource]. Church of England [Browse] [London : Edward Whitchurch], MDLIII. [1553] Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
78. The boke of Psalmes, [electronic resource] : wherein are contayned prayers, meditations, prayses and thankesgiuing to God for his benefits toward his church: translated faithfully according to the Ebrewe. With briefe and apt annotations in the margent, aswel for the declaration of the minds of the prophet, as for the ioyning together and continuance of the sentence: with two tables, the one contayning the names of the Psalmes according to the order of the alphabet, & the other concerning the chiefe points of our beliefe comprehended in common places. Imprinted at London : by William Seres., M.D. LXXVI. [1576] Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
79. The Boke of Psalmes [electronic resource] : where in are conteined praiers, meditatio[n]s, praises & thankesgiui[n]g to God for his benefites toward his church / tra[n]slated faithfully according to the Ebrewe ; with brief and apt annotations in the margent ... Printed at Geneva : By Rouland Hall, M. D. LIX [1559] Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
80. Bolonski psaltir; bŭlgarski knizhoven pametnik ot XIII vek. Sofii︠a︡, Izd-vo na Bŭlgarskata akademii︠a︡ na naukite, 1968. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » DR34.7.D85 B535 1968q Oversize Bookmark
81. The booke of common praier, and administration of the sacraments, [electronic resource] : and other rites and ceremonies of the Church of England.. Church of England [Browse] Imprinted at London : by Robert Barker, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie., 1613.. Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
82. The booke of common prayer, and administration of the sacrament and other rites and ceremonies of the Church of England [electronic resource]. Church of England [Browse] Imprinted at London : By Bonham Norton and Iohn Bill, Printers to the Kings most excellent Maiesty, 1626. Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
83. The booke of common prayer, and administration of the sacramentes, and other rites and ceremonies in the Churche of England [electronic resource]. Church of England [Browse] Londini, : in Officina Richardi Iugge, 1566. Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
84. The booke of common prayer, and administration of the sacramentes, and other rites & ceremonies in the Church of Englande. [electronic resource]. Church of England [Browse] Londini : in officina Richardi Iugge & Iohannis Cawood, [1570]. Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
85. The booke of common prayer, and administration of the sacramentes, and other rytes and ceremonies of the Churche of Englande. [electronic resource] Church of England [Browse] Imprinted at London by Newgate Market next vnto Christes Churche, : by Richarde Iugge, Printer to the Queenes Maiestie., [1575] Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
86. The booke of common prayer and administration of the sacraments and other rites and ceremonies in the Church of England [electronic resource] Church of England [Browse] Imprinted at London : By Robert Barker, printer to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie, Anno 1605. Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
87. The booke of common prayer, and administration of the sacraments, and other rites and ceremonies in the Church of England. [electronic resource] Church of England [Browse] Imprinted at London : by the Deputies of Christopher Barker, Printer to the Queenes most excellent Maiestie., 1596. Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
88. The booke of common prayer and administration of the sacraments and other rites and ceremonies in the Church of England [electronic resource] : Church of England [Browse] Imprinted at London : By Christopher Barker, Printer to the Queenes most excellent maiestie, Anno Dom. 1586. Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
89. The booke of common prayer, and administration of the sacraments, and other rites and ceremonies in the Church of England. [electronic resource]. Church of England [Browse] Imprinted at London : by Christopher Barker, Printer to the Queenes Maiestie., [1585] Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
90. The booke of common prayer and administration of the sacraments, and other rites and ceremonies in the Church of England. [electronic resource]. Church of England [Browse] Imprinted at London : by Christopher Barker, Printer to the Queenes Maiestie., [1582?] Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
91. The booke of common prayer; and administration of the sacraments, and other rites and ceremonies in the Church of England. [electronic resource]. Church of England [Browse] Imprinted at London : in Powles Churchyarde by Richarde Iugge and Iohn Cawood, Printers to the Queenes Maiestie., [1570] Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
92. The Booke of common prayer and administration of the sacraments: and other rites and ceremonies of the Church of England. Church of England [Browse] Imprinted at London, by Bonham Norton and Iohn Bill, M.DC.XXVII. Book Loading...Special Collections - John Witherspoon Library » 5942.254.14 Bookmark
93. [The booke of common prayer and administration of the sacraments and other rites and ceremonies of the Church of England] [electronic resource] Church of England [Browse] London, : Imprinted by Robert Barker, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Majestie: and by the Assignes of John Bill., Anno Dom.1639.. Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
94. The booke of common prayer and administration of the sacraments, and other rites and ceremonies of the Church of England. [electronic resource]. Church of England [Browse] London: : Printed by Robert Barker, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Majesty: And by the Assignes of John Bill., 1637.. Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
95. The booke of common prayer, and administration of the sacraments, and other rites and ceremonies of the Church of England. [electronic resource] Church of England [Browse] Dublin, : Printed by the Society of Stationers, Printers to the Kings Most Excellent Maiestie, Anno M. DC.XXXVij [1637] Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
96. The booke of common prayer, and administration of the sacraments, and other rites and ceremonies of the Church of England [electronic resource] Church of England [Browse] Imprinted at London : By Robert Barker ... and by the assignes of Iohn Bill, 1632. Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
97. The booke of common prayer, and administration of the sacraments, and other rites and ceremonies of the Church of England [electronic resource] Church of England [Browse] Imprinted at London : By Robert Barker ... and by the assignes of Iohn Bill, M. DC. XXXI [1631] Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
98. [The booke of common prayer, and administration of the sacraments, and other rites and ceremonies of the Church of England] [electronic resource]. Church of England [Browse] London. : Printed by Bonham Norton, and John Bill, printers to the Kings most excellent Maiestie., 1629.. Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
99. The booke of common prayer, and administration of the sacraments: and other rites and ceremonies of the Church of England. [electronic resource]. Church of England [Browse] Imprinted at London : by Bonham Norton, and Iohn Bill, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie., M.DC.XXVIII. [1628]. Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark
100. The booke of common prayer, [and administrati]on of the sacraments, [and other rites] and ceremonies of the [Church of England]. [electronic resource]. Church of England [Browse] Imp[rinted at London] : [by] Bonham Norton, and Iohn Bill, Printers [to the] Kings most Excellent Maiesty., 1627.. Book Online Early English Books Online Bookmark