141. Sefer Netivot ha-shalom : ve-hu ḥibur ḳolel ḥamishah ḥumshe torah ʻim targum askhenazi u-veʹur / me-et Mosheh ben-Menaḥem ; u-nitṿasef bo targum Onḳelos u-ferush Rashi ve-nilve ʻaleyhem Ha-Korem. Yerushalayim : , 1974. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BS1225 .M4 1974
142. ha-Targum ha-Arami ha-mekhuneh Targum Yonatan ben ʻUziʾel ʻal ḥamishah ḥumshe Torah : heʻeteḳ mi-k.y. London, Briṭish Muzeʾum. Add 27031 / ʻim heʻarot ṿe-tiḳunim me-et Daṿid Rider. Yerushalayim : Rider, [1974] Book Loading...Firestone Library - Near East Collections » BS1224 .A74 1974
143. [Torah] The Torah, a modern commentary, by W. Gunther Plaut. Plaut, W. Gunther, 1912-2012 [Browse] New York, Union of American Hebrew Congregations [c1974-<1979> Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » BS1225.3 .P55
144. Torah and Haftarah readings for the three Festivals. Bridgeport, CT : Prayer Book Press, [1973] Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BS1223 1973
145. A Judeo-Persian Pentateuch : the text of the oldest Judeo-Persian Pentateuch translation, British Museum Ms. OR.5446 / Herbert H. Paper. Jersualem : Ben-Zvi Institute of Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi and the Hebrew University, 1972. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BS315 .P42 1972
146. Ḳeṭoret ha-samim : kolel ḥamishah ḥumshe Torah ʻim targum Yonatan ben ʻUziʼel ṿe-targum Yerushalmi... Mordecai ben Naphtali Hirsch Kremsier, d. 1670 [Browse] [Jerusalem] : [s.n.], [1972 or 1973] Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BS1224.A77M67.1972
147. Otsar mefarshe ha-Torah : Be-reshit-[Devarim] kolel ʻaśarah perushim ʻal ḥamishah ḥumshe Torah ṿe-ʻal perushe Rashi ṿe-Ramban ṿe-Targum Onḳelos. Jerusalem : [s.n.], 733 [1972 or 1973] Book Loading...Firestone Library - Near East Collections » BS1225.S57 O87 1972
148. Brulion przekładu pierwszych trzech ksiąg Biblii pióra Tomasza ze Zbrudzewa, Czyli tzw. Mamotrept gnieźnieński. Z rękopisu oprac. i whdała Irena Kwilecka. Wrocław, Zakład Nrodowy im. Ossolińskich, 1971. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » 5205.178
149. Or ha-ḥayim : perush ḥadash ʻal ḥamishah ḥumshe Torah ʻim Targum Onḳelos u-ferush Rashi... / hekhino...Ḥayim ibn ʻAṭar.... [New York] : [Mefitse Or ha-ḥayim], [1971] Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BS1225.I287 xO7 1971q Oversize
150. Pseudo-Jonathan (Thargum Jonathan ben Usiel zum Pentateuch). Nach der Londoner Handschrift hrsg. von Moses Ginsburger. Hildesheim, New York, G. Olms, 1971. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Near East Collections » BS1224 .A74 1971
151. Das samaritanische Targum zum Pentateuch. Zum erstenmale in hebräischer Quadratschrift nebst einem Anhange textkritischen Inhaltes, hrsg. von Adolf Brüll. Hildesheim, New York, G. Olms, 1971. Book Loading...Forrestal Annex - A » BM930 .B772
152. Sefer Torah hadurah : (ḥamishah ḥumshe Torah) parashah-Tag' : ketivat yad mi-Teman mi-shenat 5572 ... Miḳra, targum Onḳelos ṿe-tafsir Rasag / ha-kotev Mosheh Ben Yosef Halevi mi-Tsanʻa. Ṿe-liḳuṭim me-kol ha-mefarshim, Perush Rashi, ʹSifte ḥakhamim, R.m. Alshekh, Rabi Baḥye, Avraham Sevaʻ Baʻal Tseror ha-mor ... ṿe-ʻod ; ha-melaḳeṭ Yiḥya ben Avraham Siyani. Ken tsorfu la-sefer mi-kitve yad aḥerim Sefer ha-hafṭarot ʻim targum ... Maḥberet ha-Tig'an ṿe-Sefer Avḳat rokhel ... liḳuṭim ... le-R. Saʻid Alʻazani. Yerushalayim : Y. Ḥasid, 731 [1971] Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BS315 .A623 1971q Oversize
