351. Biblia medieval romanceada judiocristiana; versión del Antiguo Testamento en el siglo XIV, sobre los textos hebreo y latino. Edición y estudio introductorio, por el P. José Llamas ... Madrid, 1950- Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » *YHH (Bible. O.T. Spanish. 1950. Biblia medieval romanceada judiocristiana)
352. Biblia medieval romanceada judiocristiana ; versión del Antiguo Testamento en el siglo XIV, sobre los textos hebreo y latino. Edición y estudio introductorio / por el P. José Llamas ... Madrid, 1950- Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 221.56 F50View Record for Full Availability
353. Preface to Scripture. Freehof, Solomon Bennett, 1892- [Browse] Cincinnati, Union of American Hebrew Congregations [1950] Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » Bi 759.50.5ReCAP - Remote Storage » 374 Freehof
354. In our image : character studies from the Old Testament / selected from the King James version by Houston Harte ; 32 color paintings by Guy Rowe ; foreword by Kent Cooper. New York : Oxford University Press, 1949. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » CB94.5 1949
355. The Old Testament, newly translated from the Latin Vulgate by Ronald A. Knox at the request of the Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster. London, Burns, Oates and Washbourne, 1949- Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » JFK 01-29View Record for Full Availability
356. Gli affreschi del Vecchio e del Nuovo Testamento nella chiesa superiore del santuario di Assisi, riprodotti in tavole fotografiche a cura di Bencini e Sansoni. Toesca, Pietro, 1877-1962 [Browse] Firenze, Bencini e Sansoni, 1948. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 674 T63 no.4
357. The Old Testament / newly translated from the Vulgate Latin by Ronald Knox at the request of His Eminence the Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster. New York : Sheed & Ward, 1948-1950. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » CB94 1948kView Record for Full Availability
358. Hermēneia Palaias Diathēkēs. Athēnai : "Astēr", 1947-1950. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » CB34 1947
359. Old Testament stories in woodcut. Text from the King James version of the Bible; illustrated with reproductions from works of fifteenth and sixteenth century artists. Compiled by Helen Slocum Estabrook. Boston : Beacon Press, 1947 [c1938] Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » ReCAP .b171751607
360. Pathways through the Bible / by Mortimer J. Cohen; illustrations by Arthur Szyk. Philadelphia : The Jewish publication society of America, 5706-1946. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 221.52 F46
361. Pathways through the Bible / by Mortimer J. Cohen; illustrations by Arthur Szyk. Philadelphia : The Jewish publication society of America, 5706-1946. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » CB94.5 1946c
362. Knyha premudrosty / pereklav V. I. Dzʹoba. Rym : drukarni͡a OO. Vasylii͡an, 1945. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » x
363. Our mandate on Palestine ; the Bible on Israel's right to the Holy Land / compiled by Max Pritzker, with an address to all religious Americans, New York, 1944. Published with the assistance of the Mizrachi organization of America. New York, N.Y. : Eastern publishers, [1944] Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 221.52 F443
364. Picture stories from the Bible : the story of Ruth ; arranged from the Old Testament Book of Ruth. New York, N.Y. : M.C. Gaines, 1942. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 741 G12
365. Readings from the Holy Scriptures, for Jewish members of the Armed Forces of the United States. New York, National Jewish Welfare Board, 1942. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 356.15 JewishReCAP - Remote Storage » BS1091 .J4 1942a
366. The Gospels according to St. Matthew, St. Mark, St. Luke, St. John; with the Old Testament references printed on parallel pages / arranged by M. Wyatt Rawson. London : Charles Higham & son, 1941. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 558.2 Bible
