1. I Kings : a new translation with introduction and commentary / Mordechai Cogan. New Haven ; London : Yale University Press, 2001.London : Bloomsbury Publishing, 2021. Book Online Yale Anchor Bible Commentaries Bookmark
2. Bíblia del segle XIV : Primer i segon llibres dels Reis / transcripció i glossari a cura de Jordi Bruguera i Talleda ; notes i introducció a cura de Pere Casanellas i Jordi Bruguera i Talleda ; collació de vulgates catalanollenguadocianes a cura de Núria Calafell i Sala. Tarragona : Associació Bíblica de Catalunya ; Barcelona : Publicacions de l'Abadia de Montserrat, 2011. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BS1334.C3 B78 2011 Bookmark
3. I Kings, a new English translation / translation of text, Rashi and commentary by Reuven Hochberg and A.J. Rosenberg ; edited by A.J. Rosenberg. New York : Judaica Press, 1980. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BS1332 .R67 1980 Bookmark
4. Elia : oratorio / di Mendelssohn ; su parole del Vecchio Testamento ; eseguito nel Salone dei Concerti palazzo della musica all'Esposizione nei Giardini Margherita ; nel giugno e luglio 1888 ; sotto la direzione del cav. G. Martucci ; versione italiana di E. Pinelli. Schubring, Julius, 1806-1889 [Browse] Bologna : Regia Tipografia, 1888. Book Online UNC Chapel Hill Music Scores Bookmark
5. Elia : oratorio in due parti per ass©đli e cori con accompagnamento d'orchestra : sopra parole del sacro testo / posto in musica da Felice Mendelssohn-Batholdy ; traduzione dal tedesco del march. Domenico Capranica. Schubring, Julius, 1806-1889 [Browse] [Milano] : Ulrico Hoepli, [1879]Milano : Tip. Bernardoni di C. Rebeschini e C., [1879] Book Online UNC Chapel Hill Music Scores Bookmark
6. אשל אברהם : על ספר מלכים א׳ / ביאורים מראשונים ואחרונים וממני ... אברהם חפוטא. Eshel Avraham. Ḥafuṭa, Avraham [Browse] פתח תקווה : א. חפוטא, תש״ע. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » Heb 40604.754 Bookmark
7. ha-Masoret ha-kefilah ʻal pilug ha-melukhah : (targum ha-Shivʻim li-Mel. 1, 12, 24, A-Z) / me-et Tsiporah Ṭalshir. Talshir, Zipora [Browse] Yerushalayim : Simor, 1989. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » BS1334.G7 S46 1989 Bookmark
8. I Kings, a new English translation / translation of text, Rashi, and commentary by Reuven Hochberg and A.J. Rosenberg ; edited by A.J. Rosenberg. New York : Judaica Press, 1980. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » BS1332 .R67 1980 Bookmark
9. Das erste Buch von den Königen / übers. und ausgelegt von Johannes Fichtner. Nach dem Tode des Verfassers hrsg. von Klaus Dietrich Fricke. Fichtner, Johannes [Browse] Stuttgart, Calwer [1964] Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 391 B749de Bookmark
10. The first book of the Kings : in the Revised version / With introduction and notes by William Emery Barnes. Cambridge [Eng.] : University Press, 1932. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » Bi 68.19.908.10 Bookmark