153. Tag' ʻim perushim : ḥamishah ḥumshe Torah. Ṿe-Sefer Avḳat rokhel / me-et Seʻadyah al-ʻAzani. Kolel targum Onḳelos, Ḥeleḳ ha-diḳduḳ, Rashi, Minḥat Shai, Tsedah la-derekh, perush Rabi Zekharyah Ats'ahri zatsal, seder ha-hafṭarot le-khol ha-shanah. Yerushalayim : Y. Ḥasid, 751 [1990 or 1991] Book Loading...Firestone Library - Near East Collections » BS1221.3 .A429273
154. תרגום ארץ ישראל לתורה : כתב יד ותיקן (ניאופיטי 1) : התרגום הארץ ישראלי הקדום והשלם לכל התורה, שנחשב לאבוד, ונתגלה מחדש במאה האחרונה בכתב יד יחיד בעולם = The Palestinian Targum to the Pentateuch : Codex Vatican (Neofiti 1) : the earliest and complete Palestinian Targum to the Pentateuch considered lost, and discovered during the last century in the only existing manuscript. Targum Erets Yiśraʾel la-Torah : ketav yad Ṿatiḳan (Neʾofiṭi 1) : ha-Targum ha-Erets-Yiśreʾeli ha-ḳadum ṿeha-shalem le-khol ha-Torah, she-neḥeshav le-avud, ṿe-nitgaleh me-ḥadash ba-meʾah ha-aḥaronah bi-khetav yad yaḥid ba-ʻolam = The Palestinian Targum to the Pentateuch : Codex Vatican (Neofiti 1) : the earliest and complete Palestinian Targum to the Pentateuch, considered lost, and discovered during the last century in the only manuscript. Yerushalayim, Maḳor, 1970.ירושלים : מקור, 1970. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Near East Collections » BS1224 .A76 1970q
155. Miḳraʼot gedolot : ḥamishah ḥumshei Torah ʻim ḥamishim peirushim ve-hosafot. Nyu Yorḳ : Malkhut, 729 [1969] Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BS1222 .1969b
156. Notes on the new translation of the Torah / Edited by Harry M. Orlinsky for the Committee for the Translation of the Torah. Philadelphia : Jewish Publication Society of America, 1969. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BS1223 1963b
157. Neophyti 1, Targum Palestinense ms. de la Biblioteca Vaticana. Edición príncipe, introducción y versión castellana [por] Alejandro Díez Macho. Traducciones cotejadas de la versión castellana: francesa: R. Le Déaut; inglesa: Martin McNamara y Michael Maher. Madrid, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 1968-1979. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BS1224 .A76 1968
158. Ḥamishah ḥumshe Torah ṿeha-hafṭarot = The five books of the Tora and the Haftarot / [English text revised and edited by Harold Fisch.] Jerusalem : Ḳoren, [1967] Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BS1222 1967
159. Sefer Torat Elohim : ḥumash ʻim netinah la-ger : [beʼur ʻal targum Unḳelos, mimeni Natan Adler ha-Kohen] : targum, pe. Rashi, Ibn ʻEzra, Ramban, Rashbam, Baʻal ha-Ṭurim, Toldot Aharon, Seforno, Masoret ha-targum, Patshegen ... Avi ʻezer, Leshon ḥakhamim / me-et Sh. Ṿaldberg. Yerushalayim : ʻEts Ḥayim, 728 [1967 or 1968] Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BS1225 .A1 1967b
160. William Tyndale's five books of Moses called the Pentateuch, being a verbatim reprint of the edition of MCCCCCXXX : compared with Tyndale's Genesis of 1534, and the Pentateuch in the Vulgate, Luther, and Matthew's Bible, with various collations and prolegomena / by J. I. Mombert, and newly introduced by F. F. Bruce. Carbondale, Ill. : Southern Illinois University Press, c1967. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Religion Graduate Study Room » BS140 1967b Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BS140 1967