367. The Old Testament and Apocrypha ; the word of faith / a simplified Scripture, arranged for study, devotions, church, school and other public readings, by Bible students of Concord, Massachusetts. Concord, Mass. : The Concord press, [1941], [©1941] Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » CB94.5 1941
368. Biblisches lesebuch aus dem Alten Testament / ausgewählt und übertragen von Alfons Schulz. Regensburg : F. Pustet, [1940] Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » CB74.5 1940
369. ספר תורה נביאים וכתובים : מדויק היטיב על פי המסורה / הוגה בעיון נמרץ על ידי מאיר הלוי לעטעריס. Sefer Torah, Neviim ṿe-Ketuvim : meduyaḳ heṭev ʻal pi ha-mesorah / hugah be-ʻiyun nimrats ʻal yede Meʼir ha-Levi Leṭeris. New York : Hebrew Publishing Company, [1940?] Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » BS715 1940g
370. The story of the Lord Jesus : a harmony of the four Gospels, with other selections from the Old and New Testaments, arranged in daily readings for young people / compiled by J. Elwin Wright and Elizabeth M. Evans. Boston, Mass. : New England Fellowship, [1940], ©1940. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » UT5 B58
371. Berliner Septuagintafragmente, bearbeitet von Otto Stegmüller. Berlin, Weidmann, 1939. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 357 Gk
372. Seventy stories of the Old Testament; illustrated with reproductions from work of master woodcut artists of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, compiled by Helen Slocum Estabrook. Portland, Me. : The Bradford press, 1938. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » ReCAP .b176476829View Record for Full Availability
373. The Bible designed to be read as literature / arranged and edited by Ernest Sutherland Bates. London : W. Heinemann, [1937?] Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » *YCF (1937) (Bible. English. 1937. Bible designed to be read as literature)
374. The boys' Old Testament : Genesis, Exodus, Numbers, Joshua, Judges, Ruth, Samuel, Kings, Daniel, Jonah in the King James version. Cambridge, Mass. : Cosmos Press, c1937. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » *YIS (Fessenden, K.) (Bible. O.T. Selections. English. 1937. Boys' Old Testament)
375. The Old Testament : Nahum and Habakkuk / by Hugh Bevenot. London ; New York : Longmans, Green, 1937. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » CB94 1934
376. Sefer Torah Neviʼim u-Khetuvim : meduyaḳ ʻal pi ha-masorah / hugah ... ʻal yede ... Meʼir ha-Leṿi Leṭeris. Berlin : ʻAl yede Ḥebrat mefiḳe kitve ha-ḳodesh bi-Briṭanya uvi-sheʼar ha-aratsot, 1937. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 351 1937ha
377. Systematische wege von der Septuaginta zum hebräischen urtext / von prof. Franz Wutz. Wutz, Franz, 1882-1938 [Browse] Stuttgart : W. Kohlhammer, 1937- Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 221.7 W969
378. Wisdom from the Bible and Talmud, by Philip Sher ... New York, G. Dobsevage, 1937. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » BS1091 .S5
379. Exégèse targumique des prophéties messianiques. Paris, Librairie Orientale Paul Geuthner, 1936. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » *PDG+ 76-5827
380. Die Heilige Schrift. Frankfurt am Main, J. Kauffmann, 1935-1937. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 357 Ger.View Record for Full Availability
381. Pages bibliques; extraites de la Bible de D'Allioli et rééditées par les soins de A. Camirand, V.G. Québec, Imp. "L'Action sociale ltée", 1935. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » KF 4278
382. Septuaginta ; id est, Vetus Testamentum graece iuxta LXX interpretes / edidit Alfred Rahlfs. Stuttgart : Privilegierte württembergische Bibelanstalt, [1935] Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 221.48 F35View Record for Full Availability
383. Social ethics of the Jews : with selected texts from Biblical and Talmudic literature / by Arthur Meyerowitz. Meyerowitz, Arthur, 1879- [Browse] New York : Bloch Pub. Co., 1935. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 893.15 M575
384. Social ethics of the Jews : with selected texts from Biblical and Talmudic literature / by Arthur Meyerowitz. Meyerowitz, Arthur, 1879- [Browse] New York : Bloch Pub. Co., 1935. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » QY26 M61
385. Die Heiligen Bücher des Alten Bundes : in deutscher Übersetzung und mit Anmerkungen / von Friedrich Karl Jonat. Braunschweig : Hellmuth Wollermann, [1934] Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 357 GerView Record for Full Availability
386. Old Testament narratives / selected and edited by George Henry Nettleton. New York : Henry Holt, 1934, c1909. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » Bi 525.309.25
387. The Old Testament. [Westminster version of the Sacred Scriptures] London ; New York : Longmans, Green, 1934- Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » *YCL (Bible. O.T. English. 1934-53. Old Testament)View Record for Full Availability
388. The story of David / Reprinted from the Authorised version, with 11 wood-engravings by John Farleigh. London : A & C Black, Ltd., 1934. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 221.52 F34
389. Héber bibliai olvasmányok magyar forditással és nyelvi elemzéssel. Budapest, Schlesinger, 1932. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » HunL 630.4.17
390. The wisdom book; a collection of sayings from the wisdom books, compiled, with a short introduction, by George A. Birmingham [pseud.] London, E. Benn, Ltd. [1932] Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » *YIS (Birmingham) (Bible. O.T. Selections. English. 1932. Wisdom book)
391. La poésie biblique ; introduction à la poeśie biblique, et trente chants de circonstance / par Édouard Dhorme. Dhorme, E. (Edouard), 1881- [Browse] Paris : B. Grasset, [1931] Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 220.8 D539
392. Zwei Bobbienser palimpseste mit Frühestem Vulgatatext aus Cod. vat. lat. 5763, u. Cod. carolin. guelferbytanus: Eine Unzialhandschrift des 5. Jahrh. mit Texten aus dem Richterbuche und dem Buche Ruth. Eine Handschrift in Halbunziale des 6. Jahrh. mit Texten aus dem Buche Iob / Herausgegeben und bearbeitet von P. Alban Dold ... Anhang: Geschabte Paulustexte der 1. Hälfte des 7. Jahrh. mit einer gleichzeitigen unbekannten Liste Paulinischer Leseabschnitte in einer Bobbienser Handschrift (Cod. vat. lat. 5755) ... Beuron ; Hohenzollern : Verlag der Kunstschule der Erzabtei, 1931. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » CB60 D66 Z
393. Biblja szaroszpatacka ; podobizna kodeksu bibljoteki ref. gimnazjum w Szaroszpataku / Wydał Ludwik Bernacki. Kraków : Polska Akademja Umiejętności, 1930. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 220 B474
394. The epic of the Old Testament ; selected passages arranged in chronological sequence with their historical background / by Arthur H. Wood. London : Oxford university press, H. Milford, 1930. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 221.52 F30
395. A history of the Hebrew people from the earliest times to the year 70 A.D. : largely in the language of Bible, prepared by George A. Barton. New York, London : The Century co., [1930], [©1930] Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 893.19 B47
396. A history of the Hebrew people from the earliest times to the year 70 A.D. : largely in the language of Bible, prepared by George A. Barton. New York, London : The Century co., [1930], [©1930] Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » HP30 B29
397. Det Gamle Testamente / oversatt av S. Michelet, Sigmund Mowinckel og N. Messel. Oslo : H. Aschehoug & Co. (W. Nygaard), 1929-<1955> Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » CB82.4 1929mView Record for Full Availability
398. Il Kotba Mgaddsa, maglubin u mfissrin bil-Malti [microform] Minn P.P. Saydon. Malta, Empire Press [1929]- Book, Microform ReCAP - Remote Storage » *ZO-14
399. The kingdom and the power and the glory; stories of faith and marvel selected from the king James version of the Old Testament and decorated by James Daugherty. New York : Knopf, 1929. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » ReCAP .b171500003View Record for Full Availability
400. The kingdom, and the power, and the glory : stories of faith and marvel / selected from the King James Version of the Old Testament and decorated by James Daugherty. New York : Knopf, 1929. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » TM43.7 B58 O